Doesn\'t every fully stocked bar serve Grateful Deads? If not, then their bartender is pretty terrible.
I don\'t like Grateful Deads at all... They are totally inconsistent, everyone makes them totally different. They don\'t taste that great; they\'re just strong. Heh... all of the bartenders I know tend to card ANYONE who orders a Grateful Dead... it seems to be the drink of kids who don\'t know anything about ordering mixed drinks.
But if you like \'em, so be it.
My boyfriend made a drink recently which was a variation of a long island that was pretty good. A little sweet for me, but great for people who want a REALLY strong drink that is still sweet. It\'s called Booze in a Glass. Ha. It\'s basically all of the clear booze from a Long Island Iced Tea: vodka, tequila, rum, triple sec, gin. No cola or sweet & sour mix. Then you add SoCo, amaretto, sloe gin, and just a splash of OJ. Has to be served in a pint glass to work. 8 different alcohols and a totally illegal but pretty decent tasting drink.
I used to listen to OAR in college... I saw their show @ the Oakdale a few years ago, too! :duck:
::runs for cover, dodging tomatoes::