Well the title of the thread is How can
WE get .......
So the name listed as Management is Alex Defelice.
The email listed is
Maybe a few nicely written reminders to him via email will help.
Maybe he does not realize that these things need attention.
If the band is going to make it they can not rely on the fanbase to keep up the type of efforts we have over the years.
They really need a strong management team and it needs to start now.
Vic wants us to think expressing our complaints anywhere but here will hurt the band and that is simply not true.
Write a polite email or letter expressing your love for this band and any complaints you may have about how they are percieved due to their publicity on Crescendo\'s site.
Any management that actually cares for the band they manage WILL respond to this type of correspondence.
I will take the position of devils advocate:
Perhaps the booking agent has had reason to take things slow/ place the bfast on back burner. I was under the impression that a major reason for Jordan leaving the band was do to the fact that the other members could not get Jordan to commit to gig dates. That his personal schedule ie. work etc etc kept dates up in the air. I for one would find that difficult to work with if I was a BOOKING AGENT.
I am in no way blaming Jordan for any of this he made decisions based on what he thought was best for him and his family ( I can certainly sympathize and understand that). However I think it would be very naive to think that inner "turmoil" of the band ddint have anything to do with the situation they find themselves in at this point.
That doesn\'t explain away what appears to be long list of questionable decisions made by the band just another perspective that doesn\'t seem to be evident in this thread
It takes very little time to update a band bio( it can and should have been emailed in to Crescendo awhile ago), put in a new pic (hell they have a 4 box pic that they can just cut Jordan out of!)
Jordan leaving should have in no way been an impediment in getting these basic things done. It has been how long since his last show?
There really is no excuse for this .