Author Topic: Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27  (Read 28757 times)


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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #270 on: October 10, 2006, 03:55:29 pm »
Quote from: kindm\'s;122355
Quote from: davepeck;122353
Quote from: weekapaug19;122320
this is terrible news, because I guarentee it will drive people away from the show if they find out no booze is being sold.  

good thing it was posted on .info, in a thread that has around 5,000 views so far!

would you have preferred that people show up and then find out ?

absolutely yes. if someone travels to see the show, they\'re gonna go see the show once they\'re there. this could stop people from travelling to the show all together..


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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #271 on: October 10, 2006, 03:56:21 pm »
Quote from: davepeck;122357
Quote from: Me!;122354
prob only a few hundred so far (since this news came out) and how many are repeats?

you\'re right. i\'m sure no one will see it or care. not like anyone\'s responded to the initial post anyways..

come on dave, I\'m not gonna say this is good news, it\'s not.  But what are we gonna do now, YOU as the site owner could go and delete all those posts, but it\'s just gonna be brought back up again.  People are going to find out.  You can\'t hide from something like this
« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 04:07:12 pm by Me! »
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #272 on: October 10, 2006, 04:01:11 pm »
Sure alcohol is fun, so can\'t people get a decent consumption before the show in one of the local places?  Yeah, I know not all can leave work early to get liquored up beforehand.
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #273 on: October 10, 2006, 04:06:34 pm »
come on now.....It was posted before my thread, that\'s how I found out
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #274 on: October 10, 2006, 04:18:38 pm »
i don\'t think everyone has to get worked up...... it won\'t go though before the show
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #275 on: October 10, 2006, 04:21:34 pm »
are people really traveling out here for the booze?
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #276 on: October 10, 2006, 04:26:11 pm »
Quote from: kindm\'s;122365
Quote from: derickw;122364
i don\'t think everyone has to get worked up...... it won\'t go though before the show

So does that mean as of right now Toad\'s continues to serve alcohol ? or are they not allowed to serve until a resolution is found ?

i\'m pretty sure they are still serving.... i mean this raid happened in Nov. 2005

voluntarily suspend its liquor license for 70 days starting May 21 of next year and pay a fine of $70,000, according to minutes released by the LCC after its meeting on Sept. 26.
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #277 on: October 10, 2006, 04:26:40 pm »
Late last month, the LCC rejected an initial compromise proposal, which was offered by the nightclub to cut down an otherwise lengthy judicial process that may result in harsh penalties. Under the proposal made by Toad\'s representative James Torello, the nightclub would voluntarily suspend its liquor license for 70 days starting May 21 of next year and pay a fine of $70,000, according to minutes released by the LCC after its meeting on Sept. 26. Liquor Control Agent Joseph Raia confirmed Monday night that a compromise was not reached between the LCC and the York Street nightclub during the meeting.
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #278 on: October 10, 2006, 04:28:28 pm »
beat\'cha to it ;)
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #279 on: October 10, 2006, 04:42:53 pm »
Hi everyone, for those who don\'t know me I\'m Lisa Spears (Ron\'s wife).

Ron spoke to someone at Toad\'s Place and confirmed that there definitely will be alcohol served at the Freakout!!

As it says in the article, Toad\'s will be unable to serve alcohol for three months next year: May, June, and July.

Party on!!


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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #280 on: October 10, 2006, 04:44:52 pm »
Well I\'m glad they\'re serving booze again.. I guess.. but seriously how hard is it to bring your own booze and smoke lots of ***** during setbreaks like normal people ;)
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Holy fuck this thread got out of hand!
« Reply #281 on: October 10, 2006, 05:35:40 pm »
I can\'t believe some of the ridiculous speculation that was stated as fact on this thread.  I have certainly been guilty of speculation in the past, but is usually a case of over positive wishful thinking.  
As someone who has taken time out of his own personal schedule to help promote this show, and improve Toad\'s Place\'s opinion of the Breakfast and it\'s fans I am incredibly dissappointed.  
This type of unfounded negative publicity for the show is what produces doozies folks.
It\'s been mentioned at length in other threads that it is important for the growth of the band to have a strong showing at local venues especially.  Good attendence @ tB 1,000 was what got them this gig. If FF VIII turns out poorly it could adversely effect future bookings, costing the band money and reputation.  Not to mention if god forbid venue owners catch wind that people are anti-promoting on a band fan site.  
Please be careful.
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #282 on: October 10, 2006, 06:10:15 pm »
This is how the government controls people like you!!! They put out tidbits of mis-informed info. and let people run with it, making their own conclusions and judgements!!! :sigh:

So, wildcoyote...are you going to be bringing shit loads of tickets to Richter\'s tomorrow??? Let\'s get this thing rollin\'!!!!!
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #283 on: October 10, 2006, 06:11:33 pm »
Quote from: wildcoyote;122376
I can\'t believe some of the ridiculous speculation that was stated as fact on this thread.  I have certainly been guilty of speculation in the past, but is usually a case of over positive wishful thinking.  
As someone who has taken time out of his own personal schedule to help promote this show, and improve Toad\'s Place\'s opinion of the Breakfast and it\'s fans I am incredibly dissappointed.  
This type of unfounded negative publicity for the show is what produces doozies folks.
It\'s been mentioned at length in other threads that it is important for the growth of the band to have a strong showing at local venues especially.  Good attendence @ tB 1,000 was what got them this gig. If FF VIII turns out poorly it could adversely effect future bookings, costing the band money and reputation.  Not to mention if god forbid venue owners catch wind that people are anti-promoting on a band fan site.  
Please be careful.

Sorry but perhaps Toad\'s needs to keep their house in better order. When local newspapers are talking about the place loosing their liquor license over serving underage kids it is easy that these speculations will happen. The article was printed TODAY.

Published: Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So it is easy to understand why people would think what was expressed in this thread. Especially considering the PROPOSAL states next year. The article says nothing about the potential ramifications of the proposal is not accepted.

If Toad\'s were my club I would be asking the yale news to print a correction or atleast a follow up stating that they still are serving booze and that life is normal at toad\'s until further notice.

I am glad that things got clarified. I honestly wasn\'t going to bother to book a hotel if they were not serving booze.
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Fonghoulish VIII, Toad\'s Place, 10/27
« Reply #284 on: October 10, 2006, 06:14:09 pm »

Stop this silliness.  This whole issue is still being debated and appealed, and certainly there will be ample notice before anything like this happens.

I talk to these people three times a week.  Lawyers can waste more time than you would ever imagine.

In a word.....the show goes on.  Hopefully some great press for the show as well.  We really need a good turnout at this show and the money from CD sales will be largely put back into lets do it up.