Screw Rufus or Buquebus - Bring back AHOY as a stand-alone song without May Fly!
ok, but that\'s like a 2 minute part of a song. it really doesn\'t even come close to the ser jams that are Rufus and Buquebus. btw when is the tournament of tunes? summer?
AHOY was actually a song on it\'s own for a short time before it was included at the end of May Fly! Also, I agree that it\'s doesn\'t fit the same jam category as Rufus or Buquebus, but does it have to be a jam to be a good song? There are many good PB/TB tunes that don\'t need to be jammed to rock and don\'t get as much credit: LDZ, Son of Simpleton, Uncle Freddy, Funky Bill\'s Circus Cliche, No Glove No Love or Question Mark. Don\'t get me wrong, I don\'t dislike the jam, but sometimes feel that it\'s forced, especially with the Trio (all the songs don\'t always have to include a couple minutes of guitar loop, so Tim can add keyboards. There are some songs where it works and others where it feels forced).
My two cents.