Author Topic: Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA  (Read 11084 times)


  • Road Runner Baby
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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2007, 02:01:27 pm »
Lets not get all harsh on bar skanks.....
i would have had many a boring night out if it wasnt for the entertainment provided by bar its great to see non-bar skanks get all pissed off when they see bar skanks out and about......definitely a turn-on....
I stepped into a nightmare. Noticed you were right there. - Doozer
After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. -Mandela
Your Mom\'s a whore. - Broseph


  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2007, 02:36:21 pm »
Quote from: Spacey;134038
Derick, stop hitting girls. If they don\'t want the flier move on to the next person. We don\'t need a bad energy that if people don\'t take the fliers there going to get hit or beat up.

hey i remember someone telling me..... people can\'t make decisions for themselves they need to be told what they want and given it...... paraphrased, i just couldn\'t put it in that persons eloquent words.

"you WILL take a flier and you WILL show up to the show or i\'ll hunt you down and eat your first born......"
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

-. --- .-- / - .... .- - ... / -.. .. -.-. -.-


  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2007, 02:55:51 pm »
Quote from: derickw;134042
hey i remember someone telling me..... people can\'t make decisions for themselves they need to be told what they want and given it...... paraphrased, i just couldn\'t put it in that persons eloquent words.

"you WILL take a flier and you WILL show up to the show or i\'ll hunt you down and eat your first born......"


you were always one of my better students.
Love many, trust few and don\'t be late.


  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2007, 04:27:03 pm »
i\'ve been a faithful follower of the Prophet Broseph for sometime now.

some journeys are only to be recalled in the unconscious subconscious of and altered world for the better of humanity.


::as the sweet smell of Frankincense fills the air::

Well i\'m out.... see some of you MOE.clowns tonight, look for me, grab a handful of fliers, spread the good word.

PEACE, and keep a good eye out for the skanks
« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 04:30:23 pm by derickw »
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

-. --- .-- / - .... .- - ... / -.. .. -.-. -.-


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2007, 04:49:03 pm »
All this Boston hating is hurtin me bad.
Masturbation in the MFA


  • Taqueria Overexposure
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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2007, 07:48:10 pm »
Boston is a meathead city and meathead policies are enacted.  Ever seen the mayor?  That guy is an incoherent retard.  Unfortunately, stupid policies trample on the liberty of everyone else in town.  What\'s next, banning blue and red shirts for everyone because of feuding by largely illegal immigrant gangs?
Lobbying for a Kote>Beer Jubilee>Gypsy Girl>Prom 97>Vortex


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2007, 10:07:41 pm »
western mass = worlds away

but I don\'t wanna offend several million people so I\'ll leave it at that ;)
Put the pointed pencil in the pepper-po and take a little sniff of the things below. :sadban:

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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2007, 09:59:33 am »
Boston sucks.  I\'m born and raised here and I moved back but I\'m well aware that it sucks and don\'t plan on staying forever.  Here\'s the thing that fools people...

Some towns, when you live in them, you know they suck.  Like Hartford or Albany or Trenton or Springfield, MA etc.  You know you\'re a third-class citizen every moment you\'re there.

On the other side, some towns, when you live in them, you know they\'re great, like Denver or San Francisco or Austin or Boulder or Raleigh or Chicago.  You know things can\'t get a whole lot better when you live there.

Then there are towns that sucker you into thinking it\'s cool, until you spend time somewhere that\'s actually cool.  Then you say to yourself, "Damn, I thought I lived in a cool place, but now I realize that it sucks."  Boston is the classic example of this.  It\'s good enough that you don\'t immediately think it sucks, but once you live there and then see some alternatives, you realize.  

Also, Boston gets an artificially inflated rating because half the population are college undergrads who have just left their podunct towns for college, so they all think it\'s the greatest thing ever when in fact it is not.

