so wait, where exactly is this taking place? is there a train that goes there?
Originally Posted by Lexington
Timmy Tour comes to
Willimantic! Due to severe financial traumas being experienced at the Mudshark Mansion, Tim Palmieri brings his solo acoustic act to Willa -rico for a special fund-raiser.
10$ at the door gets you:
beer (unlimited)
other goodies too scandalous to be listed
2 sets of acoustic mayhem
the satisfaction of helping out some broke taints/gypsies
come one come all, just rsvp to Lexington, Peaches, Sallyalli or Bezerker via pm so we can gauge the expected extent of debauchery.
woot woot!
Willimantic= Willimantic, CT... there are train tracks that run through this city somewhere, but i dont know where the closest stop is.... if you were even being serious.....
also, if you would like to see some pictures of the outside of our house last summer.... think I need to apologize to everyone
My simple joke about electric kool aid was supposed to be just a light hearted comment
Instead it ended up hijacking this thread and defeating the entire purpose of it
ya dick, stop trying to turn this into bisco tour.....