Author Topic: 8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy  (Read 2909 times)


  • Jai Guru Deva Om
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2008, 03:27:52 pm »
Quote from: booztravlr;199739
Synergy is probably the most Phish sounding song the breakfast has written. So, to say this...

Quote from: Overexjoesure;199738
This band is really shaping to be at par with Phish, something I\'ve always said, and can now finally hear come into fruition.

and follow it up with this...

Quote from: Overexjoesure;199738
Synergy,  one of the saddest Bfast efforts to date.

is quite contradictory, don\'t you think?


Let me restate that.  Synergy sounds nothing like Phish.  The latin parts are extremely generic. In fact they sound more like one of Kyle Hollingsworth\'s compositions than anything else.  Never in my life did I think they would ever sound like SCI, but they do.  The song\'s bridge  is note for note the same as the intro to Umphrey\'s "Prowler".  Synergy is a hodgepodge of every generic chord progression and jamband cliche.  Now, Tunage on the other hand...... :)

In reference to the band being on par with Phish, I should of been more clear.  Their improvisation is getting to that point.
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2008, 04:01:24 pm »
Quote from: Overexjoesure;199743
Quote from: booztravlr;199739
Synergy is probably the most Phish sounding song the breakfast has written. So, to say this...

Quote from: Overexjoesure;199738
This band is really shaping to be at par with Phish, something I\'ve always said, and can now finally hear come into fruition.

and follow it up with this...

Quote from: Overexjoesure;199738
Synergy,  one of the saddest Bfast efforts to date.

is quite contradictory, don\'t you think?


Let me restate that.  Synergy sounds nothing like Phish.  The latin parts are extremely generic. In fact they sound more like one of Kyle Hollingsworth\'s compositions than anything else.  Never in my life did I think they would ever sound like SCI, but they do.  The song\'s bridge  is note for note the same as the intro to Umphrey\'s "Prowler".  Synergy is a hodgepodge of every generic chord progression and jamband cliche.  Now, Tunage on the other hand...... :)


I to some extent do agree with you.  That one bridge part ive said right from the start (in some other thread when the song was first debuted) is a HUGE rip off other bands.  I originally said it sounds exactly like the main riff in u-melt\'s schitzophrenia, but now that you say it it also sounds exactly like prowler.  The song does kind of sound like it is just a bunch of random parts pasted together in a random fashion, which really effects how the song flows.  

There are parts of the song I think are great though, and the jam segment is usually terrific.  However, as I\'ve stated before in another thread about Glady\'s Pimp, its never a good thing when you are anxiously waiting for a song to get to the jam part because the composed part isn\'t very good.

With that said, this Tunage is one of the best jams ive ever heard by any band
DS Newbers


  • Ser Face Tunage
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2008, 04:22:07 pm »
Tunage is more hardcore breakfasty and was hands down my fav song till the vocal jam fiasco and its still top  3 right now with syn and HLH based just on 2008 versions but I dont agree with the claim that synergy is generic jam band style.

Thats just hater vision.

Its built off traditional sounding hooks but it takes on a life of its own. The beauty of it is in the patchwork. Its classic maybe, but it is def not generic. This hook or that hook might sound like one song or another but show me a song that sounds like synergy through and through and Ill take you seriously. Just saying its built on common progressions and the bridge sounds like whatever song, therefor its just a generic jam band ripoff of a song is a pretty weak and shallow argument. Your missing the big picture.

 And joe even if your too closed minded/anti-jam band to hang with the composed section dont throw the baby out with the bath water, the song still produces some amazing nect level jams. Have you even seen one live or listened to the utica version?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 04:41:42 pm by Klout »


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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2008, 04:39:56 pm »
that definitely was not as good as the harluck


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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2008, 06:18:55 pm »
its nowhere near as tight as the HLH. Yea it goes places but in a kinda wanky fashion.

Here is how I would break it down...

D-Street Tunage
Experimentation: 9.5
Tastefulness: 7.5
Tightness: 7

Noho HLH
Experimentation: 9
Tastefulness: 10
Tightness: 9

Utica Synergy:
Experimentation: 7
Tastefulness: 9
Tightness: 8

church mooboo\'s:
Experimentation: 6
Tastefulness: 10
Tightness: 10

Kinetic Queeb:
Experimentation: 4
Tastefulness: 9
Tightness: 9

I hope someone releases the river street show because they were clicking on all cylinders.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 08:10:55 pm by Klout »


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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2008, 07:18:48 pm »
for the first 3, i agree with pretty much everything, except i would put a 10 for experimentation and 8 for tightness on the D-street tunage, and i would bring the noho tightness to a 9, becuase there are a few slip ups that make it not worth a perfect 10.
DS Newbers


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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2008, 08:13:07 pm »
good points...I think a 9.5 fair.


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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2008, 11:28:17 pm »
i wake baked before work today (bad idea by the way) and listened to the hlh, and it almost brought tears to my eyes.  such an icredible, unbelievable jam.  i think it is the best jam ive ever seen/ heard them play


  • Jai Guru Deva Om
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2008, 12:35:04 am »
Quote from: Klout;199752
Tunage is more hardcore breakfasty and was hands down my fav song till the vocal jam fiasco and its still top  3 right now with syn and HLH based just on 2008 versions but I dont agree with the claim that synergy is generic jam band style.

Thats just hater vision.

