Author Topic: im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>  (Read 7365 times)


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« on: May 14, 2006, 04:39:06 pm »
ill start it with these....
Artist.......: Paul Simon
Album........: Surprise

Release Notes:

Among the most popular artists and greatest
songwriters of our time, Paul Simon returns with
his first album in six years and the album titled
Surprise is exactly that. First, three songs were
co-written with electronic music guru Brian Eno;
second, the other songs are straightforward,
wonderfully American pop. Surprise is a pleasant
surprise for Simon fans.

1972 was a tremendous year for Todd Rundgren. His double album release, Something/Anything?, spawned two singles, "Hello It\'s Me" and "I Saw The Light". Both were artistic and commerical successes, as was the entire album (it eventually would go gold and remain Rundgren\'s bestselling release to date). The man was on track for superstardom.

Which is precisely why it is so amazing that one year later he would turn around and shoot himself in the foot with this collection of demented songs, odd noises, chopped-up of photographs the female anatomy and short, bizarre musical ideas. A Wizard, A True Star is Todd Rundgren\'s Smiley Smile or When the Madcap Laughs, a fascinating window into the process of a rock star coming off his peak and feeling the decay set in. The difference between this album and those two, however, is one of quality. A Wizard, A True Star surprisingly represents a step up from Something/Anything? in terms of musicianship and vision. From a Hot Rats-period Zappa instrumental in "Flamingo" to the acid-drenched psychedelia of "When the Shit Hits the Fan" to the gospel-inflected ballad "Just One Victory," this album displays Rundgren\'s ability to dabble in a variety of styles and succeed (to some degree) with all of them. Despite the confidence with which each piece is played, the album exudes a real sense of frailty and confusion, as if Rundgren is just on the verge of breaking down at any moment.

There are a few conventional tracks in addition to the numerous stranger ones. Some prog listeners will probably balk at the ten-minute medley of 60\'s soul and R+B classics which takes up almost a fifth of the entire release. I\'ll admit it probably runs a few minutes longer than necessary, but also contend it serves as a necessary function in transitioning from the mania of the first two-thirds of the album to the relatively laid-back tone of the last third. And the finale of that song is tremendous, with Rundgren belting out each line of "Cool Jerk" as fast and furiously as he can.

A Wizard, A True Star isn\'t a perfect record, but it\'s pretty darn close. Fans of pop music will surely enjoy this, as Rundgren is one of the real masters of the style; but those who enjoy more avant-garde or unusual fare may find much to relish as well. The album is a compromise between art and commercialism; it succeeds to a degree few other of its type do

Line up:

Les Claypool    Banjo, Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Drums, Vocals
Mike Dillon    Drums, Marimba, Tabla, Vibraphone
Gabby La La    Sitar, Theremin  (yuck, she is terrible)
Stephen Marcussen    Mastering
Skerik    Sax (Baritone), Sax (Tenor), Horn Arrangements

TITLE: 10,000 Days
LABEL: Volcano
GENRE: Alternative
BITRATE: 200kbps avg
PLAYTIME: 1h 15min total
RELEASE DATE: 2006-05-02
RIP DATE: 2006-04-24

Track List
01. Vicarious                       7:06
02. Jambi                           7:28
03. Wings For Marie (Pt 1)          6:11
04. 10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2)       11:13
05. The Pot                         6:21
06. Lipan Conjuring                 1:11
07. Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann)       3:46
08. Rosetta Stoned                 11:11
09. Intension                       7:21
10. Right In Two                    8:55
11. Viginti Tres                    5:02

Release Notes:

With a majority of the songs on 10,000 Days clocking in well past the seven-minute
mark, you wouldnt be entirely mistaken in thinking that the title of the album
refers to how long it actually takes to make it through the whole thing. Two of
the tracks--the sitar and tabla enhanced 10,000 Days (Wings Part 2) and its
suitably epic psych-rock sister Rosetta Stoned--even linger on for nearly a
dozen leisurely minutes each. Thats delightful news for the legion of Tool fans
that have been waiting five years for the follow-up to 2001s Lateralus, which
debuted at number one and sold 2.3 million copies in the United States. Singer
Maynard James Keenan is back on mystical form after his hiatus with the
politically slanted A Perfect Circle, sounding at once ethereal and eloquent as he
calmly charges through the metal tempest of the opening track Vicarious. The
rest of the band, meanwhile, hits a series of high-flying moments with tracks such
as Jambi and The Pot. When Tool sounds as good as it does on these songs its
hard to get enough. Which makes it all the more baffling that a surprisingly large
chunk of the disc is given over to mood-enhancing soundscapes like Lost Keys and
Vigniti Tres. Who has time for filler?
Radiohead - Live and Mixed at Berlin (First Set)

This is a live show from Berlin, recorded from soundboard and edited by Nigel Godrich (Producer on all available Radiohead albums). Whether or not it was intended to be released I do not know, but it defines the live sound of Radiohead around the Kid A era. Great for you guys seeing them very soon.

01. Introduction
02. Optimistic
03. Morning Bell
04. Karma Police
05. The National Anthem
06. In Limbo
07. No Suprises
08. My Iron Lung
09. Dollars & Cents
10. Bishop\'s Robes
11. Talk Show Host
12. Kid A
13. You And Whose Army
14. Airbag
15. Lucky
16. How To Disappear Completely
17. Paranoid Android
18. Everything In Its Right Place
19. Encore
20. Pyramid Song
21. Exit Music (For A Film)
22. Knives Out
23. Nude
24. Nice Dream
June 17, 2004
Keyspan Park, Brooklyn, NY

Source: VHS patched out of video feed
Transfer: Master VHS->Final Cut Pro->AIFF,44.1/16 Converted to SHN w/ Xact
Xfer by Caravan2001

