Author Topic: If The Breakfast are going to make it...  (Read 10381 times)


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2006, 08:53:05 am »
<<<<<<  started fall t00r thread for this reason back on: 08-11-2006, 08:04 PM
we all knew this was coming, with the lack of touring in the summer and focus on the new album...yah dates weren\'t all filled in from the get go, but were easily speculated on ( shit- I knew the pacNwest would get some shows over another weeklong stay in CO just on a hunch)
you kidzzz give leith so much shit, for nothing.. d00d has a point.. I fucking make bagel sandwiches for a living and was able to swing something for this tour..  don\'t buy so many drinks next time you\'re out, or go to as many local shows as you normally would- show hiatuses suck but are worth it in the long run... t00r openers in Harrisburg Pa with two people in font of the stage is pretty disheartening and I would\'ve put my gear down and had a few stiff drinks.. but these guys played and played well- and added a few songs onto the already short setlist.. so anyways, it is okay for Leith to be right about certain things.. take a step back and look at the larger view here... thanks, mgmt.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 08:55:23 am by Buquebus »
Not sure what is gonna transpire. Regardless, we ain\'t gonna forget the gravy.


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2006, 09:19:30 am »
<<<<< ready for a trip to the west coast on the next run. i spent too much money on a recent vacation and used up a bunch of vacation time. but i\'ve been dieing to get out there. and tho i might, to a point agree with you leith, it still isn\'t THAT easy for the majority of us to get out there. i do my best to get out to shows within 400-500 miles from me, and with that happening just about every weekend for the last couple months i\'ve spent a decent amount of money just traveling the east coast.
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

-. --- .-- / - .... .- - ... / -.. .. -.-. -.-


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2006, 09:33:06 am »
Quote from: Jim Cobb;121156
i\'ll admit it, i care about my own career more than the breakfasts. thats why i stick around here and pursue it.  sue me.


What is the matter Leith, you get tired of bitching at the mgmt. for holding the band back so now you are going to blame the fans?
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2006, 09:47:04 am »
i\'m really failing to see the logic here.

leith, all you\'re talking about doing is padding numbers.. let\'s say the breakfast plays in Buttfuck, USA, and draws 9 people to the show. now let\'s be generous and say there\'s 20 hardcore breakfast fans out on tour. so now there\'s 29 people at the Buttfuck show, but there\'s still only 9 there from Buttfuck. the rest of the people are already established fans.

explain to me again how this makes them bigger?

hey, i\'d love to just drop everything and go on the road with the band for a month. i long for the days when i was able to take entire summers off at a time and go on phish tour. things were a LOT simpler then, and i\'m just not in that place anymore.. and not many people are.. hell, i\'m thankful to be able to see the amount of shows i do get to see.. :shrug:


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2006, 10:07:28 am »
Quote from: leith;121148
Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Excuses excuses. If the music is good enough one will travel.  Sorry but it\'s true.  Nothing you can post can convince me otherwise.

The problem not only lies in Bfast fans being spoiled w/ so many close to home shows but that the band has not really pumped out a real tour schedule and only sporadically plays out of their comfort zone.

The thing is we have had notice of this tour for a loooooong time and if one really wanted to support the band on tour one COULD have and SHOULD have made plans to do so.

Just going to local shows that should be sold out anyway(and never are) does little compared to actually travelling to see them.

I know I did everything I could to travel and see them last year and regret none of the monetary problems I created for myself to do so.

Oh and as far as lives to live pfffft. If you really wanted to go on tour you could. It is a choice. You have chosen not to tour. Cool.
Don\'t bitch here when the band plays a doozie, you made your choice.

I am not saying you are all to BLAME for the band not making it but as you said they are in a better place than they have been in awhile so why not help push the momentum instead of just waiting?

So the Bfast\'s sound is a problem ? That is fucking ridiculous and you know it. Esp. now as a trio and the band is supposedly so much better now. Pfft nxt excuse.

Dude, I tried to be cool about this, but then you had to come back and act like an 8yr old.  Why don\'t you address all of us with the kindness you address the managment in your email. WHy do you feel the need to degrade us?

Don\'t tell me about my life leithbag.  I\'m doing my shit and you have no idea what\'s going on in my life or anyone else\'s on this board.  You\'re probably right some people could make trek.  But alas I cannot.  Many here cannot.  Hey man I did see them in nearly every state they\'ve played in.  But that\'s besides the point.  

