Please pay some attention to this.
I\'m going to make some necessary statements here. they don\'t apply to everyone, and certainly not to everyone all the time. But there were some incidents at The Stone Church both in the club and the hotel that have taken a lot of management\'s time to smooth over, and have tarnished the bands reputation up there a bit.
And certainly...whatever was said here has beeN said to the band and crew.....
But i would personally appreciate it if everyone would try to police their own and thier buds behavior at shows. Stuff like trashed hotel rooms, too many folks on the guest list, and alchohol in areas of the club where it is not allowed do get bounced back to us in the form of complaints from the hotel to us and the clubs promoters, threats of responsibility for either physical damage or overtime charges for staff to cleanup, and a geeral sense from the venue that "are these guys really worth it"
Obviously, I\'m not your keeper, so you all can do what you want. I just want you to know that someone has to pay for it, and if that was to happen it would either be the band or perhaps myself.
So...could we all be a little more responsible. And, lets keep in mind that this stuff draws attention to some of you who MIGHT happen to be underage drinkers. And you don\'t need the spotlight.
So lets all be moderate, cool, and take care of each other so no one gets hurt physically or legally.
Geez....I hate sounding like a facist.