Author Topic: soo keyboardist?  (Read 16216 times)


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soo keyboardist?
« Reply #45 on: November 08, 2006, 06:46:21 pm »
Quote from: Jim Cobb;125389

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« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2006, 07:05:11 pm »
Quote from: origen;125484
Totally.  Anybody they could find on keys would end up looking lost up there.  The Breakfast have a huge catalog of songs now with 5 albums, their style involves explosive, fast, tight jams, with complex prog rock compositions that go through all kinds of key and tempo changes, and I don\'t think anybody could really keep up.  Unless they just play space synth with an emphasis on effects.  Any idiot can push a button and play a wicked effect, and you don\'t need to worry about tempo or key.

^^^Tim can do that while he shredds on guitar. and he keeps getting better. plus it amazes folks to see someone playing 2 instruments at a time
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« Reply #47 on: November 08, 2006, 08:38:45 pm »
"i was never the biggest jordan fan i always thought he could do more in the band."  Nice, that\'s a nice.


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« Reply #48 on: November 08, 2006, 08:57:19 pm »
^^^what, am i not allowed to voice my opinion?

"Me!", and im sure at least a few others agree with me that he was the obvious weak link in the band.  i don\'t mean to hate on him or anything because I\'m even pretty sure he reads this from time to time, but I stand by it.  

And i agree that it would be hard to find someone new with all of the compositions and the large catalogue of bfast, but look at a band like umphreys.  they had a drummer for years and then he left the band and within months they found a newer (better) drummer in kris myers.  he learned a few songs, nailed them, then they worked out the rest of their extremely large catalogue with him.  

granted they are not the same band, and bfast doesn\'t have the same connections as they did or do but there has got to be someone out there, keyboards or not


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« Reply #49 on: November 08, 2006, 09:12:29 pm »
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soo keyboardist?
« Reply #50 on: November 09, 2006, 01:32:14 am »
While The Breakfast are really talented, I do think it is ludicrous to assume that there is not a keyboard player out there that could keep up. I mean really?
I know of @ least 3 guys that would kick ass in The Breakfast and show the guys a thing or 2.

Jordan may not have been "in synch" w/ the guys all the time but he was talented enough to keep up and contribute ALOT when he was in to it. Up until just a few years ago one would be hard pressed to say Jordan was the weak link. When I first saw them in \'03 Ron was the weak link no doubt about it.

Ron got better and and really threw himself into his playing. From what I gather Jordan was not always up for shows and it showed in his playing in the context that the other guys could not hear him and thus some"clutter" emerged.

The clarity that the guys have mentioned is just them not having that "clutter".

When Jordan was playing and the guys were locked in there was no better band around.

Personally I hope the guys play as a trio for a bit maybe release an album and Jordan\'s $$ situation is better along with a renewed vigor to play allows him to rejoin the band.
I can dream.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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soo keyboardist?
« Reply #51 on: November 09, 2006, 01:04:11 pm »
Quote from: Me!;125456
I honestly can\'t think of anyone that could hold their own with these guys, and I dont\' really mean that in a "how many notes can you play" sense.

I think people are taking my comment the wrong way.  As I said It\'s not that I don\'t think musically someone couldn\'t keep up, that\'s just silly there are many musicians out there just as good and *gasp* even better than these guys.  I just meant as far as the connection between the three of them.  Jordan did this pretty well, and the first time the four of them played together it meshed, they all left their respective bands and did their own thing, the thing we all know and love.  I\'m not saying nobody has the ability to play with these guys just that it\'s going to be hard to find someone that can fit into that already so tightly knit unit.

and btw: no offense casinokid, but you have to expect thigns like that on here.  I love ya, and I completely understand where you\'re comming from, but it is a public forum.

Quote from: leith
When I first saw them in \'03 Ron was the weak link no doubt about it.

I wont\' disagree with that for a second, Ron easily gets the most imporoved player award
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 01:04:11 pm by Me! »
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« Reply #52 on: November 09, 2006, 01:12:21 pm »
You are right it is a public forum, but don\'t be phony and say hey great job jordo at a show, and then make comments later on down the road that he doesn\'t fit, never fit.  And by it being a public forum I can say what I want too.  I can say hey chris I never liked your ex-girlfriend-is that ok to say?
It\'s a public forum your right Chris-so goooooooooo +?$#0self!!!!
See you all at bob weir-oh we may have two extra seats, but if you have to sit next to Jordan it may be uncomfortable for you.

For those of you that know, you know, for you other that don\'t understand-think what you may-but I am a crazy Italian!!


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« Reply #53 on: November 09, 2006, 01:18:06 pm »
Quote from: casinokid;125580
I can say hey chris I never liked your ex-girlfriend-is that ok to say?

