Author Topic: Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE  (Read 4440 times)


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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2006, 06:54:43 am »
wow. you guys are taking the gloves off in here! :thechase:

Promo means going out and interacting with the public. Alot of people say they will help and then get the stuff and do nothing with it. Other people, Jeff er, "spacey" for example simply go out and buy their own ball when there is not one on the court to play with. I find this very impressive. I\'m not saying that this case is because someone is lazy, or that ron didn\'t ship or shipped to the wrong address. The point I\'m making is that promo takes time and it\'s rough because alot of people toss them right after they take them out of your hand. It\'s hard to keep a positive attitude with things like that. Every now and then you get into a good conversation and turn someone onto the band, and I guess that is the reward.

I always have and always will give props to those who do promo. I don\'t know what happened here, but if you really want to help and can afford to print out some of those as handbills, then I think that is something you should definetly do. :thumbsup:

Introduce yourself to the band at the show and let them know. they are all really cool and layed back and they will definetly appreciate it. Have a great show!
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2006, 08:38:18 am »
Quote from: FrankZappa;120883

Introduce yourself to the band at the show and let them know. they are all really cool and layed back and they will definetly appreciate it. Have a great show!

i agree but appreciation only goes so far when your pulling $20-$50 out of you pocket on top of taking the time to go to shows and pass out the material. hell i don\'t mind passing out promo materials but i\'m not rich. so you send a hundred or so flyers to myspace friends and .info family and that should be enough to bring in at least another 50-100 people. a grassroots promo fund needs to be established to handel these costs otherwise it\'s never gonna happen. just look at what can happen case in point the Toad\'s 1000th show
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2006, 11:52:36 am »
Toad\'s Place was a grueling 4-6 week venture that I got on peoples asses about everything. It came to the point that the people who took posters thought I was accussing them on not hanging them. It also cost me close to $100, but it was worth it. The difference between sending out flyers and having someone giving out flyers is caring. You have to care about the investment you made, enough to follow up with people. The posters I give out or the flyers I leave at the store, I follow up to see how everything went. Its not all that smart to send them out and not care if someone is using them or not, you might not able to make them use the promo material but you sure can find out what they are doing with it. Why waste the money if some of these venues aren\'t going to use the materials.
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2006, 12:11:11 pm »
i\'m talking about giving people 50 fliers or so and tell them to pass them on to friends... at least thats something... right..... what does it cost to send 50 fliers $2-$3 bucks....... i wouldn\'t send out posters unless the person is serious about putting it up somewhere.
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  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2006, 12:44:45 pm »
it probably costs more like a $1 to print out 50 fliers, there are 4 to a sheet.
Love many, trust few and don\'t be late.


  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2006, 01:03:18 pm »
Quote from: Spacey;120941
it probably costs more like a $1 to print out 50 fliers, there are 4 to a sheet.

i was thinking shipping costs as well
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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  • Taqueria Overexposure
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2006, 01:14:59 pm »
Hope this show does well, for a Monday night.  Given what I heard about previous shows, Omaha is probably one of the best up-and-coming Breakfast scenes, thanks to a couple of .info people spreading the word.
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2006, 05:15:38 pm »
Quote from: BluesPower;120735
 I havent seen any promotions of any sort around town for this show.  I don\'t think the Shag does a very good job of promoting concerts, as the Oteil show only had about 20 people there.  If there was anything I could do to help promote it Id be happy to help out.

Ando and I have been trying to get promo stuff for weeks, but to no avail, even though their manager promised Ando promotional posters and fliers months ago. He made it very clear to Ando to not make anything because things WOULD BE SENT.  We made about 50-60 but at $1 a copy, I don\'t have that much money to put out, especially considering the amount I threw down last time they were in town that went straight to the band.  Also, the Shag DOES do a great job promoting shows....I\'m there almost every week listening to some good tunes with kids.  The reason no one was at Oteil was because it\'s not very good music, I was there the last time they were in town. I\'ve known about the upcoming Zilla show for close to 2 months now.  We wanted the bfast back because it has always been a good time and they are great musicians, but it\'s hard to get the word out when we are STILL WAITING for the promotional goods they were supposed to send.


