I think I\'m going to weasel my way out of promo duties for Hot Buttered Rum and steal someone\'s car that day...Gordo, if by the grace of God I make it, can I stay with you?
honestly, i dont know where ill be staying that night (i dont live in the city).. youre welcome to come along for wherever that might be, a hotel might be in order.. ill keep you posted in the coming weeks as to whats going on, i have no idea at the moment. and if you decide to stick around for HBRSB in Lafayette which will cause you to miss this ridiculous event, youre officially an L - 7 - Double - Weeeeeeeenie......
Phaddy is a must.
Rufus is a must.
I also think that Over Exposure can be on that list. This song reminded me a lot of Seven Below for some reason. Ellis on lights at Daniel Street made this song memorable. This tune is going to fun.
i just thought about Over Exposure as a reggae groove too, honestly i dont care what they play as long as their balls are exposed per usual. hope they get a solid hour, i dont know what to expect.