Author Topic: If The Breakfast are going to make it...  (Read 10379 times)


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2006, 01:37:05 pm »
Quote from: OMS;121235
ok leith, so because you dropped out of high school to see the dead that means that everyone who doesnt do something of the sort for their favorite band (the breakfast) isnt worthy of being a real fan or something? please....i plan on having a future and loving the breakfast and seeing them often, however again, i do not see it as my job to make them succesful.  i do my part by ordering every piece of merchandise and going to every show i can, but your essentially comparing everyones situation to yours.  you settle for lesser quality things in life for the joy of seeing more shows.  ok, congratulations, do you want a medal? this is a joke..everyone loves this band so much and you just say no ones doing enouch, your the kind of person who will keep the band down if anything with this bullshit

Quote from: Me!;121236
yeah leith but that\'s YOU.  Who are you to say what\'s right for everyone else.  That\'s great that you\'re happy with your life.  I\'m really glad for you.  You know what I\'m pretty happy with mine too.  Just because it was right for you doesn\'t mean it\'s right for everyone else.  We\'re all individuals brah, each person has to do what they have to do, on their wown schedules and merits.  You coming on here and beating everyone up for not dropping everything isn\'t gonna change the fact that I have to wake up every moring and go to work and then go to school after work.  So what are you telling me I should quit my job drop outta school and tour with the band.  Thanks I did that for 2yrs, and where did it get me?  not very far.  SO now it\'s time for ME!  As is the same with many people on here.

All I am saying is get it while ya can. You never know what the future will bring but you sure as hell can affect the present..

Yeah Chris you toured w/ the band as a roadie/merch guy hoping it would do you some good in the future. Be truthful it was not just to see your favorite band, you were hoping for something more and when it became obvious $$ would be a problem you decided to become just a fan. That is a decision you made cool.

As you have said that is your situation and I have mine and he has his and she has hers...bla blah. Still does not negate the fact that this band is worthy of touring for as evidenced by all the posts about the band yet no one actually goes out of their way to do so.

It has to start somewhere or it never will.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.

Jim Cobb

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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2006, 01:39:44 pm »
fuck you, man.
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2006, 01:42:04 pm »
i blame leith.

i think he just wants to make us upset so he has just another reason to diss fans of the breakfast by saying that we think the breakfast are the best thing since sliced bread.  I bet ya when he talks to his west coast buddies he just laughs at all us and than goes dancing with the little kiddies at TLG shows, which remind me of DMB fans.  hope that makes some sense, if not this will,  I blame Leith for not promoting the band on the west coast and instead just accepting bands (TLG, etc) whose fanbase is primarily on the west coast.
Merge futhermucker just you merge You futhermucker merge merge futhermucker now

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye - Raoul duke - Hunter S. Thompson, Fear&Loathing

Gimme breakfast..................


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #48 on: October 02, 2006, 01:45:04 pm »
Quote from: leith
Yeah Chris you toured w/ the band as a roadie/merch guy hoping it would do you some good in the future. Be truthful it was not just to see your favorite band, you were hoping for something more and when it became obvious $$ would be a problem you decided to become just a fan. That is a decision you made cool.

go fuck yourself asshole.  you are not in my brain and you have no idea why i did what I did.  I thought it was a possibility, but no I went on tour with them because they were and are my favorite band.  And for the same reason you dropped outta high school, the experience.  My time in the van is one I will never forget, and somethign I will cherish to my dying day. (corny as it may be) I like Stevie now, had never seen ome of those parts of th ecountry that I saw with people I now consider family.  SO don\'t tell me why I did or didn\'t do something.  I quit not because I wasn\'t making a shit load of money but because I wasn\'t making money period, I\'m not gonna get into the lagistics of it, but you have no idea what my life entails, so get off your fuckin high horse leith.  You dont\' know shit about shit, and neither do I, but at least I know I don\'t.  You\'re an asshole.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 01:51:12 pm by Me! »
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #49 on: October 02, 2006, 01:53:38 pm »
on a fine line i can see a point here. if a bunch of locals go out to a show and get down and have a good time and meet a couple hardcore fans from the bands home state or local stomping grounds i for one would be like wow... these guys are hardcore and if they feel this strong about this band to trek out here and see and support them maybe there really is something to this band.

ya sure all of us can\'t make it out to shows off the east coast but if planned correctly it wouldn\'t be THAT expensive. i\'ve rented cars for weekend runs that have cost me over $200 bucks plus gas and a freak\'n ticket. with all that spent in one weekend i prolly could have gone to an away show...... but in contrast i would have missed some great shows. it also doesn\'t help that there isn\'t a concrete schedule put out early enough to make finding cheap seats and travel plans (hotel, car.... ) and i usually use up most of my vacation time...... vacationing.... go figure.

but i don\'t think by coming on here blasting people for not making it out to away shows is the right tactic. there are many other ways people on .info can help the cause and get more people through the doors. the internet is a powerful tool.
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #50 on: October 02, 2006, 01:54:38 pm »
Quote from: Rujah;121243
i blame leith.

i think he just wants to make us upset so he has just another reason to diss fans of the breakfast by saying that we think the breakfast are the best thing since sliced bread.  I bet ya when he talks to his west coast buddies he just laughs at all us and than goes dancing with the little kiddies at TLG shows, which remind me of DMB fans.  hope that makes some sense, if not this will,  I blame Leith for not promoting the band on the west coast and instead just accepting bands (TLG, etc) whose fanbase is primarily on the west coast.

