Author Topic: Beyond awesome part 2 - E8  (Read 4061 times)


  • the Bohr to your Einstein
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« on: March 23, 2007, 05:01:22 am »
mathmaticians crack E8, the string theory equasion that works in 8 dimensions and needs 248 dimensions to prove. If written out, the equasion would take up more space than the entire island of manhattan and as is it is just over 60gigs in size. It took a super computer 4 days to calculate and is larger than the human genome.

Quote from: press release
A Calculation the Size of Manhattan

Mathematicians solve E8 structure which will lead to potential new
discoveries in mathematics, physics and other fields

For Immediate Release
PALO ALTO, Calif., March 19, 2007
The American Institute of Mathematics (AIM), one of the leading
math institutes in the U.S., announced today that after four years
of intensive collaboration, 18 top mathematicians and computer
scientists from the U.S. and Europe have successfully mapped E8,
one of the largest and most complicated structures in mathematics.
Partners on this project included MIT, Cornell University, University
of Michigan, University of Utah and University of Maryland.

The findings will be unveiled today, Monday, March 19 at 2 p.m.
Eastern, at a presentation by David Vogan, Professor of Mathematics
at MIT and member of the team that mapped E8.  The presentation is
open to the public and is taking place at MIT, Building 1, Room

E8, (pronounced "E eight") is an example of a Lie (pronounced "Lee")
group. Lie groups were invented by the 19th century Norwegian
mathematician Sophus Lie to study symmetry. Underlying any symmetrical
object, such as a sphere, is a Lie group. Balls, cylinders or cones
are familiar examples of symmetric three-dimensional objects.
Mathematicians study symmetries in higher dimensions. In fact, E8
is the symmetries of a geometric object like a sphere, cylinder or
cone, but this object is 57-dimensional. E8 is itself is 248-dimensional.
For details on E8 visit

"E8 was discovered over a century ago, in 1887, and until now, no
one thought the structure could ever be understood," said Jeffrey
Adams, Project Leader and Mathematics Professor at the University
of Maryland. "This groundbreaking achievement is significant both
as an advance in basic knowledge, as well as a major advance in the
use of large scale computing to solve complicated mathematical
problems." The mapping of E8 may well have unforeseen implications
in mathematics and physics which wont be evident for years to come.

"This is an exciting breakthrough," said Peter Sarnak, Eugene Higgins
Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University and Chair of AIM\'s
Scientific Board. "Understanding and classifying the representations
of E8 and Lie groups has been critical to understanding phenomena
in many different areas of mathematics and science including algebra,
geometry, number theory, physics and chemistry. This project will
be invaluable for future mathematicians and scientists."

The magnitude and nature of the E8 calculation invite comparison
with the Human Genome Project. The human genome, which contains all
the genetic information of a cell, is less than a gigabyte in size.
The result of the E8 calculation, which contains all the information
about E8 and its representations, is 60 gigabytes in size. This is
enough to store 45 days of continuous music in MP3-format. If written
out on paper, the answer would cover an area the size of Manhattan.
The computation required sophisticated new mathematical techniques
and computing power not available even a few years ago. While many
scientific projects involve processing large amounts of data, the
E8 calculation is very different, as the size of the input is
comparatively small, but the answer itself is enormous, and very

"This is an impressive achievement", said Hermann Nicolai, Director
of the Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam, Germany. "While
mathematicians have known for a long time about the beauty and the
uniqueness of E8, we physicists have come to appreciate its exceptional
role only more recently. Understanding the inner workings of E8 is
not only a great advance for pure mathematics, but may also help
physicists in their quest for a unified theory."

According to Brian Conrey, Executive Director of the American
Institute of Mathematics, "The E8 calculation is notable for both
its magnitude as well as the way it was achieved. The mapping of
E8 breaks the mold of mathematicians typically known for their
solitary style. People will look back on this project as a significant
landmark and because of this breakthrough, mathematics is now a
team sport."