BTW that 18+ curfew rumor made me laugh.  I haven\'t heard a doozie like that since Phish rumors were all the rage.  The fact of the matter is that there is no city-wide curfew change on anything.  I do wonder though if the lighted signs would have caused such a ruckus if the logo had been for a trusted brand like Coca-Cola, or even better, Merrill-Lynch, instead of a bird-flipping mooninite.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 10:03:04 am by Wolfman »


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2007, 10:02:21 am »
wow, welcome back wolf, long time no see!
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

"if i listened to the distance on repeat, i\'d be wearing yellow jerseys like a motherfucker" - zuke


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2007, 12:01:17 am »
Quote from: Mamalakabubadaya;134037
boston sucks.
the only good thing about the place is the aquarium.

Quote from: Mamalakabubadaya
the best part of the late and the great is overexposure.

Quote from: Mamalakabubadaya
the only good thing about holly is her bitchiness
taints rule, gypsies drool!


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2007, 01:25:59 pm »
Quote from: Wolfman;134081
Boston sucks.  I\'m born and raised here and I moved back but I\'m well aware that it sucks and don\'t plan on staying forever.  Here\'s the thing that fools people...

Some towns, when you live in them, you know they suck.  Like Hartford or Albany or Trenton or Springfield, MA etc.  You know you\'re a third-class citizen every moment you\'re there.

On the other side, some towns, when you live in them, you know they\'re great, like Denver or San Francisco or Austin or Boulder or Raleigh or Chicago.  You know things can\'t get a whole lot better when you live there.

Then there are towns that sucker you into thinking it\'s cool, until you spend time somewhere that\'s actually cool.  Then you say to yourself, "Damn, I thought I lived in a cool place, but now I realize that it sucks."  Boston is the classic example of this.  It\'s good enough that you don\'t immediately think it sucks, but once you live there and then see some alternatives, you realize.  

Also, Boston gets an artificially inflated rating because half the population are college undergrads who have just left their podunct towns for college, so they all think it\'s the greatest thing ever when in fact it is not.

BTW that 18+ curfew rumor made me laugh.  I haven\'t heard a doozie like that since Phish rumors were all the rage.  The fact of the matter is that there is no city-wide curfew change on anything.  I do wonder though if the lighted signs would have caused such a ruckus if the logo had been for a trusted brand like Coca-Cola, or even better, Merrill-Lynch, instead of a bird-flipping mooninite.

Raleigh sucks, and everyone I have ever know who lived in Austin hated it.
Masturbation in the MFA


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2007, 12:38:56 am »
This thread is almost as cool as the webster threads trashing the venue right up until the night of the show.  I hope that no one shows up: the people who posted about how much boston sucks and the newbs that happened to click on this thread and saw how happy everyone is with the band playing a major city instead of dive bars in their homestate.
:insert fart noise::thumbsdow


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2007, 12:46:32 am »
All this shit talking means NOTHING to me!!! We will still be there enjoying every frickin\' minute of it! Just can\'t wait for this run of shows. An absolute GREAT start of Robyn\'s week long vacation! Webster > Side Street > Bill\'s > Stone MUTHAFUCKIN\' Church > Maine > Death sleep!
Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright...until you hear them speak.


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2007, 01:18:09 am »
Quote from: Todd;134218
All this shit talking means NOTHING to me!!! We will still be there enjoying every frickin\' minute of it! Just can\'t wait for this run of shows. An absolute GREAT start of Robyn\'s week long vacation! Webster > Side Street > Bill\'s > Stone MUTHAFUCKIN\' Church > Maine > Death sleep!

Masturbation in the MFA


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Bill\'s Bar; Boston, MA
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2007, 01:20:18 am »
i\'m sorry about what i said about boston.
the aquarium is not the only good thing about the place--they also have really good thai food.
i spent a lot of time in boston due to the fact that my sis went to northeastern and always thought of the bostonians as some tough people, but until now i had no idea how truly sensitive they are...

i actually like bill\'s bar a lot and will try to make it up next weekend if i can so all you boston people can kick my ny ass...

btw peaches, the best part of late and the great is over exposure.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 01:23:12 am by Mamalakabubadaya »