Author Topic: PROMO: August Help Needed!!!  (Read 19160 times)


  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« on: July 18, 2006, 12:37:18 am »
The time has come to finish up some promotion for some August shows.

The shows we need help promoting are:

Friday, August  4th
The Century Lounge
150 Chestnut St
Providence, RI
(All Ages)

Saturday, August  5th
Mill Street Brews
18 Mill St
Southbridge, MA
Friday, August 11th
The Khyber
56 South 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, August 12th
Daniel Street
21 Daniel St
Milford, CT
Thursday, August 31st
Pre-moe.down Throwdown!
Electric Company
700 Varick St.
Utica, NY

The best place to promote is everywhere. We need posters hanging in record stores, head shops, college campuses, deli\'s, pizzerias/restaurants, gas stations. Anywhere you can find space for some handbills that is not littering or noticably illegal, leave them. Flyers need to be handed out at all local shows and festivals leading up to the promoted show. Be creative when trying to think of places to promote. We need to just get the name out there.

I will send out your choice of posters or flyers to anyone who is willing to help. I will also send .pdf files of said handbills and posters. I will also reward you kindly for helping, all I ask is that you let us know what you are doing.

Promotion is simple. Create an image of you product that makes people intrigued.  Please discuss all promotion strategies, interests, ideas, criticisms, mantras, etc. and etc. in this thread.

As Always, Thank You!

Out there in the odyssey...
1) CD Samplers - Creating samplers of what we think is the Breakfast\'s best performaces to recruit new fans.

2) Creation of new Handbill/Flyer/Poster - All 3 need to be done. Not much of a difference between a flyer/handbill but I want more than the particle b. I would like to look into getting a band picture onto a horizontal flyer and fit show information right on them. Posters would be cool if each show/runs started to have its own poster. Nothing has to be fancy, just creative and different.

3) Myspace - I have an add friend bot that Derick purchased for myspace but it kills my system everytime I run it. I need to get a new computer to run it but once it does, we will take full advantage of the adding capabilities. Also, more routine myspace blasts. How much is too much? If anyone has any suggestions, comments or criticisms, feel free. That page is a great way to represent that breakfast. If there are certain songs you\'d like to see up there or pictures, stories or anything let me know.

4) September shows -
Sunday, September 3rd
The Jewish Mother
3108 Pacific Ave
Virginia Beach, VA
(All Ages)
Friday, September 8th
188 Main St
Burlington, VT
(18 +)
Thursday,  September 14th
Red Square
388 Broadway  
Albany, NY

Thats all folks! (for now, Stand Strong!)
Love many, trust few and don\'t be late.

Jim Cobb

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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 12:59:26 am »
the khyber show should be well attended, i\'ve been pimping this one like it\'s my job.

well.  it is my job.
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  • B'Fam West Coast Member
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 02:18:14 am »
I know this sounds stupid but are these shows being promoted as The Breakfast and if so is there any reference to them now being a Trio? As mentioned in point 2 in Spacey\'s post is the band pic going to be a new one of the three?
Just wondering.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 02:20:31 am by leith »
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2006, 04:50:35 am »
Quote from: Spacey
3) Myspace - I have an add friend bot that Derick purchased for myspace but it kills my system everytime I run it. I need to get a new computer to run it but once it does, we will take full advantage of the adding capabilities.

while i know nothing about this particular thing, i can tell you that most myspace \'tools\' like this are flat out fake. the \'get a million friends\' things, the \'see who\'s looking at your profile\' things, etc... YMMV.


  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2006, 06:59:46 am »
Quote from: leith
I know this sounds stupid but are these shows being promoted as The Breakfast and if so is there any reference to them now being a Trio? As mentioned in point 2 in Spacey\'s post is the band pic going to be a new one of the three?
Just wondering.

my point exactly. need to have the shows known that it is a trio. there might be some people who dig it solely to see what the sound is like etc. They definitely need to get an updated press kit.

