No offence brah, not trying to start an argument here, but FUCK YOU! If I had the means to hop on a plane and catch the Breakfast on the left coast I would be there in a heart beat. But it just not that simple, some people have lives to live that include things other than going to shows everynight. (Although you wouldn\'t know that when they\'re at home

) I do my part, I catch every single show that is plausible for me to catch. With work and school, flying to Cali or wherever to see a band I see anywhere from 3 to 8 times a month regularly is not at the top of my priority list. Am I saying I\'ll never do it? No. But it\'s not always that easy. Most of us don\'t have the means to just whimsically hop on a plane ditch work and any other resposibilities we have for a trip across the country. Honestly as bummed as I am that they\'re gone till the end of Oct, I\'m glad for the break, it was nice to just be at home this weekend.
I completley understand the point your trying to make but, once again, why be so accusatory about it? Like it\'s our fault the band isn\'t making it right now. If anything it\'s thanks to people like us that the band is still kicking around. I remember back in \'01 after their equipment got stolen they were gonna pack it up, but the fans wouldn\'t let them, and we would have never heard such mind blowing nights like 8/20/05.
It also helps when you\'re TLG and you have such major support behind you from the industry. I\'m not saying they\'re Phish or (insert band name here) or anything, but they have a much more straight forward haight ashbury rock sound that\'s, well, a little easier on the ears for some than the Breakfast.
Again, not trying to start shit here, I\'m glad they have such a great following, it must make for a great show enviroment. But hey, you\'ve flown out here numerous times, and it looks like we\'re gonna have some long distance heads for the freakout.
I think the band is doing the best it has since the Duece days. We seem to be on an upward arch. No need to be bashing progress, no matter how slow it may be happening.