so im now posting on monday for the first time cuz everyone in my house with a computer is gone and i just got to the library to say:
2)Overall attendance was good, .info prescence=meh.... I mean i probably only saw 10-15 people i knew (and god knows i am ridiculously popular)
3)First set was sandwhich-city, and i ate it up!! mm mm good!! i\'ve always said that i thought i liked slow merge better than regular(?) merge... and this show sealed the deal... that shit is griiiiimy!!
4)2nd set was super hot jams throughtout, as Stephengencs made clear... But the STL was where i\'m pretty sure i was gettin down harder than i ever have before - that shit was NUUUTS... people were freakin, for sure
5)regarding the food for thought, im pretty sure they are out of order and there was more of them... i know for sure that the last thought was : "Thought 5: BRILLIANT!!"... whether this means BRILLIANT was a thought twice, or whatever, i dont know... im sure the tapes will tell.....:idunno:
6)The phishyness was much fun, people obviously knew what was goin down, and absolutely lovin it- tweeprise = :drool:
7)booztravler-sweet get up as the guinness guys, those \'staches were classy.... you almost didnt even look like ralph maccio
for ser tho... people should be gettin out and seein these guys, you never know how long it will last....:sadban:
coincidence that someone named "Rainbow" worked their way into johnny upstate\'s setlist?? me thinketh not.
hahahaha.... well played papapeck