Track Listing

01. Jam (2:29)
02. Frankenstein (3:20)
03. Banter 1 (2:49)
04. Song I Heard The Ocean Sing (9:15)
05. Banter 2( 3:20)
06. Nothing (4:58)
07. Banter 3 (1:45)
08. Undermind (1:26)
09. Undermind Jam (2:12)
10. Crowd Control Ver.1 (2:35)
11. Crowd Control Ver.2 (4:58)
Writer-director Cameron Crowe (Jerry Maguire, Say Anything, Singles) was a teenager when Rolling Stone magazine sent him out to write cover stories in the 1970s. Nearly 30 years later, Crowe tells the tale in satisfying fashion and extensive detail with Almost Famous, accompanied by a soundtrack that accurately reflects the time of his trial by fire. Led Zeppelin have never before licensed a performance to a soundtrack, so "That\'s the Way" earns the distinction. A live version of Lou Reed\'s "Waiting for the Man" performed by David Bowie in 1972 typifies the emerging underground glam movement. Classic rock from Simon & Garfunkel, Rod Stewart, Elton John, and Yes fill things out. Cat Stevens\'s "The Wind" is rescued from the Timberland commercial. Nancy Wilson of Heart contributes the original score (one track, "Lucky Trumble," featured here) and a track by the fictitious hard-rock band Stillwater, whose "Fever Dog" sounds like a lost track from the hard-rock-guitar wars of the 1970s. Add in tracks by garage-rock faves the Seeds, soul strutter Clarence Carter, and Southern rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Allman Brothers Band and you\'ve got an expansive collection of tunes to sift through. More than 50 songs are featured in the film. Next question: when\'s volume 2? --Rob O\'Connor
Leo Kottke & Mike Gordon - Sixty Six Steps

The Beatles- Let it Be....Naked
« Last Edit: May 14, 2006, 04:39:06 pm by freddiewaht »
take the E to the A to the\'ll be all set


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2006, 07:21:59 pm »
yeah WAH!  i have been waiting for this claypool album, got tickets to see that nut @ nokia!


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« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2006, 07:58:31 pm »
My Bloody Valentine- Loveless
Bob Dylan- The Bootleg Series, Vol 1-3
The Duo - Raw Horse
1. 9 x 9 (7:20)
2. The Three Question Marks (9:54)
3. Becky (6:11)
4. Mephisto (10:21)
5. Sunny\'s Song (4:01)
6. My Pet Goat (11:35)
7. Best Reason to Buy the Sun (6:02)
Tommy McCook- Blazing Horns/ Tenor in Roots

Saxophonist Tommy McCook is primarily remembered for his role as a founding member of the seminal ska band the Skatalites, who played such an important part in the development and maturation of ska before it morphed into the slower rocksteady genre, and later into reggae. But McCook was no slouch in those later categories of music, either, as this wonderful two-for-one reissue makes plain. The Blazing Horns segment of this disc was originally issued on LP in 1979 on the Grove Music label and consists of nine tracks originally produced by Vivian "Yabby U" Jackson. As one might expect given the producer, the sound is dark and dread, and the album\'s title track is presented here in an extended "showcase" version with a dub mix appended at the end of the conventional instrumental track. The program then adds a B-side track cut for Yabby U at around the same time and another one-off track that McCook made for Bunny Lee. All the mixes are courtesy of King Tubby and Prince Jammy, which tells you all you need to know about the sound quality and general ambience. As good as those selections are, though, the remainder of the album is the real treasure trove: it consists of 12 tracks McCook recorded over well-loved rhythms provided by producer Glen Browne and which were released only informally on a white-label album that never received commercial distribution. Those who own the Shanachie label\'s brilliant (and now sadly out of print) reissue collections Check the Winner, Boat to Progress, and Double Attack will immediately recognize the backing tracks. McCook makes most of them his own, although on a couple of tracks his playing is almost absent. The Browne material alone would be worth the purchase price, but the first part of the collection is every bit as worthwhile. Very highly recommended.
Funkadelic- The Whole Funk and Nothing But The Funk...The Definitive 1976-1981
Cream- The BBC Sessions
Yonder Moutain String Band-s/t
Dr. Octagon- Dr. Octogynecologist
Karlheinz Stockhausen-Hymnen

“When I was a boy the radio in Germany was always playing typical brassy marching music from morning to midnight, and it really conditioned the people.”
(Karlheinz Stockhausen)

This double album of some of the most alien-sounding music ever committed to tape still sounds astounding three decades on from its realisation. Its influence and implications are still being felt in the worlds of rock, techno, ambient, classical and any other genre of modern music you care to name and will be for decades to come. This huge feat is as much testament to Stockhausen’s patience and tenacity as anything else. Visions of studios filled with sliced-up tape and constant splicing and manipulation are conjured up, as this is all pre-sampler days. A direct line can be traced from this work to the way Holger Czukay (a student of Stockhausen) would later construct Can’s pieces. The full title of the work is ‘Anthems for electronic and concrete sounds’ and in this piece Stockhausen integrates the until-then opposing worlds of musique concrète (manipulating sounds gathered from the outside world) and electronic music (investigation of music made solely from electronic sounds).

The constant and unpredictable changes make for a difficult but fascinating listen. Stockhausen himself said: “You have to switch very quickly when you listen to my music and to change from one character to another. Like a person who, very dramatic at a given moment, then becomes completely quiet, meditative, then outgoing.” In many ways this is the sound of musical research. The nearest equivalent in rock music is The Beatles ‘Revolution 9’, which was John and Yoko’s George Martin-baiting Stockhausen-inspired piece. It says much for this piece of music that it is still challenging today, and in no way any less radical than it was all those years ago. It is still the sound of an alien translating device eavesdropping on Earth’s broadcasts into the ether. This record is massive in every sense of the word. Julian’s mention of it in ‘Krautrocksampler’ places it in one context, but Stockhausen’s music will be influencing the future of all types of music for decades to come, and this recording will be top of the heap, at least for those coming from the rock and electronic spheres.