As someone else said it\'s our job is to be here for the local shows.  I use most of my vacation time one to two days at a time to make the farther away local shows, the long weekend runs.  So I just don\'t really have any left. Why don\'t you focus on getting heads to shows there and we\'ll do the same here.

Also, TLG is from SanFran, which helps.  As I said we\'ll be having some long distance heads here for the Freakout, cause it\'s a home town show and there\'s a certain appeal to that. Why don\'t you fly out here for a TLG show huh?  Come on Leith I mean support your favorite band. Let\'s go slacker. You flew out here to see The Breakfast cause it\'s hometown.  Why don\'t you fly to Chicago and see them, or TLG.  Fly to bummble fuck middle america to see them.  If you reallly want to support the band.  Or do you just want to log on here once a week blame the managment, and when that doesn\'t work tell us it\'s our fault.

Fine, you\'re right the music is not the prob.  I\'m just saying it can be easier for the initial laidback fan to get into it, it\'s sounds just like everything else.  It\'s familiar.    

I don\'t bitch on here when there are doozies, I dont\' think alot of people do. I\'m not saying no one does.  But we\'re bummed the show wasn\'t packed, but bitching is the wrong word.

I\'m not saying you\'re completely wrong here, and I didn\'t in my first post which is why it angers me you feel the need to be so mean on the rebutle.  I think alot of peopl on here don\'t disagree with every thing you say, just the way you say it.

You\'ll catch more flys with honey than with vinegar.  People will take you more seriously if you weren\'t such a Leithbag.

That being said, since yes you are a cool cat in person.  When are we gonna see you out here again? :D  Come on make the trek for the freakout.....

edit:see Dave\'s above post
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 10:20:07 am by Me! »
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2006, 10:30:35 am »
leith, i couldnt disagree with you "Me!" said earlier, the majority of the fans on .info do everything they can do to support the band and I think that is the reason they are still around.  And yes, people can not just leave their everyday jobs or responsibilities to catch a breakfast show in a different state.  again it would be great if they could, however they cant.  I go to school in the city and I see the breakfast every chance I get.  I can\'t always just leave school to go see them but when they are playing somewhere else and I am already there, I make it my priority to see them.  All of these hardcore fans have seen well over 200 shows and are doing their part and i genuinely dont think its right or ok for you to come out of nowhere and tell them they are not doing enough.  everyone on here knows the bands representation is an issue and everyone (including myself) is doing their part to help the band move along however we can. so try not to come on the this board and be so acusatory of fans who really would do nearly anything for the band


  • Road Runner Baby
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2006, 10:31:20 am »
Leith, regardless of how you put it, I see your point.  It would be amazing to have some hardcore breakfast heads out here on the road, but what really needs to happen if this band is going to make it is that people from the cities we play need to know about the show and band.  It\'s the local music fans from across this country that will push this band to the next level.  If there is a demand for something, the supply shall follow. The Breakfast have their New England fans, and I know that if it wasn\'t for this thing called life, there would be quite a few familiar faces along with us on this tour (or even just parts of it).
I stepped into a nightmare. Noticed you were right there. - Doozer
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2006, 10:51:31 am »
i think what you meant to say, leith, was that if the breakfast wants to make it, THEY need to tour more. luckily, they are. why does tlg have so many fans? because they spent a good two years on the road playing to small ass crowds (i refuse to incorrectly use the word doozie, dammit!) all over anywhere that would have them. put some money and good connections behind it and voila! dedicated fan base. the breakfast is doing what they should (imho) by getting on the road more often. two cross country tours in one year is a great start. as long as they keep it going and continue to keep the fire in the music, they will continue to grow, and at slowly exponentiating rates, just like any other bands. yes, everyone should get out and see shows everywhere they can, but, like dave said, why would the same 10 or 2 people spending the money make them any bigger? more touring creates a bigger base,which you can then use for promo and word of mouth. 6 folks from CT aren\'t gonna create a buzz in and around boulder just because they\'re there. they need the folks from boulder to show up and drag friends. that being said, i\'ve traveled to every breakfast show i\'ve ever seen, and bring friends. so why aren\'t they bigger already?


  • bron bron bachinski
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2006, 10:54:04 am »
Leith, next time there is a .info Powerball pool, fork over the five bucks, your extra five might be the winning ticket, and then there will be plenty of people to go on tour ;)
"Okay everybody, for my next miracle, I\'m going to turn water into funk!"

