The crowd was light, but with Pearl Jam rocking the Meadows (I still am wondering how the show was. Though I am sure it was a great time) and DSO a couple of blocks away, it was pretty obvious that we were going to be light attendancewise.......How can you knock anyone for going to see PJ? When was the last time they were in CT? I dont knock the people who went to the show, but I do have a small hatred growing for Eddie Bedder.......
Since Dobson was sick and got to the venue later than expected, I think the sound was pretty good since it was me and the Coda\'s sound guy working the setup (with a couple of calls to Dobson w/ questions). And there were no real technical glitches that I was aware of........
The highlights for me was the Future Peek (fucking JAMMED like no version to date)..... Puppetry was ser per usual and of course the Late/Over was the face owner of the night........Honey Butter as an encore was cool to see....and for those who badmouth Good Things.....If you dont feel anything while listening to Tim sing it and the band play it....You Have NO Soul!
Lets try to get some heads to Mill Street......
Last person I expected to see @ Coda was TerryOB....yet he was there with his birthday entourage.....