“Be more open, universal, more cosmically oriented. Sooner or later, when one has achieved this consciousness, one will travel there as a cosmic tourist and by that show that everything exists at once.” Right on, Herr Stockhausen!
Radiohead- Kid A
Dave Brubeck Plays Selections From West Side Story
Brian Eno- Another Green World
Notorious BIG & Frank Sinatra
John Coltrane Quartet with Eric Dolphy- the Complete Africa Brass Sessions
John Coltrane\'s debut for the Impulse label was a bit unusual, for the great tenor and his quartet were joined by a medium-sized backup group on Eric Dolphy arrangements of "Africa," "Greensleeves," and "Blues Minor." "Africa" in particular is quite memorable although Coltrane would not pursue any further recordings in this direction in the future, making this a change of pace in his discography.
Ornette Coleman and his Double Quartet- Free Jazz
Bob Dylan- John Wesley Harding, Nashville Skyline, Highway 61 Revisited, Blonde on Blonde
gnarls barkley-st.elsewhere
"You must take a look at the new land," Os Mutantes singer Rita Lee softly proclaims on Everything Is Possible!\'s English-language rewrite of Caetano Veloso\'s "Baby." The Brazilian psychedelic-rock pioneers were addressing a hoped-for American-British audience, but they could also have been singing to their own country\'s political establishment, which didn\'t take kindly to the Tropicalia era\'s fusion of Beatles and Hendrix influences with elements of bossa nova and samba. The result continues to reverberate more than three decades later in the work of Beck, Stereolab, and Cibo Matto, not to mention on late-\'90s reissues such as this. Full of beauty, self-mocking good humor, and a command of varied styles that Lennon and McCartney would\'ve envied, this enticing music is every bit as fresh as it must\'ve sounded to South American swingers back in the day. --Rickey Wright
Billy Martin and Socket- Live at Tonic 1/14 and 1/15 2005
Pharoah Sanders- Karma
Keith Jarrett- The Koln Concert
Medeski, Martin & Wood- Tonic
Medeski, Martin & Wood- Electric Tonic
Albert Ayler- Village Vanguard- The Complete Impulse Recordings (2 Discs)
Medeski, Martin & Wood- Shack-Man
Sonny Clark- Sonny\'s Crib

Sonny Clark- Piano
Donald Byrd- Trumpet
Curtis Fuller- Trombone
John Coltrane- Tenor Sax
Paul Chambers- Bass
Art Taylor- Drums
Secret Machines - Ten Silver Drops
the sea and cake-one bedroom
David Gould/ Jamie Saft- Adonai In Dub
GZA/ Genius- Liquid Swords
Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star
Jonny Greenwood- Bodysong
« Last Edit: May 14, 2006, 07:58:31 pm by freddiewaht »
take the E to the A to the\'ll be all set


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2006, 08:18:09 pm »
Somebody\'s been busy today!!!
Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright...until you hear them speak.


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2006, 08:38:49 pm »
Beastie Boys - Paradiso, Amsterdam, 6/21/94

# Egg Man
# Do It
# Pass The Mic
# Tough Guy
# Futterman\'s Rule - The Update
# Pow
# The Maestro
# Alright Hear This
# Time To Get Ill
# Stand Together
# Root Down
# Bodhistaiva Vow
# Elbow Room
# Heart Attack Man
# Sabotage

Brendan Byrne Arena - East Rutherford, NJ - October 31, 1993

Source : AUD (Nak700) > DAT (Sony D3)> CDR > WAV > SHNv3 > MP3

Set 1: How Sweet It Is , He Ain\'t Give You None, Forever Young, Run For The Roses, Money Honey, Lay Down Sally, My Sisters And Brothers, Deal
Set 2: Shining Star, The Maker, Tore Up Over You, Wonderful World, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, That Lucky Old Sun, Midnight Moonlight
E: Werewolves of London
Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, NY - November 1, 1993

Source : AUD (Nak 700) > DAT (Sony D3) > CDR > WAV > SHNv3 > MP3

Set 1: Cats Under The Stars, Stop That Train, Let it Rock, Simple Twist Of Fate, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, Struggling Man, My Sisters And Brothers, Deal
Set 2: The Way You Do The Things You Do, And It Stoned Me, Think, Rueben And Cherise, Don\'t Let Go, Tangled Up In Blue
Knickerbocker Arena - Albany, NY - November 3, 1993

Source: AUD (Nak 700) > DAT (Sony D3) > CDR > WAV > SHNv3 > MP3

Set 1: How Sweet It Is, They Love Each Other, Freight Train, I Shall Be Released, Run For The Roses, Dear Prudence, My Sisters And Brothers, Somebody To Love
Set 2: Shining Star, The Maker, Money Honey, Russian Lullaby, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, Midnight Moonlight
Rochester War Memorial - Rochester, NY - November 4, 1993

Source: AUD (Nak 700) > DAT (Sony D3) > CDR > WAV > SHNv3 > MP3

Set 1: I Second That Emotion, Waiting For A Miracle, Get Out Of My Life Woman, Lay Down Sally, My Sisters And Brothers > Deal
Set 2: The Way You Do The Things You Do, The Maker, Wonderful World, Tore Up Over You , Don\'t Let Go > That Lucky Old Sun, Tangled Up In Blue
Buffalo Memorial Auditorium - Buffalo, NY - November 5, 1993

Source:FOB; 16th row center > AKG 460b ck63 > Custom Preamp > SHN > MP3

Set 1: Cats Under The Stars, Mission In The Rain, Simple Twist Of Fate, That\'s What Love Will Make You Do, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, Like A Road, Deal
Set 2: Shining Star, The Maker, Think, Rueben And Cherise, Gomorrah, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, How Sweet It Is
US Air Arena - Landover, MD - November 7, 1993

Source:AUD (Schoeps MK4) > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHNv3 > MP3

Set 1: How Sweet It Is, Stop That Train, You Never Can Tell, Run For The Roses, Señor, My Sisters And Brothers, Somebody To Love
Set 2: The Way You Do The Things You Do, Waiting For A Miracle, Money Honey, Knockin\' On Heaven\'s Door, Don\'t Let Go, Mississippi Moon, Tangled Up In Blue
Hartford Civic Center - Hartford, CT - November 8, 1993

Source: FOB(DFC Schoeps MK4>D>CDR>WAV>SHN>MP3

Set 1: Cats Under The Stars, They Love Each Other, He Ain\'t Give You None, Lazy Bones, Lay Down Sally, My Sisters And Brothers, Deal
Set 2: Second that Emotion, And It Stoned Me, Think, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, That Lucky Old Sun, Midnight Moonlight
Cumberland County Civic Center - Portland, ME - November 9, 1993

Source: FOB Schoeps MK4 > Oade custom pre-amp > SHN >MP3

Set 1: How Sweet It Is, Stop That Train, Let it Rock, Forever Young, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, My Sisters & Brothers, Somebody to Love
Set 2: Shining Star, Russian Lullaby, Tore Up Over You, Rueben And Cherise, Wonderful World, The Maker, Tangled Up In Blue
Providence Civic Center - Providence, RI - November 11, 1993

Source: AUD (Nak 700) > DAT (Sony D3) > CDR > WAV > SHNv3 > MP3

Set 1: Cats Under The Stars, Mission In The Rain, That\'s What Love Will Make You Do, Simple Twist Of Fate, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, My Sisters And Brothers, Deal
Set 2: The Way You Do the Things You Do, He Ain\'t Give You None, Dear Prudence, When The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game, Don\'t Let Go, Midnight Moonlight
Madison Square Garden - New York City, NY - November 12, 1993

