I hear you man, I\'d love to see them play the Pearl St. Ballroom by now (Calvin would be cool too hehe)
The way I see it, the old school Northampton/Amherst area Breakfast ---- or, I should probably say Psychedelic Breakfast --- crew is pretty scattered. Shattered and tattered.. but does it matter? I know far too many dudes out here who, upon mention of The Breakfast, are like, "oh yeah they changed their name huh, they still play? wow... people still see their shows??"... and I\'m like, "damn right they still play biatch, in fact they\'re better than ever. You don\'t even know what you\'re missing"
but these kids are asshats. They are under the impression PB is on a slow decline since they played Butterfield and they\'re waaaay too cool to even check out a show these days.
.... of course we know this is bullpucky!
A while back when I realized we have this strange phenomenom of uninterested ex-PB fans around here, I decided the area needs a new rejuvination to the hardcore following.
As for my part, I\'ve been bringing a lot of new faces to shows. Some of these people have only been able to make that 1 show, others thought it was so awesome they come to all the shows they can now..
But we need to go all out for this Northampton show. Lots of heady fliers. Lots of word of mouth. Get \'em there.
But even more importantly, we gotta make sure these kids who show up (and there seem to be a lotta kids a few years younger than me getting into the scene.... last Iron Horse show I met some real cool kids rockin\' it right up front and going crazy for Gladys Pimp!)... we gotta make sure they come back, and back and back for more!
So, give them a little something extra to remember. Make \'em feel a little special. Instead of having the DVDs up on the merch desk, how about some of the regulars/travelers/family/d00ds+d00dettes hand them out to the crowd and make a little of the chit-chat with these college kids. During the show, project the good vibes and energy all around the room.
I know I can have more than enough fun for one person at a Breakfast show... I bet you can too. Lets have so much fuckin\' fun it spills out into the streets!