I hear ya Leith.
Kinda like a Timmy lead Boomers in a sense but more so with what he is currently doing.
Yeah something that can be promoted and more than a handful of hardcores or Richter Regulars will hear. Something he can take out of Ct. maybe up to NYC.
Tim and any guitar is a great thing but in a format like a trio or somesuch electrified and showcasing his abilities w/ Tim shining.
One reason I would like to see a revolving rythym section.
Something that puts Tim in the forefront w/o worrying abt the other guys in The Breakfast.
Tim is an anomaly in music as is Adrian. In today\'s music world though Guitar rules.
The more Tim is heard in a more accessible format, the better for The Breakfast.
Kinda like spoonfeeding the masses so they can better absorb the full meal when it comes around.