the official word from the powers that be about releasing the Switch Up show was, .info = ok; rest of intraweb = not so much.
so i knew of a torrent tracker product for vbulletin, and i\'ve been thinking about hooking it up for things just like this. figured with the Switch Up show, i may as well give it a whirl..
i don\'t expect it to get too much use, but it will be good for when things like this pop up. perhaps we could get the ok to even release some of the old Diesel Experiments here...
the installation is VERY barebones right now. basically just enough to get the Switch Up torrent up and moving. i\'ll be working on a lot of the other bells and whistles tomorrow.
please note that this is NOT a public tracker. it\'s also not for just anyone here to upload anything. the purpose of the tracker will be strictly for breakfast-related shows that are to remain in our community.
soooo.. go hop on the Switch Up torrent in the Score forum, and i\'ll have more on this whole thing tomorrow. bed time for now.