Author Topic: The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!  (Read 16230 times)


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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:29:07 pm »
Who saw this???!

Ok, at first I thought this was going to be lame. Like some stupid fictional superpower thing.

But it\'s not... this show is a *wake up call* because obviously some people in hollywood are trying to spread awareness of the true power we all have!

I\'m talking about that 92% of your DNA that the government calls "junk DNA" people. Do you really believe that the creator, or whatever force is responsible for the perfection of the universe, would have the vast majority of our DNA be "junk" ??

Well it\'s not. Our DNA is the link between the material world and the spiritual world. Study Quantum Physics... or even watch the movie What the Bleep Do We Know?!? (about quantum physics) and tell me this isn\'t true. It is. Our DNA contains a whole lot of stuff that is just waiting to be unlocked by the master plan of the universe! Guess who doesn\'t want you to know this because, with this knowledge, you would be virtually impossible to control.... ?

Anyway, this TV show is basically about the awakening of the word of god within us all (DNA) and the end-times (beginning times!). It shows a bunch of people discovering their powers and true calling as zero-point quantum energy / (or Christ-energy?... we are all created in Gods image and we are all "sons of God" just like Jesus... but he realized it earlier than most people) begins to manifest within them and show them their true potential as human beings.

It shows the singularity and syncronicities occuring at an increasing rate between these people and all over the world. And it shows the suppression of knowledge of these phenomena (this stuff is real folks, I tell ya) by suits of unknown agencies seeking to maintain the power structure that has been in place for hundreds of years or more.

Anyway, I encourage you all to watch the next episode of this.... Mondays @ 9:00pm on NBC.

And before you do, watch the movie What the Bleep Do We Know??! Rabbit Hole Edition because if you have a basic understanding of quantum mechanics (and maybe some ancient prophecies especially those regarding the end-days and the Aquarian Age which begins in 2012) you might be as impressed by this show as I am :)

knowledge really is power


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  • El Cuco
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 11:05:31 pm »
I didn\'t see the show, but from what I\'ve read in this thread I feel obliged to provide a warning that the "science" might be highly suspect.

Are they actually trying to use Quantum Mechanics (or physics as you put it) to prove the existence of god or intelligent design?

If you are fascinated by Quantum Mechanical possibilities I suggest you read up on the EPR paradox before applying them too broadly.

As for that movie, the "science" used in it is laughable.  Right up there with L. Ron Hubbard and Gene Ray.  

I will watch this show next week.  Only fair after bashing it.
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2006, 11:18:37 pm »
Well, they haven\'t directly linked or even really mentioned the quantum world to the plot in the TV show--yet.

As for What the Bleep, I would hardly call the science used in it "laughable" !! Obviously many of the scenes in the movie are dramaticized but the movie is full of experiments and demonstrations of very basic principles of quantum physics (yep I call it physics). I do think it is an excellent movie for anyone to introduce themselves to these concepts, and an inspirational movie at that.

As for the show, I drew my own parallels, but to me they were obvious.

And as for me, I\'m no scientist and my mathematical skills are terrible. But I am a lifelong learner studying a vast array of topics, especially those that are not accepted as 100%truth by the mainstream. And I am entirely confident that I understand the concepts of quantum mechanics as well as any lay person can.

And I also believe zero-point energy and quantum possibilities have long been foretold, as early back as by the Mayans. And I believe we can manipulate phenomena that occur on the planck scale with our thoughts and intentions ... and these are what people have thought of as "miracles" and psychic/superhuman phenomena for quite a long time now.

If you have examples of bad science in WhatTheBleep please give them specifically, I really would like to know. I\'ve got quite the curious mind when it comes to this stuff.
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2006, 11:37:29 pm »
Saw this a couple weeks ago via bittorrent and am very intrigued to see where they go w/ it. The Japanese dude is my favorite right now.
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  • El Cuco
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2006, 11:53:22 pm »
Okay I\'ve only seen this movie once and not recently, but I opened my mouth, err, keyboard, so here goes:

1. The whole Native Americans couldn\'t see Colombus\'s ships thing.  It\'s a story.  No one can verify this.  Not science. Not even close.