Yeah married couples in their 30\'s and 40\'s along w/ fans of ages 16 to 50 are exactly the same as the DMB fanbase.

Quote from: Me!;121246
go fuck yourself asshole.  you are not in my brain and you have no idea why i did what I did.  I thought it was a possibility, but no I went on tour with them because they were and are my favorite band.  I quit not because I wasn\'t making a shit load of money but because I wasn\'t making money period, I\'m not gonna get into the lagistics of it, but you have no idea what my life entails, so get off your fuckin high horse leith.  You dont\' know shit about shit, and neither do I, but at least I know I don\'t.  You\'re an asshole.

The only reason someone reacts w/ such anger is due to the fact that THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!

I was right you did leave due to not making $$ I never said a shitload just that $$ would be a problem. Fuck you.
 You have told me that to my face so fuck you were you lying????
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #51 on: October 02, 2006, 02:06:29 pm »
Yeah tht\'s exactly what I meant..

I still have not heard anything but excuses. If I decided to stay in high school in my Senior year and not followed the Dead I may have gotten into USC instead of having to settle for SDSU YEARS later. Wow I bet my salaried life would be sooooooooooo good right now.

If I had decided to be a good little sailor when I was in the USN I may have missed out on Big Cypress and the numerous other Phish shows I bailed shifts for. Yeah I got in some trouble but I am here now AND I got an Honorable Dischrarge.

Maybe if I had not spent all that money seeing The Breakfast in \'05 I may have a better car than my Hyundai piece of crap or a better computer or.... Fuck that my memories of those shows are worth a fuck more than you can possibly imagine.

Yeah the main priority in my life is music what else is that fulfilling? For me not much.

Well then, in the words of James Van Der Beek in Varsity Blues, "I don\'t want your life." (I don\'t know how to type in a sexy Texas drawl, but you get the idea)

Oh, and Dave, for a man who has just seen John Frusciante all weekend, I think you used a few too many "Buttfuck"s in that post. Oh snap!
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 02:30:16 pm by Powerslave »


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #52 on: October 02, 2006, 02:29:32 pm »

Your experiences are yours to treasure. Trying to shame people in to having them isn\'t going to work. There are many Dead shows I didn\'t get to go to because life came first. There isn\'t a day I don\'t regret not going to many of them however it is a balance.

1987-1988 was a different time. Grateful Dead shows and the scene surrounding it enabled many folks to be able to go accrosss country with little to no $ when they hit the lot. There were always folks going to the next show so you could get a ride. You could make money easy on the lot depending on what you were willing to do. Apples and oranges. following the Breakfast around would get you large bills and maybe a few IOU\'s ;)

How far could you go on a TLG tour ? If the rules stated you could only make $ in their "Lot" scene ? My guess is outside of their home turf you would have some issues making it or you would def. have to be pulling off some shady sketchy shit.

I tell you what. Offer us up some floor space so we can fly out and not have to pay for a hotel ? I know you have done it in the past. That right there would be more of a motivator then calling people out. Its a win win. Just like when you found a place to crash for free on the east coast. Free = more money for shows, traveling etc etc
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #53 on: October 02, 2006, 02:40:24 pm »


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #54 on: October 02, 2006, 02:43:59 pm »
Quote from: leith;121248

The only reason someone reacts w/ such anger is due to the fact that THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!

I was right you did leave due to not making $$ I never said a shitload just that $$ would be a problem. Fuck you.
 You have told me that to my face so fuck you were you lying????

or cause you\'re being an outright asshole.  What am I gonna sit here and say that I wasn\'t hoping while I was on the road with them that they were gonna break out?  Hell no ofcourse I did.  But so did you sittin in Cali, so did everyone here sittin in CT.  But you make it sound like the only reason I went on the road was to try and make $$$. and that couldn\'t be further from the truth.  I went on the road for the experience, and I got a great one.  I rode it out until the breaking point.  There were alot of people 6 months in that were alsking me how long I could do it.  I made it 2yrs man, not a small feat.  I approached this whole thread with decency, you are the one who brought it to another level.  Yes money was an issue, but we live in America, where you need money to live.  You try and live on next to nothing.  Then we can talk.  For a hippie dippy lovey dovey dude you sure judge people alot, esp when you have no basis.  You may think you know me from the couple times we\'ve met, and yeah you have an idea, but don\'t bring you\'re shit storm down on me man.  For the sake of everything let\'s just pretend like the other doesn\'t exist.

on with the rest of the rediculousness of the thread let\'s let this "thing" between the two of us die.... :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 02:56:01 pm by Me! »
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon

Jim Cobb

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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #55 on: October 02, 2006, 03:03:24 pm »
Quote from: Mamalakabubadaya;121255

thank you so much.  this thread REALLLLLLLLY needed that.
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #56 on: October 02, 2006, 03:05:43 pm »
Quote from: Jim Cobb;121262
thank you so much.  this thread REALLLLLLLLY needed that.

