Author Topic: .info really needs a 24 thread...  (Read 10836 times)

Jim Cobb

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.info really needs a 24 thread...
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2007, 12:04:17 pm »
i\'ve never watched this show.  i\'d like to take a day and watch an entire season.  which do you all recommend?
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« Reply #61 on: April 09, 2007, 12:06:10 pm »
season 1

Jim Cobb

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.info really needs a 24 thread...
« Reply #62 on: April 09, 2007, 12:07:14 pm »
i\'m sold.
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« Reply #63 on: April 09, 2007, 10:06:15 pm »
now THAT was 24!!!


welcome back!


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« Reply #64 on: April 09, 2007, 10:34:20 pm »
i guess since the nine was cancelled, audrey needed


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« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2007, 11:02:41 am »
Quote from: davepeck;141564
now THAT was 24!!!


welcome back!

Really ? I am rather surprised.

I don\'t care about Audrey, never really liked her in the first place. And now the remainder of the season is potentially going to be Chinese AGAIN and Audrey AGAIN.

Fonzi is just about to nail his landing on those water skis
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

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« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2007, 12:24:33 pm »
while i kinda had a feeling this was gonna happen, it can only get better. but the struggle lastnight between jack and fayed? was fuckin awesome.  jack is a murderin sunbitch


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« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2007, 01:26:09 pm »
i don\'t care about audrey either, but if there\'s one thing the first half of this season has showed me, it\'s that this show needs to get the hell away from the president, the white house, bombs, etc, because they\'re just doing the same shit over and over again and it\'s OLD.

i also had a feeling the whole audrey thing wasn\'t just going to go away, but i am welcoming this season\'s PART 2 with open arms!

and jack & fayed going at it (and the RESULT) was the best thing that has happened on this show in a long, long time. finally some damn action!


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« Reply #68 on: May 01, 2007, 10:40:08 am »
i feel like this entire season has been a bullet wound to the stomach and im dying a slow death. so glad there are only 3 episodes left so i can stop anticipating something good to happen that will never materialize.

on a side note, audrey should have stolen jacks gun last night and blasted him. that would have been the biggest curveball this show ever threw and it would have redeemed the season. jacks death is long overdue.
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« Reply #69 on: May 01, 2007, 11:01:08 am »
this show is such a shadow of its former self it\'s not even funny. rehashed storyline after rehashed storyline.. UGH. really, really shitty season. last night was cringeworthy. can\'t even take it anymore.

i definitely *will not* be watching next season on a week-to-week basis. they really need to shake things up a bit.


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« Reply #70 on: May 01, 2007, 12:13:06 pm »
I agree 100% the show has finally gone stale, it was bound to happen.  Jack\'s screaming at people is getting old, as well as his agent one minute, fugitive the next minute bit.

I never saw Season 1, but have heard good things about it and will rent it sometime. I have seen almost every episode since, and for me my ratings would be Season 2>3>4>5.
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« Reply #71 on: May 01, 2007, 12:41:59 pm »
from tvguide:

Let\'s face it — 24 simply ain\'t what it used to be. Granted, living up to last season\'s benchmark was a near-impossible feat, but still... this season has been lambasted by many for being highly derivative of "days" gone by and even harder-to-believe than expected. Addressing the backlash, executive producer Howard Gordon tells the Los Angeles Times, "It hurts to hear the criticism," then goes on to say that such words which haven\'t killed Jack Bauer will only make him stronger next timer around. "It\'s been a challenging season to write... but it\'s reinvigorated our determination to reinvent the show," says Gordon. "This year could be... the last iteration of its current state."

What sort of "reinvention" does Gordon have in mind? "I\'ve got a couple of ideas, none of which I could even begin to share responsibly," he says. "[But] it won\'t be a musical." So much for ever hearing "It Had to be CTU (Bauer\'s Ballad)."


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« Reply #72 on: May 01, 2007, 12:43:56 pm »
Laughable is all I can say about last night. Thank god for Heroes. It is kind of fun to watch 1 show coming down the mountain while the other climbs it.

