Author Topic: The Acton Jazz Cafe Needs Your Help!  (Read 854 times)


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The Acton Jazz Cafe Needs Your Help!
« on: April 04, 2006, 04:10:33 pm »
If any of you are feeling philanthropic.... the Acton Jazz Cafe is a wonderful intimate place with great sound and friendly, really sweet employees/owner. This has been one of my favorite places for years now (despite a poor beer selection and exorbitant prices :P ) so I\'m doing what I can to try and help them out.

Hello to all friends of AJC. I hope that you have the time to read this.
The fire safety codes have changed for 2006, largely due to the tragic fire in 2003 at The Station Nightclub in Warwick, Rhode Island, in which so many people lost their lives.
An emergency order has been issued stating that all restaurant/ live music venues with occupancies of 50 or higher now must have as their main entrance/ exitways fire-rated double doors with panic hardware installed. We will miss our beautiful carved glass and mahogany door, but this is real and must be done.
The Acton Jazz Cafe has been specifically ordered to comply, and if we do not comply within short order we will certainly lose our operating license.
We received this order from The Town of Acton Building Department on Dec. 31, 2005. Initially our deadline for compliance was Feb. 10. We received an extension until March 15, and another until April 12.
After much research, (thanks especially to artist/ architect King Harvey) we have determined that the expense of acquiring and installing the new fire-rated doors will approach $4000.
Our landlords, The Workers\' Credit Union, have acquired significant expenses of their own as a result of the new codes, since their tenant --AJC-- is a restaurant/ live music venue. The credit union is unable to help us with this emergency, and so it is time (again!) to get creative, and fast! Our operating budget simply cannot support this expense at this time.
Here is my idea of a win-win situation, and I urge everyone to participate in this project.
What can you do?
1.) Buy a gift certificate at AJC for any amount within the next 7 days. We will double the value of your purchase, and issue an additional gift certificate for the same amount to be used at a later visit.
2.) Buy a year-long membership for $125 within 7 days, and enjoy free cover charge here for 1 year.
3.) Simply make a benevolent donation, if you are able!
When the new doors are installed, you will be invited to a private evening wine tasting/ appetizer reception at the cafe featuring some of our finest musical artists, as our way of being able to thank you personally for your help.
During the reception, we will all be tastefully decorating the new doors with signatures, sayings, poetry, drawings--whatever we feel we\'d like to contribute to the long and wonderful history of one of the last true great community live music establishments anywhere.
Please reply to this email, or telephone me here, or better yet, come in anytime during the next week or so, and enjoy our music, our food, our comfortable and intimate atmosphere, and become a part of the solution.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
As ever,
Gwenn Vivian
owner/ manager
The Acton Jazz Cafe
Masturbation in the MFA


  • South Shore BreakfastHead
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The Acton Jazz Cafe Needs Your Help!
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2006, 04:50:33 pm »
been there is a pretty cool place
This isn\'t who it would be if it wasn\'t who it is.

"Part of me suspects that I\'m a loser, and the other part of me thinks I\'m God Almighty. " -John Lennon