yeah, i\'d written him off, but a buddy called with $25 birthday tix and there was no way in hell i could say no!
GREAT show, tons of fun!!! eric\'s got lots of fire left in him and his band does nothing but help push him!
by the time derek finishes this tour, he\'ll be unstoppable. he\'s alreay liquid mercury, now he\'s learning how and when to contain it and how and when not to.
they should\'ve kept let it grow. further on up the road wasn\'t bad, but they should\'ve lept let it grow....
after midhnight sounded like he\'s heard big cypress. same high energy groove and similiar licks. good stuff!!
yeah, i know, but that\'s what it sounded like.
they should\'v let me play instead of doyle. i was looking forward to seeing him, but there was nothing special going on. of course, with ec & dt on stage, its hard to sound like a badass i you\'re really not...
layla>cocaine was huge!
(but ec should\'ve just let derek play the end section of layla)