I agree honestly wishing I never opened this thread

I should have known better
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #57 on: October 02, 2006, 03:08:08 pm »


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #58 on: October 02, 2006, 03:21:44 pm »
Quote from: kindm\'s;121251

Your experiences are yours to treasure. Trying to shame people in to having them isn\'t going to work. There are many Dead shows I didn\'t get to go to because life came first. There isn\'t a day I don\'t regret not going to many of them however it is a balance.

1987-1988 was a different time. Grateful Dead shows and the scene surrounding it enabled many folks to be able to go accrosss country with little to no $ when they hit the lot. There were always folks going to the next show so you could get a ride. You could make money easy on the lot depending on what you were willing to do. Apples and oranges. following the Breakfast around would get you large bills and maybe a few IOU\'s ;)

How far could you go on a TLG tour ? If the rules stated you could only make $ in their "Lot" scene ? My guess is outside of their home turf you would have some issues making it or you would def. have to be pulling off some shady sketchy shit.

I tell you what. Offer us up some floor space so we can fly out and not have to pay for a hotel ? I know you have done it in the past. That right there would be more of a motivator then calling people out. Its a win win. Just like when you found a place to crash for free on the east coast. Free = more money for shows, traveling etc etc

Yes I agree the times were different but one makes adjustments to the present they find themselves in.  As far as TLG tour, I am planning a midwest trip and it may put me in a hole and it may not. It is a risk I am willing to take.

I do not mean to shame anyone rather light a huge fire and make some realize that it may be time to actually start planning on following the guys for a few away shows. I mean you all seem to think they are in position to actually start making headway so why not help out?

My home has and always will be open to ANY .info\'ers that decide to come out and support the band or even just come out on vacation to kick it in beautiul San Diego.

Quote from: Me!;121257
or cause you\'re being an outright asshole.  What am I gonna sit here and say that I wasn\'t hoping while I was on the road with them that they were gonna break out?  Hell no ofcourse I did.  But so did you sittin in Cali, so did everyone here sittin in CT.  But you make it sound like the only reason I went on the road was to try and make $$$. and that couldn\'t be further from the truth.  I went on the road for the experience, and I got a great one.  I rode it out until the breaking point.  There were alot of people 6 months in that were alsking me how long I could do it.  I made it 2yrs man, not a small feat.  I approached this whole thread with decency, you are the one who brought it to another level.  Yes money was an issue, but we live in America, where you need money to live.  You try and live on next to nothing.  Then we can talk.  For a hippie dippy lovey dovey dude you sure judge people alot, esp when you have no basis.  You may think you know me from the couple times we\'ve met, and yeah you have an idea, but don\'t bring you\'re shit storm down on me man.  For the sake of everything let\'s just pretend like the other doesn\'t exist.

on with the rest of the rediculousness of the thread let\'s let this "thing" between the two of us die.... :rolleyes:

I do commend you on trying to make it on ther road.  I don\'t think you went to make cash only. I mean you are somewhat realistic.:lol:

You had to make a decison for yourself and that\'s cool sorry if it came out that you bailed on the band or something like that.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #59 on: October 02, 2006, 04:01:28 pm »
i havent read this whole thread yet, so im deeply apologetic if these points have already been clearly made but from the first few posts, i have to say....

1. tlg, i think, has a bigger fanbase than the breakfast at this point... bigger fanbase=bigger number of people flying away from home to see them... consider just for arguments sake that if the breakfast had 20 fans and tlg had 40 fans 10 fans flying across the country for the breakfast is equally as impressive as 20 fans for tlg... (this is not to say tlg has twice as many fans as the breakfast, or to say that the breakfast has an equal percentage of fans fly away from home to see them as tlg)  also comparing a tlg show in there hometown to a breakfast show a thousand miles away is unfair.......  
(note to leith, this is not to say your point about your experience at a tlg is moot... but i believe it is less significant than your original post appears)

2.  I would obviously love to take off for two weeks and go see breakfast shows non stop around the country this month... but to do that i would have had to skip most of the shows in the northeast to save money for my wild trip.... considering this i may ask myself, "Self, will it help the breakfast more to see shows within two or three (or 6) hours of your hometown and being able to encourage 2 or 3 newbs to come to each of those shows, or to travel by myself or with another dedicated fan or two and attend shows across the country" to which i would answer, "Self, bring the newbs, dammit"
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