its okay folks, as much as i\'d have liked to have seen a lot of you since i dont get to that often, like steve said, doozies happen, and theres not much one can do when everyone gets sick. can\'t expect much on a tuesday night either. hopefully next time we\'ll see a couple more familiar faces. we did make a few new fans and sold enough records to pay the expenses so it was a success. big thanks to those who did come out. and another big thanks to sequia for playin a tune with us.
I: One Sad Winter Night, #2, Nice Yellow Shirt > My Brother the Axe Murderer, Nicotine and Ritalin, Where\'s Summer B., Falling Down Behind > No Turning Back > Eastbound, Little Wing*, Going Down, She Called Him Over, Instrumental > Caving In > She Called Him Over Reprise
* w/ Jordan Giangreco on keys