Source: FOB Schoeps MK4 > Oade custom pre-amp > SHN >MP3

Set 1: How Sweet It Is, They Love Each Other, Forever Young, Struggling Man, Money Honey, My Sisters And Brothers, Lay Down Sally
Set 2: Shining Star, You Never Can Tell, Wonderful World, The Maker, Don\'t Let Go, That Lucky Old Sun, Tangled Up In Blue

w/ David Murray on saxophone
On Center - Syracuse, NY - November 14, 1993

Source: FOB Schoeps MK4 > Oade custom pre-amp > SHN >MP3

Set 1: Cats Under The Stars, Stop that Train, Let it Rock, Run for the Roses, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, Señor, Deal
Set 2: Second that Emotion, And It Stoned Me, Tore Up Over You, Lazy Bones, The Maker, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, Midnight Moonlight
The Centrum - Worcester, MA - November 15, 1993

Source: FOB Schoeps MK4 > Oade custom pre-amp > SHN >MP3

Set 1: How Sweet It Is, And It Stoned Me, Get Out Of My Life Woman, Simple Twist Of Fate, Lay Down Sally, Like A Road, Deal
Set 2: Shining Star, Waiting For A Miracle, Think, Rueben And Cherise, Gomorrah, Midnight Moonlight, The Maker
The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA - November 16, 1993

Source: FOB Schoeps MK4 > Oade custom pre-amp > SHN >MP3

Set 1: I Second That Emotion, Stop That Train, Mission In The Rain, Run For The Roses, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, My Sisters And Brothers, Somebody To Love
Set 2: The Way You Do The Things You Do, The Maker, Money Honey, Wonderful World, Don\'t Let Go, That Lucky Old Sun, Midnight Moonlight
Richmond Coliseum - Richmond, Va - November 18, 1993

Source: FOB Schoeps MK4 > Oade custom pre-amp > SHN >MP3

Set 1: Cats Under The Stars, And It Stoned Me, Simple Twist Of Fate, Run for the Roses, Ain\'t No Bread In The Breadbox, My Sisters And Brothers > Deal
Set 2: The Way You Do The Things You Do, Forever Young, Tore Up Over You, Wonderful World, The Maker, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, Midnight Moonlight
Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA - November 19, 1993

Source: FOB AKG 460 > DAT Conversion PCM-M1>CDWAV>SHNv3>MP3

Set 1: How Sweet It Is, Stop that Train, Money Honey, Lay Down Sally, My Sisters And Brothers, Somebody To Love
Set 2: Shining Star, Struggling Man, The Maker, Don\'t Let Go, That Lucky Old Sun, Midnight Moonlight

12/01/95 Hersheypark Arena, Hershey, PA

Set I: Buried Alive, Down With Disease, Theme from the Bottom, Poor Heart, Wolfman\'s Brother, Chalkdust Torture, Colonel Forbin\'s Ascent> Fly Famous Mockingbird, Stash, Cavern

Set II: Halley\'s Comet> Mike\'s Song> Weekapaug Groove> The Mango Song, Wilson, HYHU> Suspicious Minds> HYHU, David Bowie> Catapult> David Bowie

Encore: Suzy Greenberg1

1 Trey yells "You!!You!!" while pointing into the crowd at Tom Marshall
12/02/95 Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New Haven, CT

Set I: Prince Caspian, Runaway Jim, Mound, Guelah Papyrus, Reba, My Sweet One, Free, The Fog That Surrounds, Bouncing Around the Room, Possum

Set II: Also Sprach Zarathustra, Maze, Simple, Faht, Tweezer, A Day in the Life, Golgi Apparatus, Squirming Coil, Tweezer Reprise

Encore: Bold as Love
12/04/95 Mullins Center, Amherst, MA

Set I: Julius, Gumbo, The Divided Sky, Punch You in the Eye, Stash, My Mind\'s Got a Mind of its Own, Axilla, The Horse> Silent in the Morning, Hello My Baby, While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Set II: Timber, Sparkle, Ya Mar, Run Like An Antelope, Billy Breathes, Cars Trucks Buses, You Enjoy Myself, Sample in a Jar, Frankenstein

Encore: Bouncing Around the Room, Rocky Top
12/05/95 Mullins Center, Amherst, MA

Set I: Horn, Chalkdust Torture, The Fog That Surrounds, The Lizards1, Free, Esther, David Bowie, I\'m Blue, I\'m Lonesome

Set II: Poor Heart, Bathtub Gin> Keyboard Army, Scent of a Mule, Lifeboy, Harry Hood, Cavern

Encore: Theme from the Bottom, Sweet Adeline

1 Dedicated to Dick Vitale
12/07/95 Convention Center, Niagara Falls, NY

Set I: Old Home Place, The Curtain, AC/DC Bag, Demand, Rift, Slave to the Traffic Light, Guyute, Bouncing Around the Room, Possum, Hello My Baby

Set II: Split Open and Melt, Strange Design, The Fog That Surrounds, Reba, Julius, Sleeping Monkey, Sparkle, Mike\'s Song> Weekapaug Groove, Amazing Grace

Encore: Uncle Pen
12/08/95 CSU Convocation Center, Cleveland, OH

Set I: Sample in a Jar, Poor Heart, Simple> Runaway Jim> Fluffhead, It\'s Ice, Acoustic Army, Prince Caspian, Good Times Bad Times1

Set II: Also Sprach Zarathustra> Tweezer> Kung> Tweezer> Love You> HYHU, Squirming Coil, Tweezer Reprise, Run Like An Antelope

Encore: Come Together2 3, A Day in the Life2

1 Dedicated to Jimmy Page
2 Played for anniversary of John Lennon\'s death on 12.8.80
3 First time played
12/09/95 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY

Set I: Maze, Theme from the Bottom, NICU, The Sloth, Rift, Bouncing Around the Room, Free, Billy Breathes, Dog Faced Boy, Chalkdust Torture

Set II: Timber, Wilson, Gumbo, You Enjoy Myself, Lawn Boy, Slave to the Traffic Light, Crossroads, Sweet Adeline

