I don\'t know what you all are argueing about. There is no Vegoose date....so the entire point is moot.
Our job is to make the best tour we can with folks that hire the band, not those that don\'t For those that don\'t, we have to prove that we can do the business they expect to see when they hire a band. When we do that, we get hired.
Its not at all about who is good, or who is better than any other band. It has to do with the buyers perception of the business we will do. the more folks at the shows, the better promoters, hence better venues are attracted to the band.
Back in the Kroop days Josh would bullshit his way into some gigs, which is cool if you do the business. But more often than not the band did not, so some folks are standoffish toward the band. I don\'t blame Josh...he did what he had to at the time. But the fact is, in the eyes of some promoters, the band was in over its head in certain situations. Not playing wise, business wise. That perception started to turn around last year, which is why another CD. It takes a long time to change industry perceptions.
But we are making steady headway, even if Superfly hasn\'t come to the table.....yet.
My hope is that next year is big growth for the band. The finances are better, the record is great, the guys are happier than they have been in ages. As much as some don\'t want to admit it, the Jordan thing festered for a very long time. I give the guys a lot of credit for dealing with it, and the result has been the best vibes around the band in years. True, some songs will miss Jordan, but either new arrangements will evolve that don\'t miss him, or those songs will fade away. There are plenty of songs.
As to Jordan, I have referred him to three good situations already, and there will be more. It was difficult for him, and I\'m sure that now that the dust has cleared he will emerge in different situation.
As to the trio/quartet debate, its up to the guys. When they feel they need another guy, they will find someone. Some really cool folks have asked about the gig. Alex, Ira, and I all trust them to do the right things. All I know is that right now we have a happy band, and that translates into good shows.
Enjoy the music and have a good time. Stop worryng about stuff you have no control over.