The whole intrigue at the white house has been silly to say the least.
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

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« Reply #73 on: May 01, 2007, 12:45:23 pm »
season 3 and 2 are def the best. i lean a little more towards season 3 because of the jail breakout sequence, salazar vs salazar plot and the fact that it takes place across different cities instead of just the greater L.A. area. i would put season 1 ahead of 4.
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« Reply #74 on: May 08, 2007, 11:16:05 am »
3 more hours to go. thank god.

remember when this show used to keep you on the edge of your seat? this season is such a heaping pile of steaming shit, it\'s not even funny.

CTU is invaded (again). unfortunately, this was not even CLOSE to being a surprise, as the billion radio spots i heard for the show yesterday completely spoiled it. at that point, i decided i *really* don\'t care about this season anymore, and i decided to read what i\'m going to spoilerize below...

i certainly wouldn\'t feel safe if 24\'s CTU was protecting me.. i mean, how many times have they been infiltrated/compromised now?? you would think they\'d know about empty warehouses 600 meters away from their facility, no?? :sigh:

because i read what\'s below, i knew milo was going to die at some point. not that i care. he\'s pretty much been a twit since they brought him back this year, and he won\'t be missed.

OMG!! DADDY BAUER IS BACK!!! but rather than finding out in the last 5 minutes of the episode like we should have, it was spoiled by the opening credits (thanks, guys!).. fuckin a..

hmm.. a bauer in a ventilation shaft while a terrorist points a gun at a loved one while they count down to the execution unless he shows himself... UMMMMMMMMMM....... SEASON 4, ANYONE?!?

they\'re not even fucking trying anymore.

tom lenox and the VP have been listening to that chick getting nailed for a good half hour now, with no sign of stopping...

jack doesn\'t take the dead guys\' weapons and give them to marilyn and the kid?! really??!

not to mention that they have a ton of loose ends to tie up in the last 3 hours.. the bauer family drama, the CTU soap opera nonsense, audrey and her dad, wayne palmer\'s condition, logan\'s fate (remember him?), the situation with the chinese and russians, the unsigned resignation in the VP\'s pocket. jesus..

well, anyways, spoiler time. like i said, i don\'t usually do the spoiler thing, but i\'ve really lost it for this show this year, so i went ahead and read it.

below is a summary of the first draft of the script for the season finale. so i guess it is subject to change, though the end sounds interesting.


Act 1

This is a summary of the first act...

Keep in mind. This is summarized from a first draft version of the script. It is unknown what will change in the final airing.

At the white house, Admiral Smith is telling Daniels that Russians are in final stages of preparing for the attack. Jack is on the phone with Nadia and Chloe. They are trying to find the Jet Ski and what it is trying to reach. Finnaly, it hits Jack. Phillip owns oil leases. He tells Chloe to check for drilling platforms. She finds an abandoned platform 24 miles to the southwest.

At the platform, Phillip is talking to Josh about how everything he owns, like that platform, will be his one day. Josh doesn\'t want anything and wants to go to Marilyn. Cheng buts in and also tells Josh that it would be smart to join them in going to China. Cheng and Phillip talk about the sub-circuit board being validated and that in 12 hours, Phillip will be in Beijing.

Back at CTU, Chloe find the platform on Satellite. After using infared, she sees several people. They dispatch Tac Teams to the target. Nadia tells the white house that they found Phillip and are sending in Tac Teams. Admiral Smith suggests sending in an air strike and obliterate the platform, the people, and the circuit board. Karen brings up there Josh in there. And he has a better chance surviving if the Tac Team goes in. Daniels doesn\'t care and orders for the airstrike.

Bill is being attended to by a medic. Jack tells him the situation and tells him to go back to CTU. Doyle tells Jack that they got orders to stand down from the white house because of the airstrike. Doyle and Jack realize that would kill Josh. Jack convinced Doyle to use the chopper themselves and go in. Doyle aggress and they take off with some guns and grenades. Hurray Doyle. (commercial)

Act 2

Daniels and Co. get Suvarov on video conference. Daniels tells him to hold off on military action because they have found the Chinese agents and that he ordered a strike to destroy their location. Suvarov thinks Daniels and lying to stall because he did that before. Daniels says they have the chip being sent to their embassy so they can see that its really recovered. Daniels says he\'s not lying, but that they were able to duplicate the chip and have another copy. After some more chit chat, Suvarov agrees to wait 30 minutes for them to take the Chinese out, or he will have to proceed with his military action.

