i havent read this whole thread yet, so im deeply apologetic if these points have already been clearly made but from the first few posts, i have to say....
1. tlg, i think, has a bigger fanbase than the breakfast at this point... bigger fanbase=bigger number of people flying away from home to see them... consider just for arguments sake that if the breakfast had 20 fans and tlg had 40 fans 10 fans flying across the country for the breakfast is equally as impressive as 20 fans for tlg... (this is not to say tlg has twice as many fans as the breakfast, or to say that the breakfast has an equal percentage of fans fly away from home to see them as tlg) also comparing a tlg show in there hometown to a breakfast show a thousand miles away is unfair.......
(note to leith, this is not to say your point about your experience at a tlg is moot... but i believe it is less significant than your original post appears)
2. I would obviously love to take off for two weeks and go see breakfast shows non stop around the country this month... but to do that i would have had to skip most of the shows in the northeast to save money for my wild trip.... considering this i may ask myself, "Self, will it help the breakfast more to see shows within two or three (or 6) hours of your hometown and being able to encourage 2 or 3 newbs to come to each of those shows, or to travel by myself or with another dedicated fan or two and attend shows across the country" to which i would answer, "Self, bring the newbs, dammit"