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« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2006, 06:31:50 pm »
Quote from: Spacey;120941
it probably costs more like a $1 to print out 50 fliers, there are 4 to a sheet.

Actually $ 1 per sheet. (KINKOS)  When printing off any promotional material I use color copies.  I think its better to represent the band as the band would want to be represented.  
Slack-ass black and white handbills aren\'t paid attention to these days.  

I dont do this to make money.  I just want to see the breakfast in Omaha.  Its a headache everytime.  Next time I will probably just go see them somewhere else, and be much happier.

I was told by the booking agent (IRA) not to make anything as far as promotions go.  He said the band was on a "Highly promoted CD release tour".  I saw one piece of publicity, and that was on  Other than that, who even knows they have a CD coming out.  Anywho, I never received any promotional material.  Neither did the venue, who does a great job of promoting.  Oteil sucks, thats why no one was there.  The first time he played here, tons of people, the next well, I didnt want to sit through that shit, so i did not go.

YES, we are getting really high in Omaha, and thank you.  The dankest of the dank.  Crisp and very with it.

The first time I booked the Breakfast in Omaha I tried to sign up for the "wild pack" or grassroots it was at the time.  I never received anything, not even an email saying thank you for your interest in trying to get us some exposure.  Nothing.  The venue received some posters (nice ones) about 5 of them, and a CD.  Last time I paid for all promotional material, spent about 170 dollars and did not make one cent nor was I looking to.  This time, Kimmers has been spending money making fliers, and also paid the band $100 last time.  I am not willing to spend any more money on a band that does not seem to care whether they are promoted well or not.  Omaha loves the breakfast.  But no one here knows about the show.
That is the problem right now.  When we realized hey, these guys are not sending flyers.  we made some,  10 days before the show.  What can you really do with flyers in 10 days?

I would love to help the breakfast get there name out to the masses.  I cant pay for it though.  Especially when I see plenty of other bands out there "whoreing themselves out" and over-promoting, which in the music business is good.

The breakfast also needs new t-shirts.  Back to what I was saying, Represent the way you would want to be represented.

Come to Omaha and support the breakfast.
They\'re selling postcards of the hanging
They\'re painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town.:banboogy2:


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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2006, 08:38:38 pm »
I cant wait for monday.

And dont forget Eric Sardinas is playing the shag on sunday.  

Gonna be a great two days of music.


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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2006, 04:17:44 pm »
Quote from: ANDO;120994

YES, we are getting really high in Omaha, and thank you.  The dankest of the dank.  Crisp and very with it.

i love you and i miss all of you- please tell everyone hello.  THE CARTANTOR WILL BE COMING UP FOR THE FREAKOUT, where will you turks be?
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." -Aldous Huxley


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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2006, 05:17:49 pm »
Quote from: ANDO;120994
Actually $ 1 per sheet. (KINKOS)  When printing off any promotional material I use color copies.  I think its better to represent the band as the band would want to be represented.  
Slack-ass black and white handbills aren\'t paid attention to these days.  

I dont do this to make money.  I just want to see the breakfast in Omaha.  Its a headache everytime.  Next time I will probably just go see them somewhere else, and be much happier.

I was told by the booking agent (IRA) not to make anything as far as promotions go.  He said the band was on a "Highly promoted CD release tour".  I saw one piece of publicity, and that was on  Other than that, who even knows they have a CD coming out.  Anywho, I never received any promotional material.  Neither did the venue, who does a great job of promoting.  Oteil sucks, thats why no one was there.  The first time he played here, tons of people, the next well, I didnt want to sit through that shit, so i did not go.

YES, we are getting really high in Omaha, and thank you.  The dankest of the dank.  Crisp and very with it.

The first time I booked the Breakfast in Omaha I tried to sign up for the "wild pack" or grassroots it was at the time.  I never received anything, not even an email saying thank you for your interest in trying to get us some exposure.  Nothing.  The venue received some posters (nice ones) about 5 of them, and a CD.  Last time I paid for all promotional material, spent about 170 dollars and did not make one cent nor was I looking to.  This time, Kimmers has been spending money making fliers, and also paid the band $100 last time.  I am not willing to spend any more money on a band that does not seem to care whether they are promoted well or not.  Omaha loves the breakfast.  But no one here knows about the show.
That is the problem right now.  When we realized hey, these guys are not sending flyers.  we made some,  10 days before the show.  What can you really do with flyers in 10 days?

