That\'s right. Seeing as how this is a forum about music, it makes sense to have a thread where we list our favorite albums, and if we wish, discuss why.
A few rules: they must be listed in order and with no honorable mentions. Those are the parameters of this thread. Yes, it\'s hard to cram 10 albums out of hundreds into a definitive list, but for me, that was part of the fun of this challenge and a testament to the strength of each album. Of course, there\'s the contrary approach of just loving music and not needing to rank your favorite bands amongst each other. That\'s more than fair. Feel free to discuss that approach in another thread.
As far as the criteria with which we judge the albums themselves, well, that\'s clearly up to us individually. Personally, I took into account every aspect I could think of. At some point in my life, each of these albums was listened to constantly for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is my honor to list my top 10 favorite albums of all time, which may very well be a different a year from now.
I really hope that EVERYONE who reads this thread will post their list. And if anyone knows about a similar thread that was started a while back and needs to be merged, please point it out. I looked and couldn\'t find one. Oh, and just to be official, Breakfast albums are absolutely in play. So...
1. Rift, Phish
2. Vitalogy, Pearl Jam
3. Vs., Pearl Jam
4. Junta, Phish
5. OK Computer, Radiohead
6. It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, Public Enemy
7. The Bends, Radiohead
8. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, Wilco
9. Slanted and Enchated, Pavement
10. Quality Control, Jurassic 5