Encore: Loving Cup
12/11/95 Cumberland County Civic Center, Portland, ME

Set I: My Friend My Friend, Ha Ha Ha, Stash, Prince Caspian, Reba,
Dog Log1, Llama, Dog Log2, Tube, McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters, Julius, Cavern

Set II: The Curtain, David Bowie, The Mango Song, The Fog That Surrounds, Scent of a Mule, Harry Hood, Suspicious Minds, HYHU, Funky Bitch3

Encore: While My Guitar Gently Weeps3

1 Trey says the band is making an entire album of Dog Logs so they are going to play different versions
2 Lounge style
3 With Warren Haynes
12/12/95 Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI

Set I: Ya Mar, Sample in a Jar, The Divided Sky, A Day in the Life, Punch You in the Eye, The Horse> Silent in the Morning, Run Like An Antelope, I\'m Blue, I\'m Lonesome, Squirming Coil

Set II: Free, Sparkle, Down With Disease> The Lizards, Simple, Runaway Jim

Encore: Fire
12/14/95 Broome County Arena, Binghamton, NY

Set I: Suzy Greenberg, Llama, Foam, Makisupa Policeman, Split Open and Melt, Tela, The Fog That Surrounds, My Sweet One, Frankenstein

Set II: The Curtain, Tweezer> Timber> Tweezer, Keyboard Army, Halley\'s Comet> NICU> Slave to the Traffic Light

Encore: Bold as Love
12/15/95 CoreStates Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA

Set I: Chalkdust Torture, Harry Hood, Wilson, Maze> Ha Ha Ha, Suspicious Minds, Cars Trucks Buses, Bouncing Around the Room, Free> Possum

Set II: Tweezer Reprise, Runaway Jim, It\'s Ice> Bathtub Gin1> Also Sprach Zarathustra> David Bowie, Sweet Adeline

Encore: Good Times Bad Times> Tweezer Reprise

1 Band all switched instruments. Page on bass, Fish on keyboards, Trey on drums and Mike on guitar.
12/16/95 Olympic Center, Lake Placid, NY

Set I: Buried Alive, AC/DC Bag, The Fog That Surrounds, Ya Mar, The Sloth, The Divided Sky, Dog Faced Boy, Julius, Suzy Greenberg

Set II: Sample in a Jar, Reba, Scent of a Mule, Cavern, Mike\'s Song> Simple> Weekapaug Groove, Squirming Coil

Encore: Fire
12/17/95 Olympic Center, Lake Placid, NY

Set I: My Friend My Friend, Poor Heart, A Day in the Life, Run Like An Antelope, The Mango Song, Tube, Stash, The Lizards, Chalkdust Torture

Set II: Bouncing Around the Room, Maze, Free, Also Sprach Zarathustra> Harry Hood, Sparkle, Tweezer1> Tweezer Reprise

Encore: Hello My Baby, Runaway Jim

1 Jam dwindles down to only Page before moving into Reprise
12/28/95 The Centrum, Worcester, MA

Set I: Split Open and Melt, Gumbo, The Curtain, Julius, Guyute, Horn, Rift, Fast Enough For You, Possum

Set II: Timber, Theme from the Bottom, Wilson, Buried Alive, Tweezer, I Didn\'t Know, Uncle Pen, Slave to the Traffic Light

Encore: Fee, Tweezer Reprise
12/29/95 The Centrum, Worcester, MA

Set I: My Friend My Friend, Poor Heart, Down With Disease, The Fog That Surrounds, NICU, Stash, Fluffhead, Llama, Sweet Adeline

Set II: Makisupa Policeman, Cars Trucks Buses, Bathtub Gin> The Real Me> Bathtub Gin, McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters, Big Black Furry Creature from Mars, Bass Duel1> La Grange, Bouncing Around the Room, Fire

Encore: Golgi Apparatus

1 With Jim Stinett, Mike\'s bass teacher
12/30/95 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

Set I: Prince Caspian> Also Sprach Zarathustra, Suzy Greenberg, David Bowie, Simple, It\'s Ice> Kung> It\'s Ice, The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday> Avenu Malkenu> The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday, The Divided Sky, Sample in a Jar

Set II: Ya Mar1, Free, Harry Hood, AC/DC Bag, Lifeboy, Scent of a Mule, Cavern, Run Like An Antelope

Encore: A Day in the Life

1 With Auld Lang Syne tease by Trey
12/31/95 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

Set I: Punch You in the Eye, The Sloth, Reba, Squirming Coil, Maze, Colonel Forbin\'s Ascent> Shine1> Fly Famous Mockingbird, Sparkle, Chalkdust Torture

Set II: Drowned> The Lizards, Axilla, Runaway Jim, Strange Design, Hello My Baby, Mike\'s Song

Set III: Gamehendge Time Factory> Auld Lang Syne> Weekapaug Groove> Sea and Sand, You Enjoy Myself, Sanity, Frankenstein

Encore: Johnny B Goode

1 With Tom Marshall singing
copenhagen 2006 here\'s the sendspace link for radiohead may 2006
« Last Edit: May 14, 2006, 08:38:49 pm by freddiewaht »
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« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2006, 08:55:11 pm »
how long will these be available, especially JGB Fall 1993?
Merge futhermucker just you merge You futhermucker merge merge futhermucker now

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye - Raoul duke - Hunter S. Thompson, Fear&Loathing

Gimme breakfast..................


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« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2006, 10:05:01 pm »
get em while there good.
Radiohead- April 18th 1998 Radio City Music Hall
« Last Edit: May 14, 2006, 10:05:01 pm by freddiewaht »
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« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2006, 09:22:09 am »
hey freddie, how do you burn .rar files onto an audio disk

i was just being lazy, i found my answer, thanks
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 10:18:51 am by derickw »
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

-. --- .-- / - .... .- - ... / -.. .. -.-. -.-


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« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2006, 09:34:37 am »
Holy shit! I clicked on this expecting about 3% of what\'s actually here.
A man who has seen the things I have seen,
experienced the loss and pain I have experienced,
I transcend race, hombre.


