Early mornin\' calls Rufus breaks my balls
Ginseng is needed to listen to stories about saws
His tools meticulously arranged in the compartments on the side of his truck
Ladders, pumpjacks, etc., it all really sucks
Lay down tarps to keep the shingles off the grass
Hard to keep up with Rufus he strips so damn fast
He always yells and bitches at me
But he just loves to roof, that\'s the reason be
He\'s all about a hard days work
He loves his coffee and he never gets hurt
People say he looks like Alice Cooper
A lot like Alice he does great metal work
Quick with tarpaper and chimney flash
Runs shingles up the roof for the cats ass
Close eyes can\'t compare when on the rooftop
When it comes to roofin\' Rufus does the job
Next mornin\' Rufus calls and breaks my balls
Ginseng is needed to listen to stories about saws
His tools meticulously arranged in the compartments on the side of his truck
Ladders, pumpjacks, etc., it all really sucks
He\'s all about a hard days work
He loves his coffee and he never gets hurt
People say he looks like Alice cooper
A lot like Alice he does great metal work