Crystal Bay was surreal indeed, and the crowd in S.F. def. "got it" for the most part- which I feel can easily affect where the music goes. Santa Barbara and Santa Monica are worth a listen to, the songs were performed to a tee, and the recordings sound great. for a Sun/Mon night they def. brough the goods.. little gems everywhere like a GBFBITS>Willie the Pimp >Honeybutter to close out a set in SB and then toss in the ridiculously nasty Eppi2wich second set. Dobz has really learned how to utilize whatever means he can to keep everyone in the mix given the natural acoustics of said venue, as well as keeping the sound loud. (Crisp, clear ChinaCat teases by Jordan during the VT Song night 2 of SF.) Santa Monica was a textbook throwdown- good crowd in rainy LA on a Monday:wah: Episode 1 (Happy) > Honey Butter > Dimension 5 contained an eppi1 that tops any I\'ve ever witnessed- and hearing Honeybutter again a night later didn\'t bum me out at all, they took a slight different route than previously- and those breakdowns, really grab people\'s attention, and are a good segue into different areas of sound w/in the actual composition. can\'t forget the ODB infused SuperflyPhaddy Fat in SB.. I guess all I\'m getting at is that the overall dynamic seemed to be a bit more exploratory and open ended, maybe it\'s something in the air out there perhaps just psygns of much more to come