Alright...This is what i remember from this show....
1: Mayfly, Gravity > Wake Up In A Coma > Gravity, The Chase, Great Big Firey Ball In The Sky, Rufus
2: Vortex Part II or Blah Blah Jam > What The Funk, Welcome To This World
There may have been another song or two in the first set, but I cannot remember. The show was really good with the exception of the fact that there was nobody there. The room was nice and it sounded amazing. There was a giant disco ball hanging from the high ceiling and ellis had yellow light on it for Great Big. Ser effect. The new lights are the shit.
The Rufus was also pretty amazing, but the highlight of the night was the WTF and Welcome To This World.....
Here are some pics of the hotel we stayed in after the Lancaster show......