if you lived in boston i\'d give you a ride
I\'ll maybe go if I (+ 1) can stay with someone in the area. DOES anyone live in the area?No shenanigans this time I promise. Well maybe some shenanigans, but only good ones. No blind vets in tow with me... ok?I like Sully\'s, and this is the closest TT ever gets to me.
who can hook up a ride and get me home after? i gotta get to this show because its my birthday, but i just cant latenight it because i have an appointment at 9am on fri
Damnit, I\'m out.
And, for your information, I was completely planning on coming. It\'s a much easier drive than Richter\'s, for Xrizt sake. I was down. I was ser. Tonight, shit was gonna be liiiiiive. (Those are long \'i\'s.)
Someone go kidnap mandler and bring his ass to hartford tonight....
:chin: the only thing is I know if I go I won\'t leave........ and I gots no $$$$ too