Author Topic: How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?  (Read 4076 times)


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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2006, 06:09:16 pm »
I\'ve spoken to both Tim and Spacey about this is recent months. The guys are members of the Home Grown Music Network, which is an excellent resource they never seem to use. At least whenever a Home Grown band is in MY town, I always get in touch with Chris Robie and put up a few flyers in key areas, or if I have time I talk to local radio stations and get in touch with the venue. You have to get INVITED to be a member of the HGMN, so obviously they were doing something right when they got the invitation. However, you have to want to use it in order for it to work.

There are so many forms of promotion out there that are not being utilized, and it kills me. There seems to be a serious lack of communication between the band and the management team, whoever that may be. If they want to stop playing Midwest gigs for 30 people, more than one person needs to hike up their britches and put a little extra elbow grease into it. I\'m not blaming any single person here, but I am disappointed about how some things are being done. Granted I don\'t know all of the inner workings, but I\'ve heard enough to know that it\'s time for some changes.
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2006, 06:28:33 pm »
As a complete outsider to the situation, here is my belief:

The Breakfast is caught in a revolving door situation with its management.  The band needs to bring Crescendo Artists more acclaim (and $$$, of course) to become more of a priority for the agency.  Likewise, Crescendo needs to make the Breakfast more of a priority for the band to garner more acclaim/moolah/whatever.

This may not be the exact/only/absolute reason for the apparent communication breakdown between band and management, but I\'m sure it is a factor.

It\'s no wonder that most bands don\'t make it any further than this (actually, most bands don\'t even make it this far, but I\'m sure you all catch my drift).
Go see your Breakfast, there are starving Leiths in California


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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2006, 08:13:19 pm »
Quote from: leith
Well the title of the thread is How can WE get .......

So the name listed as Management is Alex Defelice.

The email listed is

Maybe a few nicely written reminders to him via email will help.
Maybe he does not realize that these things need attention.

If the band is going to make it they can not rely on the fanbase to keep up the type of efforts we have over the years.
They really need a strong management team and it needs to start now.

Vic wants us to think expressing our complaints anywhere but here will hurt the band and that is simply not true.
Write a polite email or letter expressing your love for this band and any complaints you may have about how they are percieved due to their publicity on Crescendo\'s site.
Any management that actually cares for the band they manage WILL respond  to this type of correspondence.

Quote from: kindm\'s
I will take the position of devils advocate:

Perhaps the booking agent has had reason to take things slow/ place the bfast on back burner. I was under the impression that a major reason for Jordan leaving the band was do to the fact that the other members could not get Jordan to commit to gig dates. That his personal schedule ie. work etc etc kept dates up in the air. I for one would find that difficult to work with if I was a BOOKING AGENT.

I am in no way blaming Jordan for any of this he made decisions based on what he thought was best for him and his family ( I can certainly sympathize and understand that). However I think it would be very naive to think that inner "turmoil" of the band ddint have anything to do with the situation they find themselves in at this point.

That doesn\'t explain away what appears to be long list of questionable decisions made by the band just another perspective that doesn\'t seem to be  evident in this thread

It takes very little time to update a band bio( it can and should have been emailed in to Crescendo awhile ago), put in a new pic (hell they have a 4 box pic that they can just cut Jordan out of!)

Jordan leaving should have in no way been an impediment in getting these basic things done. It has been how long since his last show?
There really is no excuse for this .

I agree with many if not all of your points was simply trying to raise an opposing viewpoint. But we have no idea if the booking agent has failed t hold p their end of the arrangement or if input from the band side is where the sluggishness lies. It is all simpy speculation on the part of the fanbase for the most part.
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2006, 08:33:35 pm »
Quote from: Drew_Kingsley
As a complete outsider to the situation, here is my belief:

The Breakfast is caught in a revolving door situation with its management.  The band needs to bring Crescendo Artists more acclaim (and $$$, of course) to become more of a priority for the agency.  Likewise, Crescendo needs to make the Breakfast more of a priority for the band to garner more acclaim/moolah/whatever.

This may not be the exact/only/absolute reason for the apparent communication breakdown between band and management, but I\'m sure it is a factor.

It\'s no wonder that most bands don\'t make it any further than this (actually, most bands don\'t even make it this far, but I\'m sure you all catch my drift).

After a couple of years of scratching my head I arrived at the same conclusion.

The band promotes itself by playing to people. They never fail to make new fans when they play gigs. I hoped that if some good could come of Jordan\'s exit it would be the band playing 4 or more shows a week and expanding the fan base. Sadly, it feels like they are playing fewer shows now. The calendar is filled at the end of September and for most of October with the national tour but after that the dates dry up.
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2006, 12:40:28 pm »
I think touring is definately the first step, but if these shows are not promoted, then it is kinda pointless. I definately agree with obsession that now that Jordan is gone there should be nothing holding them back from playing shows 4 nights a week. even if it is just in CT or the northeast. they need to be more of a fulltime band.
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2006, 01:40:31 pm »
i went to see my friends from LA play on monday night.  these guys are playing shows every day and are booked till may.  it takes a commitment to make the band your life.  if you want to succeed to need to pull out all the stops.  it\'s a huge risk, so i can see where one would want to play solo acoustic gigs to be sure some money will come in and other similar things.  i dont know who\'s at fault here.
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2006, 04:39:37 pm »
Quote from: leith
Quote from: sallyalli
oh god...its awesome you guys care, but let the band take care of it how they wish to. Im sure they will do what they think is

No Alli. I think if any of them knew that this stuff was not being taken care of they would ask someone to take care of it. They are savvy enough to know that this stuff needs to be done but they as they should be are busier making music and dealing w/ being a trio.

