Here\'s the recent Santa Monica show at 14-Below. Unfortunately my AD1000 decided to lose frequency lock at the beginning of the first vocal segment of Rufus so there is about 30 seconds missing. Apart from that, it\'s a nice sounding recording. I especially like the acoustic Escher\'s Etchings and the No Quarter. There was another taper there and if I can get hold of him, I\'ll see if I can get a copy of his source. Here\'s the info:
Psychedelic Breakfast
October 14, 2003
14 Below
Santa Monica, CA
Source: NAK CM-300/CP1 > AD1000 > D8
Transfer: D8 > Delta DIO 2496 > SF4.5 > CDWAV > shortn32.exe w/seek tables
Disc 1:
01. Episode 1 (Happy)
02. Rufus >
03. Superfly Phaddy Fat
04. Sexy Ways >
05. Sundance
06. The Chase
07. Sleeping Beauty
Disc 2:
01. Delia*
02. Escher\'s Etchings Pt. 2*
03. Needle and the Damage Done*
04. What the Funk >
05. Son of Simpleton
06. Drum Solo
07. Escher\'s Etchings Pt. 1 >
08. No Glove No Love
09. No Quarter
10. LDZ
* Jordan on melodica/harmonica/kazoo; Tim on acoustic guitar; Adrian on acoustic guitar; Ron on acoustic bass
There were two dropouts which resulted in losing most of the first vocal section of Rufus. These were caused by the AD1000 losing frequency lock.