The idea behind it that one can\'t see what they didn\'t think possible is bunk.  Nothing would have been discovered EVER.  Not to mention the poor bastard who discovered fire getting roasted by something he couldn\'t see.

2. The two glasses of water with different labels. Here\'s a simple one you can try at home.  I\'ll do it now.  (no really, if I wake up tommorow and find fucked up looking glass of water I\'ll take this whole thing back)

3. It goes on to say humans are 90% water- not true, and that if we "label ourselves" appropriately we will receive the desired result.  Yeah.  Okay.  Then why not get a t-shirt that says billionaire.  Or better yet a tattoo.  What an investment!

4. That nut who claimed his class lowered the crime rate in DC by meditating. That\'s like the sports fan who somehow believes watching and cheering a game on TV helps his team.

5. The whole channeling the ancient warrior thing.  Miss Cleo anyone?

I could go on and on.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 11:57:27 pm by wildcoyote »
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Jim Cobb

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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2006, 01:48:55 am »
what the bleep is definitly oversimplified and kind of rediculous in a lot of ways, but i wouldn\'t let that completely dissuade you from the possibility that there is a bridge being built between science and spirituality.

try reading some fred alan wolf, a physicist who has done a lot of research into shamanism.  you cannot deny that shamanic healing has worked with an astonishing rate of success.  is it just "magic"?  wolf attempts to explain shamanism in terms of quantum physics and i think he does a pretty bangup job.  i\'m not gonna summarize his whole study here, if you\'re interested, then go read.

and as far as the eprb paradox is concerned, it\'s kind of a moot point as classical point particle physics doesn\'t really work anyway, superstring theory/m-theory have been doing a damn good job of replacing point particle physics.  yes quantum physics is an incomplete theory but so is general relativity!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2006, 01:55:45 am by Jim Cobb »
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2006, 10:02:28 am »
saw this I liked it so far, will watch again next week.  I agree with letih TH ejapanese dud e is my fav so far.  Although I would like to see that video tape of that girl killing those two dudes.
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2006, 11:41:26 am »
they are doing a replay of yesterdays show tonight at 9 i think, i would say if your interested check it out. i thought it was interesting. I\'m kind of a spiritual person and believe in the awakening of the human mind. i would wager if a skeptical person were to try and seriously meditate for 15-30 minutes a day you would feel a connection with a higher force you have rarely felt. I didn\'t see/hear many god references and would probably be less interested in the show if i did.
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Jim Cobb

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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2006, 11:46:39 am »
i guess this would be the thread to post this on.

i\'m having a bit of a dilema.  as most of you know, i dont use drugs because of my past issues with addiction/alcoholism.  however, i feel called to the ayahuasca ceremony.  part of me feels that attending one of these ceremonies with a shaman would be on par with getting prescribed medicine from a doctor, but then part of me is like, \'well thats using drugs, and i dont do that\'.  not sure what i expect any of you to tell me here, but i did just want to vent it.  feelin pretty conflicted...
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  • El Cuco
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2006, 12:11:49 pm »
I had to look that one up.  
Where are you going to find someone to do this?
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Jim Cobb

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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2006, 12:44:58 pm »
i know a shaman.
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2006, 04:55:35 pm »
Quote from: Jim Cobb;120502
i guess this would be the thread to post this on.

i\'m having a bit of a dilema.  as most of you know, i dont use drugs because of my past issues with addiction/alcoholism.  however, i feel called to the ayahuasca ceremony.  part of me feels that attending one of these ceremonies with a shaman would be on par with getting prescribed medicine from a doctor, but then part of me is like, \'well thats using drugs, and i dont do that\'.  not sure what i expect any of you to tell me here, but i did just want to vent it.  feelin pretty conflicted...

