1) everyone - chad, ellis, ron, gabo, were all really nice to me (ellis even moved our coats to a safer/more out of the way spot for us and chad and jill and i spent a good ten or fifteen minutes shootin the shit after the show, and i know i\'ve never met chad, and ellis maybe only once)
2) if it was the first opening band who made that post, then fuck \'em! their big song was black and white>fresh prince theme song>black and white and once the rest of their pubes grow in, they\'ll have a much better perspective on the world. if it was the second opener, then why did they stick around for most of the show?
3) usually any publicity is good publicity, but since we\'re the only ones talking about it, i\'m not sure this is considered publicity...
4) man, i\'m just numbering things off today...
5) did i mention the lil white boys bustin\' out the michael>fresh prince>jackson?
6) the only thing that would actually mildly concern me, is that if it was the second opener, they had a lot of folks in the crowd that all left after their set. perhaps, if they\'d had their balls cupped like they wanted, there would have been more of an audience for the breakfast\'s set.
7) next time they\'re in philly, they should see if they can get agent moosehead to open. cool guys, very prog rock, lots of nintendo tunes...