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awesome sublime show
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2006, 09:54:46 am »
October 21, 1995
"Fallen Idols"
The Palace
Hollywood, CA

Liberated Bootleg

Conversion:  Original silver cd>EAC (secure songs 1-11, non-secure songs 12-23>FLAC

Quality:  Excellent Soundboard

Disc 1:

1)  Babylon Stone 1:43
2)  We\'re Only Gonnna Die 3:22
3)  Don\'t Push 2:52
4)  Garden Grove > Right 5:30
5)  Saw Red 2:03
6)  Badfish 3:26
7)  All You Need 3:16
8)  Hope 2:39
9)  Crazy Fool 3:59
10) Falling Idols 3:19
11) Caress Me Down 3:55
12) 40 oz to Freedom 2:42
13) Ebin 3:47
14) Let\'s Go Get Stoned 2:21
15) Date Rape 3:36
16) House of Suffering 2:06
17) DJ\'s 2:49
18) I Love My Dog 4:46
19) Pool Shark 2:00
20) Work That We Do 2:38
21) Greatest Hits 3:22
22) Smoke Two Joints 3:28
23) Scarlet Begonias 3:17

A+ Great sound/performance.


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« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2006, 01:08:13 pm »
ARTIST: Wolfmother
TITLE: Wolfmother
LABEL: n/a
BITRATE: VBR/44.1Joint-Stereo
PLAYTIME: 54:33 min
RELEASE DATE: 05-02-2006
RIP DATE: 00-00-0000

Track List
01. Dimension                       04:22
02. White Unicorn                   05:05
03. Woman                           02:56
04. Where Eagles Have Been          05:34
05. Apple Tree                      03:30
06. Joker & the Thief               04:41
07. Colossal                        05:05
08. Mind\'s Eye                      04:54
09. Pyramid                         04:29
10. Witchcraft                      03:25
11. Tales                           03:39
12. Love Train                      03:03
13. Vagabond                        03:50
Traveling Wilburys, Volumes 1 & 3
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 01:08:13 pm by freddiewaht »
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« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2006, 04:26:36 pm »
Just in case some of you don\'t have the time or the hard drive space for a 3.5gb collection of some great jerry material (a lossless copy of this is currently available via btree), i have uploaded my mp3s of the collection to sendspace. all songs are encoded at 192 and tags are in place. this sucker is ready for your mp3 player!


The Garcia Discs

Thanks to Ed Maier for this compilation:

This is an 8 disc set of all Garcia. Mixed with much love using Vegas Pro 3.0. Selections are taken from The Grateful Dead, Reconstruction, Legion of Mary, JGB & Garcia/Grisman. A week straight of late nights went into this mix and a bit of red wine. Many tracks are continuous even though they are from different shows. Thanks to JBL for the inspiration. And above and beyond thanks to Garcia for showing us the way. This is for the people. Enjoy.
Disc One

1 Dancin\' in the Streets >
2 Franklin\'s Tower 10.27.79
3 Here Comes Sunshine 2.23.74
4 Sugaree 6.15.76
5 Mystery Train 9.2.74
6 Finders Keepers 1.17.73
Disc Two

1 China Cat >
2 I Know You Rider 2.24.74
3 Bertha 8.6.71
4 Hard to Handle 8.6.71
5 The Thrill is Gone - Honeymoon Tapes \'92
6 Sitting in Limbo - Honeymoon Tapes \'92
7 Mountains of the Moon 2.27.69
8 Alligator > Jam >
10 Cold Rain and Snow 4.28.71
Disc Three

1 Bird Song 3.29.90
2 Mission in the Rain 12.3.83
3 Rhapsody in Red 12.3.83
4 Eyes > 6.18.74
5 Big River 6.18.74
6 Aiko Aiko 4.16.78
Disc Four

1 Scarlet > Fire 12.30.78
2 Stella Blue 11.17.73
3 Jam >
4 Last Train >
5 After Midnight Dicks Gifts
6 Comes a Time 6.25.91
7 Mr. Charlie 5.3.72
Disc Five

1 Help > Slip > Franklin\'s 9.10.91
2 Don\'t Let Go 3.27.82
3 Terrapin Station 9.3.77
4 Loser 5.26.72
5 Morning Dew 9.18.87
Disc Six

1 St. Stephen >
2 The Eleven 2.27.69
3 Loose Lucy 8.6.74
4 Candyman 2.24.74
5 They Love Each Other 2.21.76
6 Not Fade Away >
7 Wharf Rat 11.6.77
Disc Seven

1 Shakedown 6.30.85
2 Dear Prudence 11.26.88
3 Dark Star >
4 Cumberland 9.27.72
5 Somebody to Love 8.24.91
6 Shining Star 8.24.91
Disc Eight

1 Mississippi Half Step 11.6.77
2 The Wheel 5.7.77
3 Althea 7.19.90
4 Crazy Fingers 6.3.76
5 Foolish Heart 5.7.89
6 That\'s What Love 6.22.79
7 Dixie Down 12.15.74
8 Ripple 10.11.80
9 We Bid You Goodnight 4.29.71

OK, here we have all December 1994 shows, mp3s encoded at 320kbs. All shows are tagged and ready to go. If you want these for archiving or trading, you may want to hit  etree and see what you can find over there. These are perfect if you want them for your mp3 player, to listen to on your PC or if you don\'t have the hard drive space for big FLAC shows. That said, an mp3 encoded at 320 sounds DAMN fine.

I prefer SendSpace as the downloads are now UNLIMITED. Yousendit download links expire after 25 downloads. If you get a message to the effect of "there are no slots available", that does NOT mean that the link has expired. Only a few people can download at a time there. Just try again in a bit. Better yet, just bookmark the thread and come back to it at a time when it is not on the front page of the board.

There are 2 shows in this lot that have been officially released. I am including AUDs of those shows and NOT the officially released material. This leads me to my next concern...

If you have a copy of the December 29 show (an AUD), please post it. All I have (available below) is the majority of the first set. Would love to upgrade that to the full thing. The part of the first set that is available in this thread is encoded at 128 instead of 320. Sorry about that.

Also, the copy of December 1 that I have in this thread is encoded at 192 instead of 320. Sorry about that as well.

OK, here they are. Most shows are split into 2 downloads because they are encoded at 320 and are rather large (about 350mb per show). Some of the 320 shows were able to be uploaded in one file though (sendspace only allows 300mb at a time).

