Skip the keys and bring on Seanie Miller on mandolin. They could bring back Bouree off the shelf and it would sound better than ever. They could also cover some Mori Stylz tunes.
But seriously, the first call has to go to Page. Why not? You can\'t reach the stars if you don\'t shoot for them. People would show up for Page and leave saying "Holy cow, that Tim kid is better than Trey!!" I\'m not trying to compare Tim and Trey, please don\'t even start that in this thread, I\'m just pointing out that you know some people would leave shows saying that if they came to see Page.
My second choice is "Explosive" Joseph Wooten. Yes, that\'s one of Victor\'s brothers. Who has seen the Victor Wooten tours with his 2 brothers? Explosive Joseph is every bit the keys player that Vic is a bass player, and Joseph can really, really sing too. He\'s got mad soul but also has a rock edge in his voice that would translate well to songs like Drunk Monk Bar and Doors covers. He would bring a huge new element of soul to the band along with some bangin keys. I don\'t think he has any regular gig.