I like hearing the keys as well.....especially on the CD.
But being honest about it, I was totally opposed to them going out as a trio, and said so. But when I heard them as a trio I barely missed Jordan, and in many instances felt the the remaining three shone even more brightly without that mass of sound in the middle.
Not a knock on Jordan, more of a compliment to the rest of the guys. Right now they are having fun learning new ways to play songs. Ultimately I think they might want another fourth, but I think it might happen when someone they know and trust offers their services.
Until then I hope people like Lieth will understand that I was the most skeptical person around, and one with a lot of marbles on the table to see the right outcome. And I\'m totally supportive of where they are right now.
And the CD is stupid good.
In short....you would miss the keys more on the CD than live.
Exactly how I felt when I heard Jordan would be on the album. I really did not want to hear studio versions of songs I have come to love without Jordan.
If they decide to release an album as a trio I would hope it would be newer songs they developed as a trio.
As for how you felt when you heard them as a trio for the first time well that is cool for you but I had the exact opposite reaction you did Vic.
I still do.
The void left in the key position is just not fulfilled for me with Tim doodling key riffs. The synth stuff he does is more to my liking though so its a draw there.
Anyway I do support the guys in their efforts now I just am not as enthralled as I once was that\'s all.
That is not a knock on the other three as I feel they still kick ass and the newer arrangements though not to my liking are not horrible by any means(well in most instances).
Anyway I am looking forward to the new album for sure.