good to hear from you Reagan! Hope the west coast is treating you well.
It\'s treating me as well as it can. We had a dry winter, so fire season may be interesting. I got one of those "We haven\'t heard from you in forever, please stop by" emails a week or so ago and decided to check this site out again. Prior to the other night I hadn\'t been on since 2005. Whoops. I also refused to get internet for a year, but now I need it for work.
As for the comments about the shoes...yeah, I wear heels to work and take them off. I walk around my office barefoot most of the time. Luckily I haven\'t hit a staple yet.
"Walk A Mile..." is a great event and a lot of fun watching the guys try to walk in 4 inch heels. Several guys came up to me and said they respect me more because it sucked and they were in pain.
The guy I dragged into it bought his own shoes and they were wedges, so he kind of cheated. He was skipping down the road enjoying himself.
Hope you\'re well, Paul.