we saw the bridge on saturday night 4/28/07. left, bored, at setbreak. they weren\'t awful or anything, just not nearly as good as their fans seem to believe. maybe if we\'d\'ve had some of whatever most of the folks were on too much of... got home and had some really good nookie, though...
before that was last weekend 4/21/07, panic in raleigh. *great* show. was supposed to have caught ancient harmony in winston-salem on 4/20, but the gig got cancelled about halfway through my drive down there (2+ hours from home). luckily i have friends who called me and told me not to bother going all the way to w-s, as it was about an hour and a half furthur down the road than where i stayed for the panic show, so i just went there and waited for everyone else to get back from teh panic instead. the good thing is that there was a doug oade-built listening room (built the speakers and modified everything else!!), so i got to hear the 4/19 ancient harmony show sounding better than it did in the bar while waiting!