Its built off traditional sounding hooks but it takes on a life of its own. The beauty of it is in the patchwork. Its classic maybe, but it is def not generic. This hook or that hook might sound like one song or another but show me a song that sounds like synergy through and through and Ill take you seriously. Just saying its built on common progressions and the bridge sounds like whatever song, therefor its just a generic jam band ripoff of a song is a pretty weak and shallow argument. Your missing the big picture.

 And joe even if your too closed minded/anti-jam band to hang with the composed section dont throw the baby out with the bath water, the song still produces some amazing nect level jams. Have you even seen one live or listened to the utica version?

A. I\'m probably the least musical closed minded person on the board, which is why I can hear the poor structure and unoriginality of Synergy.  I have the Utica version on my ipod.  The jam is great, but I could do without the actual song.  

I can show you probably a million progressive rock songs, hell, even jamband songs that make Synergy sound like the theme song to Lambchop\'s Play Along.  That, and I used specific song examples to cite the triteness of Synergy.  Do you want more?  ok here we go..

The opening section sounds like String Cheese Incident\'s "Come As You Are" or Phish "Landlady".

The second section, rock riff, sounds like "Eat the Rich" by Aerosmith.

The next section sounds like "Hydroponic" by 311, with a vocal section that sounds like a poor outtake from "Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik"

Then the aforementioned "The Prowler" rip off.

The next section is original! thumbs up

Then after the "Hey", sounds like a "Hard Luck Harry" rip-off.

Then they go into what sounds like "Optimistic Thought" by Blues Traveler.

Then the jam, thank Christ......
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  • Ser Face Tunage
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2008, 01:06:06 am »
a)you stole the lamb chops play along comparisson from me punk! The message "come along with me and blah blah blahhh blah" sounds like lamb chops not syn. use the search function.

b)re-read my original post, namely the big paragraph in the middle. you missed the whole point of it! I didnt ask for more comparisons. quite the opposite. seriously, read it again.

c)come back after you have seen it live. Its fun shit!

d)saw the prog rock card coming out a mile away. moving on....

e)good discussion. at least your willing to TRY to break things down unlike most of the newbs that spam up this board these days :D join the best jam of the year thread, get up to speed on the ones that have been scored by me and post accordingly based on your own warped opinions ;) also since u think syn sucks so bad hit up the top 10 (or some other number) breakfast songs thread. my posts on syn there will really get you fired up and you can be an even bigger hater and look like an even bigger dooze brain after it owns your face live and you come crawling back begging forgiveness for your misguided syn hatin ways.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 01:22:11 am by Klout »


  • Jai Guru Deva Om
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2008, 01:27:13 am »
Don\'t remember the Lambchop comparison.  I thought you just called the Message gay and that was that.

I don\'t get your so-called big picture of "Synergy", that it\'s a great launchpad for jams?  Patchwork schmackwork,  Shit,  "Uncle Freddy" could be epic if they added three quick chords and a heavy drumbeat at the end.  Because in reality, it\'s all about those last few bars before the jam that matters.

(actually now that I think of it, playing Uncle Freddy at normal pace, and then repeating it at a drum and bass beat would be amazing and certainly entertaining than Synergy)

  I have seen Synergy live.. And I almost fell asleep.. seriously.

Prog rock card?  Shit, do you listen to "prog rock"...  There are bands who will literally rip open your ear hole and shit down your neck with epicness, and your hooked on "Synergy", which YES, takes various songs from other artists (and themselves for that HLH section) and is pawned off as a EPIC B-fast tune.....  

Mooboo\'s is Epic
Scheme is Epic
hell, Doughboy is Epic, but Synergy, a song named after a fucking Kombucha drink.  Cracka please!!

I\'ve read your Synergy rants and kept my mouth shut until this last onslaught of nonsense.  Last time I was this upset with a Breakfast song was Tricky Ways ::shudders:::
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 01:27:13 am by Overexjoesure »
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2008, 01:50:59 am »
hit up the rank the new tunes thread too. I wanna see where you put synergy and LD in relation to The message and the others.

I just got on so I am down for your best prog rock recomendations if your willing to share the blessed knowledge. I would appreciate it actually.

hahaha tricky ways rocks ;)

also since you dropped the E-bomb...scheme is obviously a way more epic composition, you dont have to point that out. My love for synergy is all about whats hot in 2008 with this new band. out with the old in the with the new. I have heard all the old shit so many times. I still love it but ya gotta embrace whats fresh sometimes. Honestly some of the rush jams I have heard lately have been putting that back into the top spot of new tunes. utica syn is truly worthy of an E-bomb though. The tunage this thread was about originally is good but doesnt touch it.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 01:52:33 am by Klout »


  • Jai Guru Deva Om
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2008, 01:54:27 am »
I never got a What.Cd invite, so I have no idea what they have on there.  If I did, I\'d be able to give you 100 albums instantly that would make you rethink every note you\'ve heard since birth.  Trust me... The second I got REALLY into prog, fusion, krautrock, I could barely stomach ANY jambands for a good 5 years. It\'s only recently that I\'m able to slowly appreciate them again...

Currently listening to RAQ\'s "Tunnel Vision" (see how funny we can be sometimes!!)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 01:54:27 am by Overexjoesure »
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  • Ser Face Tunage
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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2008, 01:57:27 am »
so give me something, anything...maybe they have it maybe they dont but you cant go making statements like that and back it up with absolutely nada brah

give me the supposed 100 albums and I bet they will have at least 25 of them. Its not oink but its the closest thing to it right now.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 01:58:18 am by Klout »


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8/15/2008 Tunage >> Utica Synergy
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2008, 02:31:21 am »
excellent banter, would read again.
taints rule, gypsies drool!