Jim Cobb

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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2006, 10:56:23 am »
seriously, leith, i see what you\'re saying but you have no right to demand that people drop everything for a band they like.  like dave said, i would love to hop in a vehicle with bfast heads and run around the country, but i\'m independently wealthy so i can\'t do that.  i need to make a living and i happen to have gotten into a career i really love.  if i left for a month, i probably wouldn\'t have a job when i got back.  it would be great for the band\'s morale to have us on the road at tons of shows, but it really isn\'t doing much for their career in the long run.  the answer to their problems is creative marketing, which i have yet to see from these guys and their management.

leith, i like this band.  they are really fucking good.  i love going to see them when i can.  but by no means do i feel like it is at all my responsibility to assist them in moving their career foward.  that is their job.  not mine.
Postcount +1.


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2006, 11:06:00 am »
Blah, Blah, Blah Leithbag.  DavePec said it perfectly.  

For myself, I have the Disco Biscuits, they bring me to a place that NO OTHER BAND has ever taken me.  This includes Phish, The Dead and , yes it is possible, The Breakfast.  No one on here may understand or agree, but it is how it is.  When they tour around, i try to hit every show I can, because they don\'t play as many during the year.  When I am not going on the road for them, i hit as many Breakfast shows as possible.  I have seen the Breakfast almost twice as much as the Biscuits, but the tDB runs cost alot of money, but I am not going to stop going on those, sorry pal.

Stop trying to BLAME people and start trying to do positive things to actually help the Breakfast with all this desire you have for the band.  You don\'t know shit about other peoples lives, so just worry about yourself.
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2006, 11:08:25 am »
i am completely with dave/jimbo on this one. leith, you cannot expect that everyone is so available to drop their everyday commitments and go on breakfast tour. come on now...we all have responsibilities to deal with. yes, it would be fun, but we can\'t all do it. it\'s awesome that some of the die hards are able to/have been able to go out west and see the band as well as west coasters coming east. it\'s really a great thing, but it also doesn\'t do as much as we would like to think for the band.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 11:19:12 am by Mamalakabubadaya »


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2006, 11:44:55 am »
leith = Drama

You know you really need some perspective.

You work in the music industry so your life pretty much revolves around the music scene. You make your $ from waht you have indicated on the board doing lighting and etc for money. So your personal life and job all revolve around music. Good for you. I would imagine much of your life also falls in to the non 9-5 grind as many of us have to endure. How many shows that you go to do you even pay to go to ? My guess is that you have the hook ups and probably get listed at many shows. All these things help YOU to go to many shows others cannot do because of jobs, money etc. It also saves you cash that you can spend on other stuff. Perhaps you just have more $ than everybody else but your situation does not translate in to everyone elses.

So lets compare. TLG is having a 2 night run in their hometown (or close to it) on the weekend and people fly out for shows. hmmm. When the Breakfast did a local 2 night run I recall you as well as others flew and drove in from afar to go to the show. So why all the hating ?

The bands drawing power has nothing to do with the die hard fans here on the board. many here do not have the finances or time available to them to make a cross country trek.

Hell I was looking at Peck\'s "tapers needed" thread on another board trying to see if I could fly out to seattle for the weekend to catch a show and make a tape.

So whats the point of all this. I think many if not all of us if we had the time, money and security to do so would drop everything and go on tour with the band. But I\'m not 19 anymore and unfortunately dropping everything and anything to drive around the country to see music isn\'t my primary concern in life as it once was.
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2006, 12:58:08 pm »
Quote from: obsession600;121175

What is the matter Leith, you get tired of bitching at the mgmt. for holding the band back so now you are going to blame the fans?

I just think it is laughable no one travels for this band outside of NE.

Quote from: davepeck;121177
i\'m really failing to see the logic here.

leith, all you\'re talking about doing is padding numbers.. let\'s say the breakfast plays in Buttfuck, USA, and draws 9 people to the show. now let\'s be generous and say there\'s 20 hardcore breakfast fans out on tour. so now there\'s 29 people at the Buttfuck show, but there\'s still only 9 there from Buttfuck. the rest of the people are already established fans.

explain to me again how this makes them bigger?

hey, i\'d love to just drop everything and go on the road with the band for a month. i long for the days when i was able to take entire summers off at a time and go on phish tour. things were a LOT simpler then, and i\'m just not in that place anymore.. and not many people are.. hell, i\'m thankful to be able to see the amount of shows i do get to see.. :shrug:

Well instead of flying out to Vegas or trekking to Ont. for a band that really does not need your money and will most def. be around for years to come you could have planned a jaunt out to support your friends. It\'s all about priorities I agree but for all the talk you people do here I laugh when doozies are reported.