Quote from: davepeck
Quote from: Spacey
3) Myspace - I have an add friend bot that Derick purchased for myspace but it kills my system everytime I run it. I need to get a new computer to run it but once it does, we will take full advantage of the adding capabilities.

while i know nothing about this particular thing, i can tell you that most myspace \'tools\' like this are flat out fake. the \'get a million friends\' things, the \'see who\'s looking at your profile\' things, etc... YMMV.

actually, it is nothing more than a program that has nothing to do with myspace. you actually need to update the program every day because myspace changes the codes. what it allows us to do is add all the friends from certain pages, i.e. like going to Phish myspace and adding all the friends, instead of manually adding friends this will add all the friends from the page without you having to do it. Much like the "bot" we used to enhance the breakfast on the jambands poll that got some of us booted.
Love many, trust few and don\'t be late.


  • Drunken Garbage Can
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 08:29:24 am »
Quote from: Spacey
Quote from: leith
I know this sounds stupid but are these shows being promoted as The Breakfast and if so is there any reference to them now being a Trio? As mentioned in point 2 in Spacey\'s post is the band pic going to be a new one of the three?
Just wondering.

my point exactly. need to have the shows known that it is a trio. there might be some people who dig it solely to see what the sound is like etc. They definitely need to get an updated press kit.

Quote from: davepeck
Quote from: Spacey
3) Myspace - I have an add friend bot that Derick purchased for myspace but it kills my system everytime I run it. I need to get a new computer to run it but once it does, we will take full advantage of the adding capabilities.

while i know nothing about this particular thing, i can tell you that most myspace \'tools\' like this are flat out fake. the \'get a million friends\' things, the \'see who\'s looking at your profile\' things, etc... YMMV.

actually, it is nothing more than a program that has nothing to do with myspace. you actually need to update the program every day because myspace changes the codes. what it allows us to do is add all the friends from certain pages, i.e. like going to Phish myspace and adding all the friends, instead of manually adding friends this will add all the friends from the page without you having to do it. Much like the "bot" we used to enhance the breakfast on the jambands poll that got some of us booted.

I\'ll take care of the friend adder from now on if thats cool with you. I\'ll keep you informed on what happens.

it\'s actually a pretty powerful tool, you can go in and just target anyone who is with in say 50 miles of a location and send them requests and event invites. i will try to do something with that in the next couple days to get ahead.
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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Jim Cobb

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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2006, 10:10:57 am »
try to keep it to 350-400 adds a day.  there is a myspace usage limit at around 450, and if you exceed it regularly, they will ban your account for spamming.
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2006, 10:22:40 am »
i think the program limits you to like 200-250 adds a day so they have that pretty much covered
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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Jim Cobb

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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2006, 10:47:49 am »
ahh, mine has a user determined limit.  can yours pause between adds? i set mine to pause for 30-60 seconds in between adds cuz that will throw off the myspace bots that search for spammers.
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2006, 10:52:06 am »
i think it pauses and does some random paging thing that makes it super stealth. i run eek! who do you have yours through
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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Jim Cobb

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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2006, 11:12:17 am »
myspace-suite.  its one of the only ones for mac, so i\'m kinda bound to it.
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2006, 11:21:38 am »
see that\'s your problem right there, get rid of that crazy mac and get yourself a virus ridden pc
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2006, 11:27:11 am »
gentlemen, your room awaits you.. there\'s lube on the table next to the tissues. have fun!

Jim Cobb

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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2006, 11:32:15 am »
thanks dave, we\'ve been getting pretty antsy waiting for that room to free up.
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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PROMO: August Help Needed!!!
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2006, 12:14:48 pm »
Quote from: davepeck
gentlemen, your room awaits you.. there\'s lube on the table next to the tissues. have fun!

and you left us the lube, i hope it\'s not any of that hot stuff.... Dave you truely are the best
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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