I thought the entire second set was great. I never liked Sureal Radio, but out of the four times I have seen it, this was the only time I could distinguish the different parts and the vocals. I enjoyed it for the first time. That\'s because the venue had great sound. It was clear and not too loud, just loud enough. People should get off their asses in NYC and come to the shows. It terrible that bands of such lesser talent can draw so many people, and such a good band has to play in front of 60 or so fans on a SATURDAY NIGHT IN NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!! This is not a new band anymore. I hate to join all of you complainers but they just have to expand the songs more and make them different each time they play them. Any song (Vermont Song?) can be good in the right spot, if played the right way. That is the end of my tirade for now, discuss amongst yourselfs.