Quote from: Me!;121179
Dude, I tried to be cool about this, but then you had to come back and act like an 8yr old.  Why don\'t you address all of us with the kindness you address the managment in your email. WHy do you feel the need to degrade us?

Don\'t tell me about my life leithbag.  I\'m doing my shit and you have no idea what\'s going on in my life or anyone else\'s on this board.  You\'re probably right some people could make trek.  But alas I cannot.  Many here cannot.  Hey man I did see them in nearly every state they\'ve played in.  But that\'s besides the point.  

As someone else said it\'s our job is to be here for the local shows.  I use most of my vacation time one to two days at a time to make the farther away local shows, the long weekend runs.  So I just don\'t really have any left. Why don\'t you focus on getting heads to shows there and we\'ll do the same here.

Also, TLG is from SanFran, which helps.  As I said we\'ll be having some long distance heads here for the Freakout, cause it\'s a home town show and there\'s a certain appeal to that. Why don\'t you fly out here for a TLG show huh?  Come on Leith I mean support your favorite band. Let\'s go slacker. You flew out here to see The Breakfast cause it\'s hometown.  Why don\'t you fly to Chicago and see them, or TLG.  Fly to bummble fuck middle america to see them.  If you reallly want to support the band.  Or do you just want to log on here once a week blame the managment, and when that doesn\'t work tell us it\'s our fault.

Fine, you\'re right the music is not the prob.  I\'m just saying it can be easier for the initial laidback fan to get into it, it\'s sounds just like everything else.  It\'s familiar.    

I don\'t bitch on here when there are doozies, I dont\' think alot of people do. I\'m not saying no one does.  But we\'re bummed the show wasn\'t packed, but bitching is the wrong word.

I\'m not saying you\'re completely wrong here, and I didn\'t in my first post which is why it angers me you feel the need to be so mean on the rebutle.  I think alot of peopl on here don\'t disagree with every thing you say, just the way you say it.

You\'ll catch more flys with honey than with vinegar.  People will take you more seriously if you weren\'t such a Leithbag.

That being said, since yes you are a cool cat in person.  When are we gonna see you out here again? :D  Come on make the trek for the freakout.....

edit:see Dave\'s above post

Chris well my NYE may well be 4 nights back east. Seeing as TLG has balls to do NYE on the opposite coast!

12.28.06 Teaneck, NJ @ Mexicali Blues
12.29.06 Falls Church, VA @ The State Theatre
12.30.06 Annapolis, MD @ Rams Head (acoustic)
12.31.06 Philadelphia, PA @ TLA (with The Brakes)

Quote from: OMS;121183
leith, i couldnt disagree with you "Me!" said earlier, the majority of the fans on .info do everything they can do to support the band and I think that is the reason they are still around.  And yes, people can not just leave their everyday jobs or responsibilities to catch a breakfast show in a different state.  again it would be great if they could, however they cant.  I go to school in the city and I see the breakfast every chance I get.  I can\'t always just leave school to go see them but when they are playing somewhere else and I am already there, I make it my priority to see them.  All of these hardcore fans have seen well over 200 shows and are doing their part and i genuinely dont think its right or ok for you to come out of nowhere and tell them they are not doing enough.  everyone on here knows the bands representation is an issue and everyone (including myself) is doing their part to help the band move along however we can. so try not to come on the this board and be so acusatory of fans who really would do nearly anything for the band

Anything for the band but touring.

Quote from: Stephengencs;121184
Leith, regardless of how you put it, I see your point.  It would be amazing to have some hardcore breakfast heads out here on the road, but what really needs to happen if this band is going to make it is that people from the cities we play need to know about the show and band.  It\'s the local music fans from across this country that will push this band to the next level.  If there is a demand for something, the supply shall follow. The Breakfast have their New England fans, and I know that if it wasn\'t for this thing called life, there would be quite a few familiar faces along with us on this tour (or even just parts of it).

Quote from: WALSH;121193
Blah, Blah, Blah Leithbag.  DavePec said it perfectly.  