I don\'t blame you one bit I don\'t like her either. :lol:
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« Reply #54 on: November 09, 2006, 01:21:11 pm »
Quote from: Me!;125582
I don\'t blame you one bit I don\'t like her either. :lol:

so why did you waste your time-
did she make you feel good inside?? is that why you kept her around??


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« Reply #55 on: November 09, 2006, 01:22:36 pm »
a looong story not for .info, next time I see you we can have a conversation
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« Reply #56 on: November 09, 2006, 01:42:07 pm »
was long part the reason?  
Just kidding
when I see you we\'ll talk


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« Reply #57 on: November 09, 2006, 01:42:39 pm »
Quote from: leith;125521
While The Breakfast are really talented, I do think it is ludicrous to assume that there is not a keyboard player out there that could keep up. I mean really?
I know of @ least 3 guys that would kick ass in The Breakfast and show the guys a thing or 2.

Jordan may not have been "in synch" w/ the guys all the time but he was talented enough to keep up and contribute ALOT when he was in to it. Up until just a few years ago one would be hard pressed to say Jordan was the weak link. When I first saw them in \'03 Ron was the weak link no doubt about it.

Ron got better and and really threw himself into his playing. From what I gather Jordan was not always up for shows and it showed in his playing in the context that the other guys could not hear him and thus some"clutter" emerged.

The clarity that the guys have mentioned is just them not having that "clutter".

When Jordan was playing and the guys were locked in there was no better band around.

Personally I hope the guys play as a trio for a bit maybe release an album and Jordan\'s $$ situation is better along with a renewed vigor to play allows him to rejoin the band.
I can dream.
They were better with him, obviously, in large part because of his vocal ability - songs like puppetry and many others are still Jordan songs because you just associate those lyrics with his voice.  But I also agree with the statement that it amazes people to see Tim successfully do both guitar and synth in a show.  

The easiest fit for a new member would actually be on guitar rather than keys, because a second guitarist could sit back and wait his turn, rip some wicked lead, and thus create a dueling guitar similar to moe, UM, Ominous Seapods, etc.  There is always room for a soloist like that, but it would be harder for a keyboard player to sit on an organ sound the whole show without creating a cacaphony.  

And a traditional piano-solo sound would be an easier fit but still might not work because it\'s NOT modern enough.  It would sound too classic southern rock, and with someone banging out piano solos they would sound like the Doobie Brothers or some redneck 70\'s rock band.


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« Reply #58 on: November 09, 2006, 02:00:44 pm »
This .info gets me going oh boy here i go-
Just when I think Leith is ok, he becomes a dick again.

"From what I gather Jordan was not always up for shows and it showed in his playing in the context that the other guys could not hear him and thus some"clutter" emerged"-who do you gather this from??  
Hopefully Jordan\'s $$ situation is better along with a renewed vigor to play allows him to rejoin the band. his money is greener and Jordan has vigor-you frigger he has been conducting projects with many different musicians, and playing out himself, just b/c it is not plastered all over, doesn\'t mean he sits home everynite with his hand down his pants crying b/c he\'s not playing with TB anymore.
he\'s all over the place with his music right now.  Do you have vigor you lazy crap, oh I bet your the one with one hand on the keyboard-to type shit, and the other in your pants.
Maybe you could tour with the band leith and stop ranting...
Entitlement-I got it too.


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soo keyboardist?
« Reply #59 on: November 09, 2006, 07:16:41 pm »
Quote from: casinokid;125589
This .info gets me going oh boy here i go-
Just when I think Leith is ok, he becomes a dick again.

"From what I gather Jordan was not always up for shows and it showed in his playing in the context that the other guys could not hear him and thus some"clutter" emerged"-who do you gather this from??  
Hopefully Jordan\'s $$ situation is better along with a renewed vigor to play allows him to rejoin the band. his money is greener and Jordan has vigor-you frigger he has been conducting projects with many different musicians, and playing out himself, just b/c it is not plastered all over, doesn\'t mean he sits home everynite with his hand down his pants crying b/c he\'s not playing with TB anymore.
he\'s all over the place with his music right now.  Do you have vigor you lazy crap, oh I bet your the one with one hand on the keyboard-to type shit, and the other in your pants.
Maybe you could tour with the band leith and stop ranting...
Entitlement-I got it too.

Oh calm down. Your hubby is one of my favorite keyboard players of all time. Check your PM box and I\'ll explain my "info gathering".
Did I say he was home crying? I think not, yet again slow your roll lady.
It was explained to the fans on .info in various posts that Jordan left due to not wanting to tour so much and not being able to make enough cash being in the band full time.

Are you saying this explanation was not true? If so pls let us know the truth.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.