12-01-94 Salem Armory, Salem, OR

1: Sample in a Jar, Uncle Pen, Fast Enough for You, Maze, Guyute, I Didn\'t Know-> Split Open and Melt, Sweet Adeline

2: Peaches en Regalia, Mound, Tweezer*-> Big Black Furry Creature From Mars-> Makisupa Policeman-> NICU > Tweezer-> Jesus Just Left Chicago-> Harry Hood, Golgi Apparatus

E: Sleeping Monkey-> Tweezer Reprise

*With "Norwegian Wood" jam.
12-02-94 Recreation Hall at UC Davis, Davis, CA

Sound Check: Funky Bitch

1: Poor Heart, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Sparkle, Simple-> It\'s Ice, Lizards, Stash, The Squirming Coil

2: Chalk Dust Torture, David Bowie*, Buried Alive*, Julius*, The Landlady*, Gumbo*, Caravan*, Suzy Greenberg*

E: Cavern*

*With the Giant Country Horns (Dave Grippo - alto sax/percussion, Carl Gerhard - trumpet , Michael Ray - trumpet, Peter Apfelbaum - baritone sax/tenor sax/ flute, James Harvey - trombone), who came in at the end of "David Bowie."
12-03-94 Event Center, San Jose, CA

1: Wilson, The Divided Sky, Guelah Papyrus, Scent of a Mule, Run Like an Antelope, Guyute, Sample in a Jar

2: Frankenstein, Suzy Greenberg, Buried Alive, Gumbo, Slave to the Traffic Light, The Landlady, HYHU-> Touch Me-> HYHU, Alumni Blues Jam*, Julius, Cavern

E: Golgi Apparatus

Dave Matthews Band opened. Second set (not encore) with the Giant Country Horns. *Jam based on "Alumni Blues", followed by introductions for the horn section.
12-04-94 Acker Gym, Chico State University, Chico, CA

1: Runaway Jim, Foam, If I Could, Rift, Tweezer, Fee, Mound, Sweet Adeline, Possum

2: Maze, Bouncing Around the Room, Reba, Axilla [Part II]-> You Enjoy Myself, Purple Rain, Good Times Bad Times

E: Sleeping Monkey-> Rocky Top
12-06-94 UCSB Event Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

1: Llama, Mound, Down With Disease, Fluffhead, Jesus Just Left Chicago, Sparkle, Stash, Golgi Apparatus

2: The Curtain-> Sample in a Jar, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Poor Heart, Mike\'s Song-> Simple-> The Mango Song-> Weekapaug Groove, HYHU-> Bike-> HYHU, I\'m Blue I\'m Lonesome*, Foreplay*-> Long Time*, Run Like an Antelope

E: Back in the USSR

12-07-94 Spreckels Theatre, San Diego, CA

1: Peaches en Regalia-> Runaway Jeff, The Sloth, Ya Mar, Split Open and Melt, Guyute, Lifeboy, Chalk Dust Torture

2: Rift, Frankenstein, The Divided Sky, Fee-> Julius, I\'m Blue I\'m Lonesome*, My Long Journey Home*, Amazing Grace*, You Enjoy Myself

E: Cavern

*Acoustic and unamplified.
12-08-94 Spreckels Theatre, San Diego, CA

1: Makisupa Policeman-> Maze, AC/DC Bag, Scent of a Mule, Punch You in the Eye, Simple-> Catapult-> Simple, Lizards, While My Guitar Gently Weeps

2: Possum, My Mind\'s Got a Mind of its Own, Axilla [Part II], Reba, Nellie Cane, Sweet Adeline, David Bowie, Golgi Apparatus

E: The Horse-> Silent in the Morning, Rocky Top
12-09-94 Mesa Amphitheatre, Mesa, AZ

Sound Check: Higher Ground, Frankenstein, The Old Home Place, Funky Bitch

1: Llama, Foam, Guyute, Sparkle-> I Didn\'t Know, It\'s Ice-> If I Could-> Run Like an Antelope

2: Wilson-> Poor Heart-> Tweezer*-> McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters, Julius-> Big Ball Jam, Cracklin\' Rosie, You Enjoy Myself-> Suzy Greenberg

E: I\'m Blue I\'m Lonesome**, Foreplay**-> Long Time**, Tweezer Reprise

*With "Slave to the Traffic Light" jam. **Acoustic
12-10-94 Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA

1: Fee, Rift, Stash, Lizards, Sample in a Jar, The Divided Sky, Lawn Boy, Chalk Dust Torture

2: Simple, Maze, Guyute, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Mike\'s Song-> I Am Hydrogen-> Weekapaug Groove*-> Why Don\'t We Do It in the Road-> HYHU, Poor Heart, Slave to the Traffic Light, Cavern

E: Crew Acknowledgment**, Good Times Bad Times

*Jam at the end develops into a vacuum jam, which segues into a quick "HYHU" into"Why Don\'t We Do It in the Road." **Trey thanks the crew by name, stopping periodically to do a build-up jam; Trey announces that this is a "Chalk Dust Torture" reprise.
12-28-94 Philadelphia Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA

1: Mound, Simple, Julius, Bathtub Gin, Bouncing Around the Room, Axilla II, Reba, Dog Faced Boy, It\'s Ice, Run Like an Antelope

2: Suzy Greenberg, NICU, Mike\'s Song-> The Mango Song-> Weekapaug Groove, Contact, Llama, HYHU-> Love You-> HYHU, The Squirming Coil

E: Bold as Love
12-29-94 Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI

1: Runaway Jim-> Foam, If I Could, Split Open and Melt, The Horse-> Silent in the Morning, Uncle Pen, I Didn\'t Know, Possum

2: Guyute, David Bowie, Halley\'s Comet, Lizards, Cracklin\' Rosie, Good Times Bad Times

E: My Long Journey Home*, Sleeping Monkey

12-30-94a Ed Sullivan Theater, New York, NY

Chalk Dust Torture

Late Show with David Letterman.