Jack is called by Chloe and Nadia. They are mad, but agree to help them out and tell them where men are stationed and tell them they have only 18 minutes before the jets attack the rig. Chloe gets up and walks away, but then collapses. Morris helps her up and she says she got dizzy all the sudden. Nadia tells her to go to medical. Jack tells Doyle his plan and setting down the helicopter and taking out the guards.

Cheng gets word that the submarine is 15 minutes away. Cheng tells Phillip. Phillip tells Josh that they are going to China on the sub, but it seems Josh doesn\'t care anymore. He says he isn\'t going to fight anymore. Then he asks to talk to Marilyn. Phillip calls her on speaker. Josh tells her that he understands now, how Phillip is right and stuff. She starts to cry. Cheng says they hear a helicopter. Phillip hangs up.

Doyle says there are 13 minutes left until the jets are in range. They start shooting and land the helicopter. They are pinned down. Jack blows this thing up blowing up a few of the shooters. (You know, like at the Airport in season 5, jack is pinned down under a airplane. He shoots a white canister and it blows up the shooters) Some more gunfights. They find Cheng, bleeding from a gunshot wound. They corner him. Jack tells him that they know he has the chip still and they sent jets to take out the place. Jack says he would like nothing more then to kill him, but he will let him go if he tells him where Phillip and Josh are. Cheng doesn\'t believe Jack, and jumps off the oil rig into the ocean 150 feet below.

I know, I know, horrible death scene for such a character you want to see get manhandled by Jack.

Jack is stunned. Doyle reminds Jack that there is less then 10 minutes left. Commercial.

Act 3

6 minutes left until jets reach oil rig. Jack finds a building with communication satellites and electricity on. Doyle sees 2 guards hiding to surprise attack them. Jack and Doyle sneak around. Phillip is watching on camera. Someone Chinese speaks on the walkie. They are asking for a "Dragonfly". Phillip responds and says "Dragonfly" is dead, and that 2 Americans attacked them, but are now neutralized. The Chinese sub commander asks for the package. Phillip says he has it. They agree to keep the rendezvous the same.

Phillip and Josh leave the building to another place. Jack and Doyle are trailing nearby, and Jack sees Phillip cross his path behind a weakened fence. Josh follows shortly after. Jack calls out to him and says he will get him out of there. Josh looks at him as Jack is trying to break the fence, but then Josh just keeps going and following Phillip. Jack is like wtf Josh. Phillip hears Jack and shoots over at him and leaves. Jack and Doyle break the fence.

Phillip is trying to lower a boat into the water and asks for help. With his back turned, Josh grabs a pipe and hits Phillip with it and takes his gun. Josh lets him know that he was never going to go with him to China. Phillip is trying to talk sense into Josh, but then Josh shoots Phillip in the shoulder. Josh takes a step forward and before he shoots again, Jack arrives and talks sense into Josh.

While they hug, Phillip climbs/falls down to the deck below. Jack tells Doyle to take Josh to the chopper. Jack quickly catches up to Phillip. Phillip tells Jack to shoot him, but Jack doesn\'t want to. Jack tells Phillip about a strike being minutes away. Phillip reveals being Josh\'s father. Phillip tells Jack not to die here, and tells him to go. Jack leaves to the chopper.

Phillip sees the submarine arrives, but also sees two jets coming. Daniels is told the jets are in range and he gives the order to shoot. Doyle is yelling at Jack in the headset asking where he is. The jets shoot the missiles. Jack reaches the platform and dives into the chopper and the missiles hit the oil platform. Doyle takes off just as explosions are going off right behind the chopper and they get away. Then we see the submarine slide back into the water.

Act 4

This act and the last act seem to be the shortest.

Daniels and Suvarov are coming to an agreement that the chip and everyone on the rig has been destroyed. Daniels and Suvarov are sending in divers to find remains of the component (um, yeah right, find a chip in an ocean at night). They end their video conversation, and Karen asks to speak to Daniels and Lennox alone.

