no one said anything about wanting people to get busted. i personally know the promoter and his family and i don\'t think he is one to skimp out on a paying a band, especially if it\'s one of hte only ones that will show up and perform.
there are actually several bands that are preforming:
The Breakfast, Bodhi, One-Eyed-Jack, The Breadbox Band, Maganahan\'s Revival, Apollo 76, Cosmic Trigger, Equalize, The Dramadies, The Attic, Apex Groove, Rocks from The Garden, Djibouti, Bus People, Funkwagon, Triggerlust, Monroe .st Band, Venture Lift, Shotgun Blues, Japhy Ryder, Liquid Fever, Dag, Greyspoke, One Track Mind, The Man, Positive Mental Trip, wiley dobs, Les Bicyclettes Blanches
the only band I know that got cut was the band Buddy Cage was playing with or atleast that is what I heard. that they couldn\'t afford them or something like that. Most of these bands are local is my understanding.