Valentines day is merely a holiday created to sell cards, candy, etc. If you are in love with someone you definitely shouldnt just wait for one day to express your love to them in dinner/candy/gift form. This holiday is for all those poor ladies who are stuck in a relationship with some stupid meathead who takes her for granted all year long, but at least they have one day to brag to all their friends that their boyfriend/husband is taking them to dinner, buying them jewlery to make up for a years worth of neglect and boring sex.
As for a Breakfast show on a Wednesday night in Connecticut......Suck it up for the love of BROSEPH.....If the show is marketed properly, and everyone makes it to the show, it could be one of the best fucking shows of the year. The Breakfast is supposed to be one of your favorite bands out there and a chance to see them, no matter where, should be a good thing.......I mean the sound and vibe wouldn\'t be a concern if there were 1000 people there....
The Breakfast: St. Valentines Day Massacre
The Webster Theater
Be there fuckers....