Author Topic: If The Breakfast are going to make it...  (Read 10383 times)


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #120 on: October 06, 2006, 09:32:00 am »
Pgroove SUCKS!!!  They are WAY TOO mellow a band to be touring with the Breakfast.  I was on the last tour with BFast and PGroove, I would not want to see that happen again. BORING!!  I was sleeping with my beer in my hand.  I\'m not sure the guys would want to do it anyway, IMHO
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  • Mahoney
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #121 on: October 06, 2006, 10:02:09 am »
Mandler you are missing my point.  I was just using PGroove as an example of a band that has a different sound then the Breakfast and a much larger following that the boys would be able to spread their music to.  How do they have the chance to be picky?  Obviously touring with a bluegrass band(unless they went acoustic;)) or sts9(have steered completely away from jambands) wouldn\'t make any sense but other larger drawing jambands are the ticket.  Blues Traveler and Dave opened for the Dead, Phish opened for Santana(a few times) Widespread opened for Phish...shit Keller and Yonder opened for SCI and they both have blown up...and the list goes on.  Christ, the Biscuits opened for moe. this past February because they hadn\'t been in Chitown in a while and wanted to ease back into touring and they draw, on avg, at least 2000 people in the NE and easily 700-1200 other areas.  

It is a good thing, no matter what Breakfast fans think of the other bands music.  It\'s plain and simple; say the Breakfast open for Govt. Mule and do a 3 week, 20 show tour.  At each show, let\'s say 200 fans of Mule go in early to hear the opener...that\'s 4000 people that might have NEVER heard the band had they not opened for them.  they need to try it.
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #122 on: October 06, 2006, 10:16:15 am »
Govt Mule now you\'re talking!  I do think PGroove sucks, but it\'s mor ethan that too.  PGroove is very mellow, Breakfast is not.  Two polar opposite sets.  People who would be coming to hear PGroove could be put off by the Breakfast.

Blues Traveler and Dave are both fairly straight up rocka nd roll bands (each with their own interpretation)  and so is Phish (obviously with it\'s own ideas)

Keller and Yonder both right up SCI alley.  

I am in no way opposed to the BReakfast being an opening band.  THere\'s no argument, it would be good for them and open alot of doors.  But I think the choice of band needs to be made very carefully.

The Breakfast = methamphetamine
Perpetual Groove = heroin (not a bash just a description)
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #123 on: October 06, 2006, 12:07:10 pm »
if you\'re offering to babysit, im going on tour :)


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #124 on: October 06, 2006, 02:32:34 pm »
Quote from: Me!;121850
Govt Mule now you\'re talking!  I do think PGroove sucks, but it\'s mor ethan that too.  PGroove is very mellow, Breakfast is not.  Two polar opposite sets.  People who would be coming to hear PGroove could be put off by the Breakfast.

Blues Traveler and Dave are both fairly straight up rocka nd roll bands (each with their own interpretation)  and so is Phish (obviously with it\'s own ideas)

Keller and Yonder both right up SCI alley.  

I am in no way opposed to the BReakfast being an opening band.  THere\'s no argument, it would be good for them and open alot of doors.  But I think the choice of band needs to be made very carefully.

The Breakfast = methamphetamine
Perpetual Groove = heroin (not a bash just a description)
Of course it would benefit the Breakfast to go on tour with SCI, mule, WSP, moe, UM or any other fantasy dream gig.  To do this we would need to replace our current booking agent with some kind of miracle worker.  P-groove does have such an agent, otherwise they would not have blown up.  Pgroove and Moonshine Still are 2 examples of unbelievably shitty bands which have enjoyed mild success due to the magical powers of their God-like booking agents.  Without their agency, they would still be playing in front of 20 people even in their home state.  Which is still what happens when P-groove plays in Georgia - they don\'t draw shit here in Atlanta.  The reason they have had success on the road is that their agent always has them at the perfect place at the perfect time, forcing large groups of unsuspecting fans to sit through their bullshit.  

But Walsh is right in that it would benefit the Breakfast to go on tour with an arena-caliber, overbloated band.  Of course it would benefit.  But P-groove is not the answer.