12-30-94b Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

1: Wilson-> Rift, AC/DC Bag, Sparkle, Simple, Stash, Fee-> Scent of a Mule, Cavern

2: Sample in a Jar, Poor Heart-> Tweezer, I\'m Blue I\'m Lonesome*, You Enjoy Myself, Purple Rain-> HYHU, Harry Hood, Tweezer Reprise

E: Frankenstein

12-31-94 Boston Garden, Boston, MA

1: Golgi Apparatus, NICU, Run Like an Antelope*, Glide, Mound, Peaches en Regalia, The Divided Sky, Funky Bitch

2: The Old Home Place, Maze, Bouncing Around the Room, Mike\'s Song-> Buffalo Bill-> Mike\'s Song-> Y-Rushalayim Schel Zahav, Weekapaug Groove, Amazing Grace

3: My Sweet One**, Also Sprach Zarathustra-> James Bond Theme#-> Auld Lang Syne-> Tropical Hot Dog Night#-> Chalk Dust Torture, The Horse-> Silent in the Morning, Suzy Greenberg-> Slave to the Traffic Light

E: Simple

*With Tom Marshall. **Cut short. After the interruption, the New Year\'s festivities started. A jumbo hot dog, fries, and drink were lowered to the stage, as if ordered by Fish. Then they rode around in the hot dog while playing "Auld Lang Syne." Confetti, feathers, and ping pong balls were dropped over the crowd. #Played off of a recording.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 04:26:36 pm by freddiewaht »
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« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2006, 06:04:19 pm »
Notorious BIG & Frank Sinatra
1Juicy - New York, New York
2Everyday Struggle - A Day In The Life of a Fool
3Nasty Boy - For Every Man There\'s A Woman
4Come On - My Way of Life
5Interlude - The World We Know (Over & Over)
6Dead Wrong - In My Room (Nancy Sinatra)
7Let\'s Get In On (feat. 2Pac) - Rain In My Heart
8Hypnotize - Little Green Apples
10 Crack Commandments - Fools Rush In
11Runnin/Victory 2004 - A Long Night
12Unfoolish (feat. Ashanti) - Out Beyond The Window


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« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2006, 08:05:53 pm »
System Of A Down - Mezmerize + Hypnotize

Mezmerize (Disc 1)
1.   Soldier Side - Intro
2.   B.Y.O.B.
3.   Revenga
4.   Cigaro
5.   Radio/Video
6.   This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I\'m On This Song
7.   Violent Pornography
8.   Question!
9.   Sad Statue
10.   Old School Hollywood
11.   Lost In Hollywood

Hypnotize (Disc 2)
1.   Attack
2.   Dreaming
3.   Kill Rock \'N Roll
4.   Hypnotize
5.   Stealing Society
6.   Tentative
7.   U-Fig
8.   Holy Mountains
9.   Vicinity Of Obscenity
10.   She\'s Like Heroin
11.   Lonely Day
12.   Soldier Side


Editorial Reviews

Four CD\'s and nearly ten years into their career, System of a Down continue to be the Gilbert and Sullivan of this generation, delivering razor-sharp political commentary via beautiful, quirky melodies and discordant harmonies.

The group has mastered the ability to be both successful and subversive--with 2001\'s Toxicity selling over six million copies and debuting at number one on the Billboard charts, their success in indisputable. As far are their subversive-ness, the lyrical content on Mezmerize is a solid stream of anti-war, anti-corporate and anti-celebrity sentiment. The disc\'s first single proves as beautifully schizophrenic as anything the band has released. "B.Y.O.B." opens with guitarist Daron Malakian\'s rapid-fire riff, then frontman Serj Tankian\'s anti-war screams of "Why do they always send the poor?"; less than a minute later, a nearly-surreal jump to a facetiously perky, beach party chorus that could easily be found on a Britney or Justin record: "Everybody\'s going to the party/have a real good time." Guitarist/co-songwriter Malakian takes increased vocal time on the disc, including the hilarious, size-obsessed "Cigaro" and celeb-slapping "Radio/Video". Witticism aside, musical and lyrical intensity peaks with the operatic "Question!" and the emotional piledriver that is "Sad Statue", the group\'s unflinching statement on war and Lady Liberty.

The only shortcoming of Mezmerize is, quite simply, that it is short. Clocking in at a mere 38 minutes, the reason given is that this release is one-half of a two CD set--with part 2, Hypnotize, expected in late fall 2005. --Denise Sheppard

Closing out the second half of 2005 just as its predecessor, Mezmerize, closed out the first, Hypnotize completes System of a Down\'s finest hour to date. The two albums form a lean and nearly perfect whole that places this Los Angeles collective in league with the likes of Smashing Pumpkins and Pink Floyd. System has created an enduring body of work that challenges conventional notions about the nature of the contemporary rock album. More practically, they have given listeners a fine second act that attacks and attacks hard, inspiring as much headbanging as vintage Metallica and as thought-provoking as the Minutemen and the Dead Kennedys. (Vocalist Serj Tankian\'s barbaric yawp sometimes calls to mind head Kennedy Jello Biafra.)

The album\'s first half features the most brutal, perfect and direct rock ‘n\' roll that\'s come down the old mainstream this year: "Attack," "Kill Rock ‘n\' Roll," "Tentative" and "U-Fig" lead the charge while "Holy Mountains" gracefully moves us toward this epic\'s final challenging moments. Latter tracks such as "She\'s Like Heroin" (Frank Zappa\'s idea of The Three Penny Opera) and "Lonely Day" fail to maintain the intensity heard early on but not don\'t prevent Mesmerize and Hypnotize from coming together as one of the most definitive heavy rock albums of the decade. --Jedd Beaudoin


Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

1. I am Trying to Break Your Heart
2. Kamera
3. Radio Cure
4. War on War
5. Jesus, etc.
6. Ashes of American Flags
7. Heavy Metal Drummer
8. I\'m the Man Who Loves You
9. Pot Kettle Black
10. Poor Places
11. Reservations


Editorial Reviews

Named in honor of the three-word codes used by short-wave radio operators, Wilco\'s fourth album sounds like a late-night broadcast of some weirdly wonderful pop station punctuated by static and the sonic bleed of competing signals. Songs that begin with simple, elegiac grace--"Ashes of American Flags" and "Poor Places"--end in a cathartic squall of distortion. The results can be initially jarring, but it\'s these tracks more than the sturdy jangle pop of "Kamera" or "Heavy Metal Drummer" that demand, and reward, repeated listens. Mixed by studio experimentalist Jim O\'Rourke and produced by the band, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot harkens back to a time when the words "pop" and "sonic adventurism" weren\'t mutually exclusive. The Beatles and Kurt Cobain knew this, and clearly so do Jeff T****y and company. --Keith Moerer

Product Description
11 songs about America that echo and update some of the themes heard on early albums by The Band, Bob Dylan, and Neil Young. Enhanced format features exclusive live footage, band photos, and a trailer for the film \'I Am Trying to Break Your Heart\'. Slipcase. 2002.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 08:23:44 am by davepeck »


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« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2006, 08:24:41 pm »
good stuff folks.
lets put our heads together and make this thread epic.
The Beta Band - Hot Shots II
Bob Dylan-Freewheelin
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 08:24:41 pm by freddiewaht »
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