TreyChica, I hear ya. I have seen Gongzilla three times, once as Gong in 1980, which was the best of the three with the late, great Pierre Moerlin on drums. Yes 1980! Excuse me, I\'m fucking old! Looks like they are travelling sans vibes, but with an additional guitarist. Chops, yes. Bon Lozaga (g) and Hansford Rowe (b) are very good players. But, the last time I saw them it evolved some kind of fucking Fuzak that put me to sleep. Chops minus songwriting ability and creativity=boring. THEY better have their A game going on 12/30, or The Breakfast is going rule, which they will anyway. Wish I could be there for this one, but no way to make it and be back in Chi-Town for the Umphreys NYE show. I think the pre-game is going to start early for that one. Curious to see the reviews on this one.
Lucky bastard... Piere Moerlin was one of the best drummers/percussionists in the universe. The newer Gongzilla is nowhere up to par in comparisson to Suffer era material, however they still have the name and random hecklers like me who will make signs for "Heavy Tune", "Night Illusion" etc....
But shit man you\'ll be at UM NYE and get to see a "Higgins" with horns so cheers to that...
Eat that Phone Book Coda anyone?
Tim\'s excuse was he forgot the lyrics and didn\'t have a copy of them. On top of that he argued with me that they\'d been playing "Oobby Scooby", remember that torturous debate? Well I gave him a copy of the lyrics to ETPBC, but I don\'t think they\'ll play it anytime soon. I\'d rather hear them debut an "Oily Way" instead...... Yet another wet Breakafst dream circa 01...
Seth Yacovone Band is playing Nectar\'s on 12/31.. They haven\'t played a show in a great long while so it should be a treat. If anyone wants to I\'ll be hosting a casual pregame party at my condo in South Burlington. All are welcome...