Author Topic: So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...  (Read 1340 times)


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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« on: May 25, 2006, 02:14:23 am »
lead me to believe that The Breakfast are finally being recognized a bit more (in the northeast) as a band that can handle a co/headlining spot at festivals.

It seems they have been moving up the chain fairly quickly at the small fests they frequent. The upgrade in stage this year @ 10KLF can only increase this recognition.
It is a step a long time coming and worthy of notice I felt.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 03:10:09 am »
stayed tuned....

wu li was a cool festival.  only my 3rd (it and moe.dow before), but this was a sweet space and it was great to watch this band play.  people kept showing up as each song passed..........

hope to see you soon leith...
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  • rekkid company mogul
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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 10:55:00 am »
With a few exceptions...(High Sierra) the better ptomoters are starting to trust the whole organization.  A lot is the bands consistantly good performance.  some is the consistancy of having the same agent/management team working for a bit now.  Like a lot of businesses....its pretty clubby and it takes time to get into the clique.

There are a couple of promoters and agents that have helped by recommending the band when asked.....the folks at CES and PGA in particular hav esupported the idea of the band being on better bills, and that just comes from building better relationships.

Personally I think the most important upcoming dates  will be the ones with Moe......Its one thing to be in a festival with 30 or so bands....but to to make three band bills is 7k capacity places is a bigger coup for the band, even playing first.


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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 11:03:35 am »
Quote from: Steffmo
Personally I think the most important upcoming dates  will be the ones with Moe......Its one thing to be in a festival with 30 or so bands....but to to make three band bills is 7k capacity places is a bigger coup for the band, even playing first.

"ones" with moe.?????????///????????   did i miss something here?  I thought the breakfast were only opening festival pier for moe.  be great for the breakfast if it weren\'t for only one show.


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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2006, 12:29:15 pm »
hehe nice catch there chuck


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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2006, 12:53:59 pm »
steffmoe. has been hinting @ some moe. dates comin soon.... but yah, good eye, chuckky
<<<< MUST make it out to 10klks.....
::crosses fingers for tour announcements::
Not sure what is gonna transpire. Regardless, we ain\'t gonna forget the gravy.


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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2006, 02:01:23 pm »
Quote from: leith
lead me to believe that The Breakfast are finally being recognized a bit more (in the northeast) as a band that can handle a co/headlining spot at festivals.

It seems they have been moving up the chain fairly quickly at the small fests they frequent. The upgrade in stage this year @ 10KLF can only increase this recognition.
It is a step a long time coming and worthy of notice I felt.

Several tapers in attendance mentioned that the Breakfast set was their most "mentionable" of the day.  

A chick walking through the parking lot about 10 minutes before bkfst was going to start asked me how the next band was.  I said great, come you should check em out.  Later I saw her and 3 others set up mid filed and catch the whole show.  I didn\'t get a chance to ask her if she liekd it6, but it looked as if she did.!


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Hey, moe. and UM got a cool vibe and all, but I have heard a lot of shows from the Archive on the three bands and I wouldn\'t trade ten shows (downloads) of those bands for one Breakfast show. The Breakfast is a vastly under-exposed band that should be opening for RHCP rather than moe. and UM. They are the band I have been looking for most of my adult life, and I ain\'t young. Please come to DC as soon as you can manage it.
I know he moves along the piers. Calls himself a "journey agent"... a "Eulipion"... says his friends, the poets, the artists, the musicians are journey agents too.
Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Theme for the Eulipions


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So reports from the Dancing Wu Li festival...
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2006, 09:01:40 pm »
Here\'s the other confirmed date with moe.

7/2 - The Lawn at White River State Park
The Lawn at White River State Park
801 West Washington St
Indianapolis, IN
all ages
doors at 3pm
with very special guests Gomez
ON SALE NOW at Ticketmaster

See you guys in two weeks.