Kiana\'s 1st breakfast show was 8/4/02. She was 16 days old
That said ... while some people love it and can party with their kids, I find that I enjoy shows less, obviously have to behave *better*, and at this point my kids don\'t have much fun at shows or fests.
for people that do a lot of shows and fests with their kids, they often get really into it and have a great time. i envy that a little, to be able to share that with your kids i think is fantastic. plus the kids form their own little circles of friends with other festie kids and they all for the most part seem to enjoy it.
ive seen some instances where i\'ve said *WOW* ... none of which i will bring up on here, at fests involving things people are doing while responsible for children, but those have not been the norm with people i know who do fests and shows with their little ones.
not sure how the setlist question turned into *this old* debate though