I would love to help the breakfast get there name out to the masses.  I cant pay for it though.  Especially when I see plenty of other bands out there "whoreing themselves out" and over-promoting, which in the music business is good.

The breakfast also needs new t-shirts.  Back to what I was saying, Represent the way you would want to be represented.

Come to Omaha and support the breakfast.

THis is the kinda thing I hate hearing.  Thanks for everyhting you do man.
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2006, 06:06:12 pm »
Quote from: Me!;121051
THis is the kinda thing I hate hearing.  Thanks for everyhting you do man.

Yeah! Def. big ups to you!!!
Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright...until you hear them speak.


  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2006, 09:50:01 am »
Quote from: ANDO;120994
Actually $ 1 per sheet. (KINKOS)  When printing off any promotional material I use color copies.  I think its better to represent the band as the band would want to be represented.  
Slack-ass black and white handbills aren\'t paid attention to these days.  

I dont do this to make money.  I just want to see the breakfast in Omaha.  Its a headache everytime.  Next time I will probably just go see them somewhere else, and be much happier.

I was told by the booking agent (IRA) not to make anything as far as promotions go.  He said the band was on a "Highly promoted CD release tour".  I saw one piece of publicity, and that was on  Other than that, who even knows they have a CD coming out.  Anywho, I never received any promotional material.  Neither did the venue, who does a great job of promoting.  Oteil sucks, thats why no one was there.  The first time he played here, tons of people, the next well, I didnt want to sit through that shit, so i did not go.

YES, we are getting really high in Omaha, and thank you.  The dankest of the dank.  Crisp and very with it.

The first time I booked the Breakfast in Omaha I tried to sign up for the "wild pack" or grassroots it was at the time.  I never received anything, not even an email saying thank you for your interest in trying to get us some exposure.  Nothing.  The venue received some posters (nice ones) about 5 of them, and a CD.  Last time I paid for all promotional material, spent about 170 dollars and did not make one cent nor was I looking to.  This time, Kimmers has been spending money making fliers, and also paid the band $100 last time.  I am not willing to spend any more money on a band that does not seem to care whether they are promoted well or not.  Omaha loves the breakfast.  But no one here knows about the show.
That is the problem right now.  When we realized hey, these guys are not sending flyers.  we made some,  10 days before the show.  What can you really do with flyers in 10 days?

I would love to help the breakfast get there name out to the masses.  I cant pay for it though.  Especially when I see plenty of other bands out there "whoreing themselves out" and over-promoting, which in the music business is good.

The breakfast also needs new t-shirts.  Back to what I was saying, Represent the way you would want to be represented.

Come to Omaha and support the breakfast.

trust me some us know your pain. everyone on .info should have a stack of fliers in there car and pass out atleast a couple. TT is in Richter\'s every week.... is there a Freakout poster in the window...... stuff like that is probably my one disslike as far as things being handled... if people don\'t know how can you expect them to go.
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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  • bron bron bachinski
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Oct. 2nd- the Shag, Omaha, NE
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2006, 11:08:45 am »
I\'m not gonna say I read the whole thread, but I did manage to get the basic points of it. I\'m not gonna point any fingers or whatnot, but I will say that the Shag folk are awesome people. I had 24 more Save shirts printed up for the tour, which were expected to be finished before the band left, but weren\'t. My plan was to send them to HOB, but I couldn\'t contact anyone at the venue. I called Fine Line in Minneapolis, guy was cool, but said they HAD to be there on Friday because no one would be able to accept a delivery on Saturday. Shag, on the other hand, was cool enough to have the club owner call me directly, and he was more than willing to have them sent to his HOUSE because it would be safer. Relevant story to the context of the promo mix up in Omaha? Probably not, but I figured I\'d share anyways to express my content with the Omaha folks who seem to love the band.
"Okay everybody, for my next miracle, I\'m going to turn water into funk!"