For myself, I have the Disco Biscuits, they bring me to a place that NO OTHER BAND has ever taken me.  This includes Phish, The Dead and , yes it is possible, The Breakfast.  No one on here may understand or agree, but it is how it is.  When they tour around, i try to hit every show I can, because they don\'t play as many during the year.  When I am not going on the road for them, i hit as many Breakfast shows as possible.  I have seen the Breakfast almost twice as much as the Biscuits, but the tDB runs cost alot of money, but I am not going to stop going on those, sorry pal.

Stop trying to BLAME people and start trying to do positive things to actually help the Breakfast with all this desire you have for the band.  You don\'t know shit about other peoples lives, so just worry about yourself.

Quote from: Mamalakabubadaya;121194
i am completely with dave/jimbo on this one. leith, you cannot expect that everyone is so available to drop their everyday commitments and go on breakfast tour. come on now...we all have responsibilities to deal with. yes, it would be fun, but we can\'t all do it. it\'s awesome that some of the die hards are able to/have been able to go out west and see the band as well as west coasters coming east. it\'s really a great thing, but it also doesn\'t do as much as we would like to think for the band.

Yeah you are all correct.
You all have better things to do than support your favorite band when it becomes even remotely uncomfortable to do so. OK whatever.

Quote from: kindm\'s;121206
leith = Drama

You know you really need some perspective.

You work in the music industry so your life pretty much revolves around the music scene. You make your $ from waht you have indicated on the board doing lighting and etc for money. So your personal life and job all revolve around music. Good for you. I would imagine much of your life also falls in to the non 9-5 grind as many of us have to endure. How many shows that you go to do you even pay to go to ? My guess is that you have the hook ups and probably get listed at many shows. All these things help YOU to go to many shows others cannot do because of jobs, money etc. It also saves you cash that you can spend on other stuff. Perhaps you just have more $ than everybody else but your situation does not translate in to everyone elses.

So lets compare. TLG is having a 2 night run in their hometown (or close to it) on the weekend and people fly out for shows. hmmm. When the Breakfast did a local 2 night run I recall you as well as others flew and drove in from afar to go to the show. So why all the hating ?

The bands drawing power has nothing to do with the die hard fans here on the board. many here do not have the finances or time available to them to make a cross country trek.

Hell I was looking at Peck\'s "tapers needed" thread on another board trying to see if I could fly out to seattle for the weekend to catch a show and make a tape.

So whats the point of all this. I think many if not all of us if we had the time, money and security to do so would drop everything and go on tour with the band. But I\'m not 19 anymore and unfortunately dropping everything and anything to drive around the country to see music isn\'t my primary concern in life as it once was.

Yeah Mike I don\'t pay for most of the shows I go to so I can understand your point there. Not everyone can be so lucky but actually it\'s not luck but the hard work I do and the contacts I make doing my work.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 01:11:28 pm by leith »
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2006, 01:00:36 pm »
Dude, man, brah, you\'re totally right! What the hell I\'m I doing thinking about my life and future, I gotta be thinkin about the Breakfast\'s future! How unbelievably seflish I\'ve been. I\'m repenting my futile ways right now, in front of all y\'all dot infoers, my mission is now to help these guys make it. Get a Phd, screw that, how does that help the Breakfast? Answer: it doesnt, bye-bye. Savin money for applications? I can use that money to fly out to Wisonsin and get drunk at some bar and talk up my buddies. Money for school? Fuck it, I\'m gonna trip my balls off in San Diego and tell everyone this is the best band ever. Work? Lame, I work for the Breakfast now. My house? Whatever, I don\'t see the Breakfast living here, do you? My band? Is it called the Breakfast, let me check...nope, peace out guys, I\'m off to Tennesee!

I can see it now, years later, Breakfast is the biggest thing since Nickelback! Money, fans, cars, houses, and I helped! "Hey Ron, awesome show man (at f\'n Meadowlands, biatch!), say, my rent\'s overdue, can you spot me a few bucks? No? Oh well, that\'s cool man. Oh, take a shower? Sure, once I sell enough frienship bracelets and veggie burritoes to get my water turned back on." Man, years after that, Breakfast are rock legends! I can tell my kids how I was part of that musical revolution (they\'ll have plenty of time to listen, since I have no money to send them to college). Now I can lay on my deathbed and thank God above that I sacrificed my life for, not the poor, the sick, or the homeless diseased orphans, but the mother f\'n Breakfast!

Dude fuck that