And also -P-groove does not have a larger following than the Breakfast.  On the road they create the illusion of being successful because of their agent.  But p-groove does not have the equivalent of the Freakout or NYE Toads, and they do not have the ability to fill theatre size venues like the Webster theatre in their home state.  Those are the critical money-making gigs, and P-groove just doesn\'t have those.  I\'m telling you I live in Georgia, their home state, and they don\'t draw shit down here.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 02:37:26 pm by origen »


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #125 on: October 06, 2006, 02:41:25 pm »
^^I remember being very frustrated, on that southern tour, cause they promised the guys packed rooms in 400 capacity venues and both bands ended up playing to no more than 60 people on the whole tour.  But that was a couple years ago, you\'d know better living there now.
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #126 on: October 06, 2006, 02:53:01 pm »
The couple slots that the bfast had opening for moe. were a HUGE step in the right direction but there were only like 2 or 3 of those shows. plus they were opening for the openers so everyone was out in the lot. i guess moe. and probably UM are pretty much out of the bfasts league right now, but i agree that bfast and raq would be ideal. especially if it was alternating sets ala the seth yac+bfast melting of the minds tour (which by the way was ser. i saw a memory of liz reed with the two bands that was pretty amazing, too bad it was in Johnston State Vt w/ very few peeps there to witness it.)
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #127 on: October 07, 2006, 12:15:39 am »
Quote from: Me!;121891
^^I remember being very frustrated, on that southern tour, cause they promised the guys packed rooms in 400 capacity venues and both bands ended up playing to no more than 60 people on the whole tour.  But that was a couple years ago, you\'d know better living there now.

Yeah dude having the Breakfast OPENING for p-groove is like hiring the delta force, green berets, and navy seals to do security.

Quote from: Gfunk;121894
The couple slots that the bfast had opening for moe. were a HUGE step in the right direction but there were only like 2 or 3 of those shows. plus they were opening for the openers so everyone was out in the lot. i guess moe. and probably UM are pretty much out of the bfasts league right now, but i agree that bfast and raq would be ideal. especially if it was alternating sets ala the seth yac+bfast melting of the minds tour (which by the way was ser. i saw a memory of liz reed with the two bands that was pretty amazing, too bad it was in Johnston State Vt w/ very few peeps there to witness it.)
I agree that the melding of the minds tour was awesome - that was my first show and I instantly decided that the Breakfast was the best band in America.  Unfortunately the tour was festooned with doozies, but they played their ass off at Jake\'s Roadhouse in Decatur GA in front of me and two other people and I\'ve traveled the country to see them ever since.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2006, 12:18:39 am by origen »


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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #128 on: October 07, 2006, 11:21:02 am »
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Breakfast doesn\'t pack the Webster.  They don\'t even 1/2 fill it.
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #129 on: October 07, 2006, 12:13:56 pm »
Quote from: WALSH;121995
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Breakfast doesn\'t pack the Webster.  They don\'t even 1/2 fill it.
Well you would know better than I since I\'ve never been there.  But I still refuse to believe P-groove is bigger than the Breakfast.  They might be getting close, but you have to separate the casual fans from the hardcore, lifelong fans.  The Breakfast has more devoted fans, more willing to travel,etc.  P-groove gets good crowds only because of great booking.  Half the people at these shows don\'t know or care what they are seeing.

As as for hometown shows, P-groove can fill a small theatre to about 1/3 capacity, and at least 90% of the fans are under 21, and 90% of those are not even 18.  (hint: more all ages shows could help the Breakfast a lot).  I saw maybe 10 people at the last show that were over 21.

And Walsh, if you are down on the Breakfast, it is probably a familiarity-breeds-contempt thing.  I\'ve seen them less than 20 times so it\'s still really fresh to me.


  • NewHampshire Fordamnsure
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #130 on: October 07, 2006, 06:02:00 pm »
when i saw Pgroove @ the stone church there were less people than the b\'fast bring...but thats NH
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #131 on: October 07, 2006, 06:08:28 pm »
Quote from: origen;122003
(hint: more all ages shows could help the Breakfast a lot)

I don\'t know about a lot, but.
I do know that myself, bezerker, and people like sally are not 21 and also have friends that are not 21 that are just itching to leach onto the necks of this\'s uh frustrating yes there is some demand for under 21 fans...
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #132 on: October 07, 2006, 06:32:05 pm »
I\'m pretty sure Gabo doesn\'t have any troubel getting into shows
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  • govt.cheeze
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #133 on: October 07, 2006, 06:47:01 pm »
we all know this...
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If The Breakfast are going to make it...
« Reply #134 on: October 07, 2006, 07:00:36 pm »
I have never said that I was down on the Breakfast.  I love this band, I just hate when people bash other bands becuse they aren\'t the Breakfast, this isn\'t a competition.
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