Shit was silly. They took it to amazing levels during the 2nd set. Totally worth the spur of the moment 250+ mile drive. Frankly>Slow Merge>Frankly was very fine. Had some marvellous jams throughout the set especially nearing the segue from Tunage>Funky Bill\'s, christ it\'s been a while since I last saw that one. I didn\'t know what the fuck was goin\' on with that little fuckin\' dude Rainbow or whoever he was woke up from the first set, got up from the couch, hopped up on stage and sang in a spanish/asian accent the Star Spangled Banner and "Godah Bress America," and then got down and went back to bed for the rest of the night. I also thought it was funny when "Tweezer" started as I ordered my drinks and the bartender chick was like "REALLY!?!?" and then just started dancin\' like a damn fool. I don\'t like saying "best ever" but it seems like STL (inverted or not) gets better every single time I see it, it was just that good though. Gladys made me feel the same way, but the Superfly that has eluded me for so long could hide no longer from me and when they neared the end I don\'t think anyone wasn\'t jumping or bouncing or yelling or whatever. Who\'d of thought of a Tweezer reprise, I mean what the fuck?!? And then them actually answering that lame chant that I can\'t seem to escape by playing one more song after the encore was surprising, seeing the happiness and excitement all over their faces was fuckin great, I always like when the band gets the same feeling playing as we do watching. And thanks to FieryBill for lighting a "fire" in my car. Great fuckin\' time!