Ayahuasca is interesting.... but there\'s a good chance you will be in over your head. I doubt there are many people on this planet with as much and as diverse psychedelic experience as me... and, um, ayahuasca IMO is just too unpredictable in terms of dose and effects curve. Also the experience it provides, at least for me, is much less valuable in terms of one\'s own growth and self-realizations than the experience provided by *** or psilocin-based *********.

I vastly prefer smoked DMT over ayahuasca because its much easier to find the right dose, and just a better experience overall. But even smoked DMT isn\'t my top choice because the quick trip makes it virtually impossible to take your time with the experience and learn much from it besides "holy shit!!!".. plus the body buzz can be a bit overwhelming.

Here is why I prefer ********* over ayahuasca for self/spiritual therapy. Ayahuasca is liable to come in waves of strong intensity for several hours, leaving you feeling almost sober at times and extreeeeemly spaced and forced unwillingly into other dimensions like 2 minutes later, and back, and forth, and back, and forth. The entire experience can be spent just trying to get your bearings!

IMO it is absolutely not even close to the psychedelic/entheogen I\'d choose for a beginner. For example, my ex-girlfriend ate some DMT (pharmahuasca) and was assualted by aliens contacting her and taking over her sensory functions. I ate the same size dose and thought it was mostly too weak to be interesting, except for brief periods where it was uncomfortably intense.

Also, the whole doing-it-with-a-shaman idea is cool.... but there\'s tons of people around all over the world these days who may be able to guide you through an experience as well or better than a shaman. Doing it with a shaman would likely influence your experience towards themes of ancient societies and stuff like that.... but really all a psychedelic does is manifest your mind and project whats in your mind blended through your senses and emotions. I think its best to take a psychedelic with as little preconceived notions as possible so you get the clearest and most accurate picture of whats actually in your head. That\'s where the therapy value is.

Anyway, shrooms or *** for your introduction, trust me. All phenethlyamines don\'t hold the same value (including mescaline). Also keep in mind a shaman is going to give you a FAT dose of whatever he gives you (aya, mescaline, whatever), that\'s just the way they roll. I disagree with this strategy and find that just as much or more value can be taken from medium/light trips, with the added benefit of not freaking you out.

Feel free to PM me if you got any questions, I have more experience with this stuff than anybody really should ;)
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2006, 05:07:49 pm »
So... this show is on again tonight Tues the 26th @ 8pm EST, 7pm Central

in case you missed it and think it might be interesting (it is :) )
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2006, 05:11:15 pm »
Quote from: Jim Cobb;120502
i guess this would be the thread to post this on.

i\'m having a bit of a dilema.  as most of you know, i dont use drugs because of my past issues with addiction/alcoholism.  however, i feel called to the ayahuasca ceremony.  part of me feels that attending one of these ceremonies with a shaman would be on par with getting prescribed medicine from a doctor, but then part of me is like, \'well thats using drugs, and i dont do that\'.  not sure what i expect any of you to tell me here, but i did just want to vent it.  feelin pretty conflicted...

What are you hoping to gain from this ceremony?
Drugs and potions are a shortcut to open your mind and put it in a healing state. Too often they become crutches for people who are unable to reach that state on their own. Many modern day shamans do not understand this. Instead of helping people become more independent and enlightened they replace their current problems and addictions with an addiction to the shaman and his ceremony. Many (but not all) of these ceremonies end up being nothing more than hanging out in a dark room with like-minded people, getting blitzed out of your skull and discussing your problems.

The power lies within you. Initial guidance may be helpful but ultimately you should be able to access this power on your own.
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The show HEROES on NBC... holy moly!
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2006, 05:28:12 pm »
yeah, plus Dolphin-Assisted Theraphy looks like it might even be more fun than a good mindtrip =D
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