Hmm..... , what a question to ponder. I myself as being a taper and a huge pusher of burning discs for people (with setlists).I do give a shit about trying to spread this bands music so it is a big deal. Lets face it how do bands like this get a following?
? Through the music and word of mouth.
This is how I have always felt about it..........
1. how do we know the song, what I mean by this, Is the song on an album, does the jam exist as the actual part of the song? If so it does not need to be labeled
2. now if the song as we know it is changed a part that comes accross is different, the end, the beg, a section, a tempo change, a jam notation is needed. Do not read into this too much one could argue this with many more jam notations.( not sure if I came accross correctly on this)
There have been times I have questioned the notation of a jam. I suppose I feel this way because they are a jam band and anyone listening to them if you know them or not should expect to hear long songs.
Some examples of notions
3-10-05 on the setlist E. jam>no glove no love
this should not be noted, no jam at all.
4-21-05 on the setlist mooboo\'s voodoo>jam>what the funk
now here is where I would almost dare to say a personal opinion.
I would expect mooboo\'s to have jam section, I know it does not always go this way(reason for notion) but I feel it does not need to have jam in the middle because of the segue into what the funk, I know from jam bands that with that (>) is somekind of transition that most likely has a jam in it. listen to this section if anyone can. I never feel mooboos has ended until when what the funk starts. The feel for the song is still there. This is what they do.
Lastly which I could ramble forever this is just to make up for my extremely long refrain from posting.
I agree with jeff and how he explained the before and after sections of labeling jam using phish examples.
I also feel that in the overall scope of things the selists are very acurate. I just spent quite some time compareing setlists to cd\'s I have and found all were correct after trying to find a flaw.
this just means only one thing............................
keep it the way it is.