Karen wants to resign and wants Daniels to tell the attorney general to exculpate Bill from the Abu Fayed matter so she can take the fall. At first, they both don\'t want to her doing any of that, but she convinces them to help her sign off on it.

Bill is at CTU medical. Karen calls him. They do some more lovin\' talk. Nothing important. Then Karen tells him that he wont need to deal with the Fayed thing, but doesn\'t tell him that it is because she resigned. She tells him she\'ll be coming to LA soon to see him.

Chloe and Morris are in another medical room waiting for the doctor to come in and let them know why she fainted. To her and Morris\' surprise, the doctor tells her that she in pregnant. They hug, and we go to the final commercial of the season.

Act 5

Doyle, Jack, and Josh arrive at CTU. Nadia tells them that divers found fragments of the circuit board. Josh and Jack go to see Marilyn. Josh and his mom talk. Jack tells Josh to be checked out in medical.

Marilyn says it its possible, she would like to pick up where they left off in the past. She is about to tell Jack who Josh\'s real father is, but Jack tells her he already knows. It wasn\'t exactly rape. She says she can\'t explain it, but he didn\'t force himself on her. Jack says no need to explain and that it will take a long time before he can try again with anyone. She says except with Audrey? Jack looks away. She says however long it takes, she\'ll be waiting. (I don\'t know Audrey\'s fate, that\'s all I have on her)

Doyle and Nadia are talking. Doyle says he\'s interested in going out with her, and she agrees. Nadia says "There\'s something I have to do, first. Milo left a mother and a younger sister... They haven\'t been told yet. I thought I\'d do it in person. It\'s the least I can do..." Milo...Dies? Then text says that "Milo\'s ghost prevents a kiss for now, but their eyes affirm their growing attraction."

Morris and Chloe are talking about the baby and see Jack walk by and tell him the good news. Morris asks for advice on parenthood, and Jack replies with "Don\'t be afraid to let it change you." Jack walks over to the next medical room and talks to Bill.

Bill asks Jack what he\'s going to do from here. Jack says he\'s not sure, but whatever it is, it wont be at CTU. Karen calls Bill and Jack gives him his privacy.

Now Jack is walking through CTU. The show wants to point out Jack seeing everyone being together. Chloe is with Morris. Doyle is with Nadia. Buchanan is on the phone with Karen. But Jack is all alone. Jack walks outside. We watch him walk down the street and down an alleyway.

Jack hears a gun being chambered and freezes. Then someone says "Step into the alley. Slowly. Keep your hands behind your head. Turn around, very slowly." Jack turns around, and registers pure shock as the script says.
The person lowers HIS gun and smiles a little. There is a car parked next to him. The person says "Get in, Jack. There\'s a lot I have to tell you." Jack gets in and the car peels out.

End of season.

Some potential changes in the finale:

In episode 23, when Bill rescues Jack from the 2 CTU agents, he wont be getting shot.

Instead, it is Doyle who gets injured (possibly to write him off). It seems to happen around the time of the exchange of Josh and the fake chip. Something terrible happens to his eyes, I\'m not sure what, but later in the episode Jack tells CTU that he may be blind in one or both eyes for the rest of his life. Perhaps the man on the jetski throws acid into his eyes or maybe the chip is designed to explode into his face? Anyways, it was nice knowing you Mike.

Another big change is Cheng. Most of us were dissapointed that he kills himself when Jack corners him. This time, they capture Cheng and put him in custody and take him back to CTU.

Another change, not too important, is that Chloe finds out shes pregnant without Morris, and the doctor says he can\'t tell him whats wrong with Chloe because he is her Ex husband. But Chloe eventually tells him herself. Previously, the doctor told them both.

Jared Hastings (the man who comes to take over CTU) is now named Ben Kram.

And I noticed something interesting in the shooting schedule. It calls for a stunt double for James Heller. Hmm? what could that be about?

I will have one more post after this. I\'m not exactly sure how it fits into the show. It may just be a DVD extra, but its an interesting debriefing between Jack and 2 agents which takes place after the 24 episode. I never bought any season dvds, have they done something like this before?[/spoiler]

if the end is true, i\'m guessing that somehow, it will be [spoiler]david palmer[/spoiler] but who knows??