E8 visually


"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

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  • Mrs. Tickler
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 07:14:04 am »
:shrug: & it\'s articles like this that make me so glad I teach English, not math! ;)
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  • the Bohr to your Einstein
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 08:07:04 am »
Quote from: FreeSpirit;139748
:shrug: & it\'s articles like this that make me so glad I teach English, not [-]math[/-] physics! ;)

"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

"if i listened to the distance on repeat, i\'d be wearing yellow jerseys like a motherfucker" - zuke


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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 11:30:33 am »
Very interesting.

I wonder how the multi-dimensional calculations done with this will help with string theory if at all. I was watching a PBS special not to long ago on string theory and it discussed the multi-dimensional aspect of string theory and how in order to make the math work required numerous unprovable dimensions.

Perhaps this break through will lend itself to string or any universal theory
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2007, 11:34:29 am »
yea, string theory has come a long way since a breif history of time and escher, bach, gould where I first read about it. Those were both written in the 70s and it has advanced a lot since then but I have not gotten a good discription of the updates.
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

"if i listened to the distance on repeat, i\'d be wearing yellow jerseys like a motherfucker" - zuke


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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 12:20:25 pm »
And this helps me in my life how? :shrug:
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2007, 12:24:11 pm »
ya, i dont get it... sometimes .info makes me feel like im not as smart as i thought i was
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2007, 12:27:14 pm »
Unless this is going to end war, feed the hungry, house the homeless, make cars fly, or make marijuana legal, all I gotta say is "meh"......

Quote from: peaches626;139814
ya, i dont get it... sometimes .info makes me feel like im not as smart as i thought i was

Dont worry Peaches, Paul Ryan is an alien life form from a planet far far away.  He has an enlarged cranium, communicates with telepathy, and his species has enough knowledge to travel space and are still a smart guy TimmyTaint.  Though the fact that you and your friends refer to eachother as "taints" may contradict that statement entirely....
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 12:27:14 pm by Stephengencs »
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2007, 12:32:39 pm »
it\'s kinda funny about the taint thing.... cuz nowadays i just call alexi \'face and jay \'stain, with the "taint" part of the name just being assumed.... but somehow i end up being predominantly known as "timmytaint".... whatchagonnado?

on a sidenote (or maybe more appropriate for this thread)- althought i dont understand the E8 (did i pronounce it correctly?) i think it would look pretty headie as a poster in my room
« Last Edit: March 23, 2007, 12:32:39 pm by peaches626 »
taints rule, gypsies drool!


  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2007, 12:34:47 pm »
tap into the universe, brah!
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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2007, 12:41:09 pm »
Quote from: Todd;139813
And this helps me in my life how? :shrug:

Better designed structures for 1
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2007, 12:42:25 pm »
Quote from: FrankZappa;139744

E8 visually

meh... jon aruny drew that when he was in 6th grade..


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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2007, 12:45:23 pm »
Quote from: davepeck;139830
meh... jon aruny drew that when he was in 6th grade..

Spirograph doesn\'t count
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

    Frank Zappa, Artist as Genetic Design Flaw,
    Ecolibrium Interviews, Vol #19


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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2007, 12:56:22 pm »
Quote from: kindm\'s;139787
Very interesting.

I wonder how the multi-dimensional calculations done with this will help with string theory if at all. I was watching a PBS special not to long ago on string theory and it discussed the multi-dimensional aspect of string theory and how in order to make the math work required numerous unprovable dimensions.

Perhaps this break through will lend itself to string or any universal theory

i was just about to ask this...
take the E to the A to the\'ll be all set


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Beyond awesome part 2 - E8
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2007, 04:39:09 pm »
Cool stuff thanks for posting it up Paul I might have missed this otherwise.

I figure once better quantum computers are ready in a few years coming up with these kinds of equations will be cake.

I wish I knew more about this "E8" and how its multidimensional symmetries apply on a larger scale.. or if they do at all... or if this is just a theoretical object? Might just have to follow that link ... :)
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