oh bah! I think it would be great for the band to get on the Summercamp bill but my post was merely restating a fact that really needs to be addressed.
They will not make it on any bigger bills until proper management is in place to be able to concentrate on this stuff w/ Alex and Crescendo.
Sorry if you feel it is a dead issue but I do not. I have not gone on a rampage of late over it but i felt the need to pop off a little about it lately.
Mainly due to the fact that I have seen @ least 4 other bands in the last month in venues that I wondered how the hell they were playing there then realized after speaking w/ a merch guy. a couple band members and :holyshit: a Manager they all had dedicated management.
Something I think is the last piece needed to complete the track to success for these guys that\'s all.
Like I said, I understand your pain......All the things that "frustrate" all of us, are even a bigger source of frustration for the bandmembers themselves.....I have offered my fanatic opinion many a times and have only come to realize that they know all about what is wrong and are working on making them right. This is their ship and they are running it how they feel is right, and as an "employee" of the band, I stand by all their decisions and actions...even if I dont initally or dont necessarily understand why they are doing what they are doing.......
and if you have thoughts, ideas, and whathaveyous regarding moves this band should make, please send them to Tim or Ron as they are the only ones who can do anything about it, and lets try to keep the board for optimistic posativity.....Now I understand that this is a message board on the internet, but lets try to keep to one of the golden rules I learned early on while working for the band...."you never know who is watching or reading"......