That is why I asked in my initial post if the band was even aware of this stuff.

They have obviously put their trust in Crescendo to book them but Crescendo is dropping the ball in some areas.

The main thing is that one can put in an offer for the band on the site. If you had only heard some hype about The Breakfast and go to the site to book them you will be under the impression you are getting a quartet.

This can cause problems for all involved and does not put the band in a good light.

much better said the second time around...i agree with you. just seems there is always a lot o\' bitchin going on on this site and not a lot of doin. its good you are tryin to make something happen.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2006, 04:43:46 pm by sallyalli »
:banguitar: :banboogy2:


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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2006, 06:49:36 pm »
Well here is some good news. I feel alot better about things and I think you all may also.

Following is my email and Alex\'s response.

Hello Alex,
My name is Leith DuVall. I am an ardent fan of The Breakfast and want to first thank you for helping get the band
get booked in better venues of late.

 It has come to the attention of the Breakfast fan community that their Bio and Band Pic needs updating on the Crescendo site.
Jordan G. has not been in the band for 2 months as of tomorrow. They still have a quartet pic and the Bio does not reflect this band change.
Also the recordings link on the website could use links to The Breakfast also as they have hundreds of live shows
available for free on Live Music Archive.
If you could find the time to see that someone gets these things done, we as a Community and I am sure the band as well would be very appreciative.
Thank You for your time,
Leith DuVall

How\'s it going?  Firstly, I want to thank all, of you on .info for the major support and love you give the band.  They are truly worth it and they couldn\'t ask for a better bunch of people to spread the word to the unintiated about them.
The band and I don\'t normally post on there because it is a fan community and we like to keep it that way.  Unless there is a press release or official news, it\'s best to let the fans keep it rockin\' and rolling.  By the way, you will see a press release at all the usual web sites in the next couple of days about the new album and tour.
Now to your issues, we are all well aware that the old photo is on there.  I talk to Tim and Ron usually six times a day and to Crescendo as well.  We did send a new photo to Crescendo a few weeks ago, but it was formatted in an odd size that made it impossible to upload, so it didn\'t work.  The band is scheduled for a new photo shoot next week and at that time all will be taken care of.  That also includes an updated bio making mention of the band as a trio and the new album.
Right now we are wrapping up two or three holes in the tour that should be filled by the end of the week.  We are also finalizing Northeast dates for November, a 10 day run to the midwest in early December and outlining next Jan 2007 tour plans. Our market is really growing in the Chicago/Minn. are so we need to keep humping it back there to build it.  We\'re also really looking forward to the first show in Vancouver and also playing Fais Do-Do which is a great room although the area is a little dicey but not as bad as it was a few years ago.  We are also gearing up for the album release and a whole bunch of other things into next year.  It\'s been a 24/7 time around the band lately, so sometimes things require a little patience.  These matters are being addressed and I totally appreciate the passion that you have for the band.  It\'s what makes it all worth while.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me anytime.
All the Best,


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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2006, 08:31:58 pm »
Quick Question, and dont want to start a new thread, but why is there no mention of the Breakfast in the latest Relix which outlined 10000 Lakes Festival when they apparently played in front of a few thousand people?
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  • Vicious.
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2006, 10:37:34 pm »
Quote from: leith

We are also finalizing Northeast dates for November, a 10 day run to the midwest in early December and outlining next Jan 2007 tour plans. Our market is really growing in the Chicago/Minn. are so we need to keep humping it back there to build it.

:banana: :disco:
That\'s what I\'m talkin\' bout!!! Give me flyers and phone numbers, I\'m on it.
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be." -Douglas Adams


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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2006, 10:37:44 pm »
Well done Leith! Big thumbs up to Alex for the well thought-out reply. I\'m glad to hear about the big booking plans especially the fact that they are going to try to cultivate the midwest. It seems they are making headway there and seems a logical extension of their Northeast touring.

Quote from: DocEllis70
Quick Question, and dont want to start a new thread, but why is there no mention of the Breakfast in the latest Relix which outlined 10000 Lakes Festival when they apparently played in front of a few thousand people?

Relix is clueless. Treat it like Playboy, ogle the pictures and skip the text.;)
"I taught them everything they know, but not everything I know."
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2006, 03:12:35 pm »

here you go Leith, a new photo.
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2006, 03:30:12 pm »
Quote from: Me!

here you go Leith, a new photo.

uh yeah thanx.
The b&w image was put up on Crescendo (along w/ an updated Bio) last week.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2006, 03:32:40 pm »
just saw it for the first time in publications, I apologize for not checking the Crescendo site everyday, my humblest apologies to obviously the grand master of the internet
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How do we get Crescendo Artists to care about The Breakfast?
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2006, 03:39:44 pm »
Play nice now children!!!
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